I thought that chicks dig the long ball

Fair about impact on your joint, but stopping, starting, turning on skates isn't hard on ligaments and tendons? Especially ankles and knees? The weird angles it creates?

That's not even bringing in the physicality of the sport. Hockey plays back to backs just like NBA and you don't see dudes 'load managing' except goalies.

I mean the league has stepped in saying you need to play X amount of games to win awards it's gotten so bad with guys taking nights off.
Basketball IS 1000x more hard on your joints- Ankles -knees and hips- more than any other major pro sport. Maybe MMA is close - I cant think of anything else. MMA risks - all joints....for knee tho - Jumping randomly in a split second without a programmed route and action is dangerous as all hell _ takes an incredible amount of ability and agility and risk
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I agree that basketball players are a bit more soft, and they tend to have more inflated egos and self worth. But to be fair, basketball also has much more impact on your joints.

Running is much more impactful than skating, and it exponentially increases with all of the jumping.

So chronic injury is higher risk with baketball.

The NBA season is ridiculously long and the games are lengthening for no good reason other than to artificially increasing the final score.
This GUY know his STUFF ^^^^^^^ its a HUGE difference _ BASKETBALL IS HORRIBLE FOR KNEES ( joints)
Totally! I have no other life than doing that. How did you figure me out so easily?

By the way, why get mad about a thread that is labeled as OT and clearly about baseball for the entire time. I don’t get mad that you go to movies or still follow Star Wars.
You can say whatever you want but your a pissy little poster with anger issues - probably stems from being a total nerd who got his ass kicked in school and tries to enact his revenge behind a keyboard

LOL what's with the personal attack?? What do you have against him? You sound small
since ya asked. Its personal and its a retaliatory - He attacked me and my occupation and got personal the other day. Told me to " leave the board you add nothing" because I complained about all the covid and politics talk. Then he belittled my occupation in an attempt to make fun of me. Saying things he would never ever say to me to my face. But really it goes back about 10 years - he don't like me _- I do NOT like him- I dont like him because when he was a moderator he would abuse his power and privilege's and threaten people to kick them off the board and 86 them for no reason other than being on some kind of power trip. I would call him out on it - he didn't like that. Id love to meet him in person and talk it out - face to face
The only thing he knows about sports is what he reads on the internet - His job is -He helps old ladies' with tendinitis from playing too much video poker - if you want to direct your question to someone who actully TRAINS Athletes at all levels including those who get PAID to do their sport _- that would be me
Calm down, personal trainer. You have zero knowledge compared to me! Get off the high horse of thinking you're superior. Seriously. I'm embarrassed for you and the ego you developed from your 'lofty' title... that anyone can get by taking an internet course. Actually, you probably cause more injuries than you're aware of so keep up the good work!

I don't need to share my resume, but I've done my fair share of training and treating professional and Olympic athletes, as well as entertainers you would have known very well, but enjoy doing home health instead. There's more to being a PT than just 'personal training'.
Wow, man. Seriously. How insecure are you to come at me again?
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since ya asked. Its personal and its a retaliatory - He attacked me and my occupation and got personal the other day. Told me to " leave the board you add nothing" because I complained about all the covid and politics talk. Then he belittled my occupation in an attempt to make fun of me. Saying things he would never ever say to me to my face. But really it goes back about 10 years - he don't like me _- I do NOT like him- I dont like him because when he was a moderator he would abuse his power and privilege's and threaten people to kick them off the board and 86 them for no reason other than being on some kind of power trip. I would call him out on it - he didn't like that. Id love to meet him in person and talk it out - face to face
Oh geez. I didn't 86 anyone but you a vendetta for some reason.

You're proving that you add nothing. Keep it up!

I will be blocking you so talk behind my back all you want. Good luck in life. You seriously need it.
Calm down, personal trainer. You have zero knowledge compared to me! Get off the high horse of thinking you're superior. Seriously. I'm embarrassed for you and the ego you developed from your 'lofty' title... that anyone can get by taking an internet course. Actually, you probably cause more injuries than you're aware of so keep up the good work!

I don't need to share my resume, but I've done my fair share of training and treating professional and Olympic athletes, as well as entertainers you would have known very well, but enjoy doing home health instead. There's more to being a PT than just 'personal training'.
Wow, man. Seriously. How insecure are you to come at me again?
listen #2 im just goin to just block you - I have better things to do than get into an internet squabble and pissing contest with a keyboard warrior like you . Enjoy your reign of ruining this message board with your goofy nerdy ass
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Time to shut down this thread
Looney Tunes Nothing To See Here GIF
Almost everything I do in regards to working out now has special floors that give so that you can protect your joints!
The LVAC used to have wooden floors but they cheapened up in their main rooms.

i was kinda pissed that they didn’t keep the floors wooden.

Doing a burpee on them linoleum floors..suicide.
The LVAC used to have wooden floors but they cheapened up in their main rooms.

i was kinda pissed that they didn’t keep the floors wooden.

Doing a burpee on them linoleum floors..suicide.
They are not wooden, but they are composite floors that give better than wood floors and last much longer.
This was so insane I had the check it. Upon further review, I can only assume that Lou banged every voters wife.

He should have been the runaway winner based upon stats.

Absolutely crazy. Then again, I don’t think pitchers should qualify for MVP, they have the Cy. And they don’t play every day.

This was so insane I had the check it. Upon further review, I can only assume that Lou banged every voters wife.

He should have been the runaway winner based upon stats.

Absolutely crazy. Then again, I don’t think pitchers should qualify for MVP, they have the Cy. And they don’t play every day.

View attachment 226
Lou Gehrig was by far the best, but according to everything I have watched or read about him, he was a very mean and ruthless player, but that doesn't change the fact he was miles in front of everyone else!
Lou Gehrig was by far the best, but according to everything I have watched or read about him, he was a very mean and ruthless player, but that doesn't change the fact he was miles in front of everyone else!
I didn’t realize Lou had that reputation. With the heartfelt “today I consider myself to be the luckiest man on the face of earth” speech, just based on that, seems like a lot of humility.

Ty Cobb, on the other hand, he’s the one I remember as having the nastiest reputation.

Are you sure you aren’t mixed up?
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I didn’t realize Lou had that reputation. With the heartfelt “today I consider myself to be the luckiest man on the face of earth” speech, just based on that, seems like a lot of humility.

Ty Cobb, on the other hand, he’s the one I remember as having the nastiest reputation.

Are you sure you aren’t mixed up?
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I’m take the baseball player with a bat vs a ufc player in an actual fight..
Obviously you have never been involved in MMA.
Got it. Hence the term, "fighting chance." It means anyone (i.e., Buster Douglas) can catch lightning in a bottle on a given day. Especially with fighting since we've all done it since we were kids.

By that same logic, maybe the UFC fighter can grip the bat properly, time the pitch, and take one out of the park, since we've all done it since we were kids. I see your logic now!
Got it. Hence the term, "fighting chance." It means anyone (i.e., Buster Douglas) can catch lightning in a bottle on a given day. Especially with fighting since we've all done it since we were kids.

By that same logic, maybe the UFC fighter can grip the bat properly, time the pitch, and take one out of the park, since we've all done it since we were kids. I see your logic now!
I was heavily involved in martial arts which included fighting, training, and teaching at a high level, and the simple fact is there is zero chance that an untrained baseball player will have against a highly trained MMA fighter. You can use logic however you wish, but until you actually get into a ring and fight, you will not have an understanding of the difference in fighting skills from a typical street fight.
I was heavily involved in martial arts which included fighting, training, and teaching at a high level, and the simple fact is there is zero chance that an untrained baseball player will have against a highly trained MMA fighter. You can use logic however you wish, but until you actually get into a ring and fight, you will not have an understanding of the difference in fighting skills from a typical street fight.
Fair enough

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