I keep waiting


National Player of the Year
Gold Member
Mar 10, 2006
for coach Odom to speak directly to the Sluka issue and set the record straight. imo, that’s what leadership and smart PR calls for in these moments when accusations are flying around.

Hard to criticize anything the man has done so far as coach but this is problematic for me. we are getting crushed in the media and makes me wonder if an assistant coach did make a promise we couldn’t keep.

He’s gotta speak up and get his message out in this situation - carefully crafted department, NIL collective and university statements just don’t cut it
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I’d say it would be a HUGE pr mistake to say anything at this point. News cycles have quick turnover. No reason to prolong talks about it. He just needs to coach and call it good.

In the offseason if he’s asked about it, maybe. Right now a statement is full of cons and not many pros.
for coach Odom to speak directly to the Sluka issue and set the record straight. imo, that’s what leadership and smart PR calls for in these moments when accusations are flying around.

Hard to criticize anything the man has done so far as coach but this is problematic for me. we are getting crushed in the media and makes me wonder if an assistant coach did make a promise we couldn’t keep.

He’s gotta speak up and get his message out in this situation - carefully crafted department, NIL collective and university statements just don’t cut it
He can't do that. Doing do would put UNLV potentially in a verbal pay for play violation and investigation where it's one players word vs program. That's why he won't speak directly about it.
Claims of an agreement are the basis for lawsuits. I suspect attorneys are advising UNLV to remain quiet beyond its official statement. Also agree that discussing it at this point only prolongs the talkings heads another day or two. Get to the Fresno game and use as much of this as possible to fuel the team and win the game. Do that and any public discussions switches to “I guess UNLV didn’t need to pay Sluka after all” and hopefully “How about that Hajj kid!”
These last couple games have been trying times for Coach O and UNLV football. The Traitorous 4 departed 2 days before the KU game and Sluka news broke right before FSU game. I hope that they can stay focused once again.
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