Fire Dave Rice Now!

Could he really be fired mid season?
From what I hear, it could be mid season the dismissal... But I really don't know if Miller (suggested as interim HC to me) would be better. I have no idea if Stacey is any better. I always wonder if the grass is greener. I hated watching Kruger at some points. But when I look at OK...I look with pangs of jealousy and what might've could've been. Can you imagine Kruger at the helm of our studs?
It has become painfully obvious that Dave is incapable of taking UNLV back to the promised land or anywhere even in the same hemisphere. So the next question is what does the transition look like?

I doubt that we will see UNLV or the boosters come up with the money for an accomplished coach even if one is available. So we go into a search pattern for the next possible star on the horizon. We also need to give some thought top trying to keep the only redeeming value from the past few years which in a single word is - recruiting.

If this staff truly is responsible for much of that success and the relationships of the existing players is primarily with the assistant coaches then the obvious answer is to: Let CDR go soon, try to keep the staff and choose a successor from the consensus of that staff. 1- HC, 1- AHC.

Do it soon, start a coaching search as a back-up plan. Do it sooner than later before this whole atmosphere is infected with a cancer that kills the body. When I say that I primarily mean the body of the team.

There is so much more that could be said and explained but I think most people at this time already understand but unfortunately politics probably has taken the lead on this subject.
I can tell you that I prefer that he be fired mid-season.

UNLV sends out season renewals before the season ends. As you all know, in a capital society, we vote with our dollars. There is NO WAY I re-up season tickets if Rice is still the HC. I'd be worried that he might be retained.
Rice was never the right hire. He's taken the program downward further each season he's been at UNLV. Nearly all of his players quit, transfer, or leave. He's turned the T&M center into a cheap ticket.
No coach in there right mind is going to come without being able to pick his own staff.
It has become painfully obvious that Dave is incapable of taking UNLV back to the promised land or anywhere even in the same hemisphere. So the next question is what does the transition look like?

I doubt that we will see UNLV or the boosters come up with the money for an accomplished coach even if one is available. So we go into a search pattern for the next possible star on the horizon. We also need to give some thought top trying to keep the only redeeming value from the past few years which in a single word is - recruiting.

If this staff truly is responsible for much of that success and the relationships of the existing players is primarily with the assistant coaches then the obvious answer is to: Let CDR go soon, try to keep the staff and choose a successor from the consensus of that staff. 1- HC, 1- AHC.

Do it soon, start a coaching search as a back-up plan. Do it sooner than later before this whole atmosphere is infected with a cancer that kills the body. When I say that I primarily mean the body of the team.

There is so much more that could be said and explained but I think most people at this time already understand but unfortunately politics probably has taken the lead on this subject.
ome with
What are the benefits of waiting till mid season to let him go instead of right now?

I think the benefits of letting him go sooner than later is, you find out if your players can actually play together and if you have a potential head coach already on your staff.

Plus you let other potential head coaches know that you have a vacancy.

Findlay has a lot of money and so does the Greenspuns, so coming up with the money to get a quality coach shouldn't be a problem. We almost had Rick Pitino and could of had George Carl. UNLV is a very good program for a good head coach to come call his new home.

The longer they wait to remove DR, the more fans will be turned off by the direction of the basketball program is heading.
What are the benefits of waiting till mid season to let him go instead of right now?

I think the benefits of letting him go sooner than later is, you find out if your players can actually play together and if you have a potential head coach already on your staff.

I wouldn't want to see anyone on the staff as head coach next season. No thank you. Get someone who we know can actually coach. Don't want to promote another "assistant coach" to become our head coach. Repeat of rice waiting to happen.
I prefer Ryan Miller over coach good to finish the season.

Cut your losses NOW!!
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No coach in there right mind is going to come without being able to pick his own staff.

ome with

I never said to force a new coach to keep this staff. I said to give this staff a shot first before looking elsewhere.

It might be a plus also if we did end up with a new outside coach if they looked at keeping one or two of these assistants but as always they would need to make that decision.
This game was on the players not Rice. Poor ball protection and no one blocking out on a free throw at the end of the game.

Look, I've been about as supportive of Rice as anyone on this board (except you, I guess). But this was supposed to be the beginning of a different season. The talent-level is enormous. The mix of seniors and underclassmen seemed like it would translate into on-floor leadership. This team would know how to finish.

But instead we're seeing an extension of the past four seasons. The guard-play, with the exception of Jalen Poyser is atrocious. Seagears over-dribbles, fails to find open teammates, and jacks up ill-advised three's at a barely 30% success-rate. Nwamu looks like a line-backer and he plays like one. Charging into trouble and making moronic plays at critical moments. And our best player has inexplicably forgotten how to play.

Up front Ben Carter can always be counted on for hustle, but Zimmermann has played soft. He gets shoved around by players much smaller than himself. DJ Jr provides occasional highlight-reel material, but also plays selfishly at times. Morgan helps on the boards, but he has no offensive game.

All-in-all, while I agree with you that the players should be held accountable for their lackluster play, the ultimate responsibility falls on the shoulders of their leader. Rice has to see what we all see. But he seemingly has no idea how to motivate his players. They were off for 8 days, and beginning MW conference play. They should have been on high-alert. Yet they played like they had somewhere else to be. If the players can't find the energy to operate within the game-plan, then find someone who can. DQ seemed like a breath of fresh-air at the point. Why did he only see 3 minutes of PT?

The coach seems to run his team mostly in a manner which will not offend his players. Seagears and Nwamu may be the ones who should provide leadership, but the reality is that they are both detrimental to the team. Give them the seats at the end of the bench and let Poyser and Cook take their places. But I'm quite certain Rice will never make such a bold move.

good idea and watch all of this year's players transfer and lose all of next year's recruits.

I don't deny that the prospect of losing Rice's extraordinary recruiting ability, and possibly some of the current roster, concerns me. But how many years must we witness superior talent come to town, only to provide mediocre results?

As I stated cat the beginning of this diatribe, I've been one of DR's staunchest supporter. But the time has come to accept reality. He's a nice guy, and he bleeds Rebel-Red. I was desperately rooting for him to have a successful, break-out season. But unfortunately, he obviously lacks the ability to succeed as a head-coach at Division I basketball. A change is necessary…
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Rice is the biggest joke in the Mountain West, this is going to hurt some peoples feelings, but these players are soft, undisciplined and they may be 5 star recruits but they are passive as heck. Losing recruits that Rice recruited may not be a bad thing. Just look who has come and gone. Soft, lazy and they have poor fundamentals, passing is horrible, trying to bounce pass the ball to a 7 footer with 3 guys around him, plain ignorant. Turnovers, missed free throws, no energy, no passion. We would do much better with 3 star recruits who have fundamentals and play smart basketball.

If you look at the Wyoming game, the first 6 minutes they passed it around and got good looks. Once they got a 17 point lead the passing stopped and all the piss poor mistakes and fouls began. They scored 37 points in the last 33 minutes of the game, 20 points in the first 7 minutes. Missed free throws, poor fouls, poor defense.

New Mexico will MOP THEM UP!! Probably by 20. Until next year or whenever they lose that 200 lb. skin tag Rice. I will stop watching, it began in the 2nd half, I couldn't watch this team anymore. I only know the final score because I checked the box scores. UNLV will be lucky to win 7 more games, probably 5 though. FIRE RICE!!! What are you waiting for? Then FIRE the AD the following day.
GEEZ what a joke UNLV has become in Mens BB. Every coach in the conference is laughing Out Loud at this team. I wouldn't doubt if they lost to San Jose State, it wouldn't surprise me.
I never understood the "don't fire him because you will lose recruits" argument. I mean maybe if you have a superstar prospect like Andrew Wiggins or Ben Simmons, but even then it is debatable. Rice has had great recruits, and is likely going to miss the NCAA/NIT for 3 straight years. Who cares who you recruit if they don't win anything when they arrive at unlv? If Rice can't win with the players he has had who have been highly ranked recruits, what makes you think he will all of a sudden win in the future with the next group?
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