$55 million for poaching. The 19-38 is only accurate if there is less than one year or more than one year notice. I think they just lumped things together because they are idiots. The $17 was also
not 100% accurate. There is no $17 million base line in the contract as what it really says is that it's 3 times the most current/recent
annual fiscal year revenue distribution. Since BSU earned more they will pay more. Everyone else will pay based on their revenue which is actually more than the $17 million. It's more variable due the number of NCAA basketball units and any shared bowl revenue. I don't have the contract but I know dollars are variable
annually/ fiscal year.
Edit: @Loyal Coug1 Check your new Pac12 contract. I believe they stole err used the same wording we have in our contract about the 3 times for revenue distribution. I believe seeing that when that contract was posted someplace.