Coach Odom


Rebel Legend
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Coach BO’s salary is currently $1.75 per year which isn’t too bad for a G5 program. In fact, it’s near the top of G5 coaches. But with the signing bonus with the MWC UNLV can now afford to pay Coach BO $3+ mill per year which is lower end P4 football coaches salary. IMO the short term is most important and the retention of Coach BO is critical if UNLV is going to have any shot of a Big 12 invite. The future now!
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Coach BO’s salary is currently $1.75 per year which isn’t too bad for a G5 program. In fact, it’s near the top of G5 coaches. But with the signing bonus with the MWC UNLV can now afford to pay Coach BO $3+ mill per year which is lower end P4 football coaches salary. IMO the short term is most important and the retention of Coach BO is critical UNLV is going to have any shot of a Big 12 invite. The future now!

They 100% need to do it immediately. The future of MWC and UNLV if we are being honest is murky. Not saying he's looking to bounce just for money, but he may be more inclined to with current situation.
I think a hard realty for us to face is, if any of the mid to upper end P4 schools come calling, he's gone. We will be unable to match. Period. That's part of the reason I was kinda hoping for a solid year with a bowl, but not too good. Keep him here another year. We go playoffs though, he's gone.

If the MWC was still intact. I would say UNLV could have been able to hold off poachers. With how things sit I'm not sure that's true anymore.

I look at it like this, with new CFP system it's almost easier for a G5 to get in than a mid Tier P4 school. Take schools like Indiana in BIG10 or PITT in ACC. It's going to be really hard for schools like that to compete with the top of thise conferences. Not impossible but can you see Indiana ever winning the BIG10 outright? Or even putting a good enough season to get an at large? I don't know.

So I think UNLV could have held those schools off or Odom would have stayed because there was a better path at UNLV.

But with all the uncertainty I'm not sure that's true anymore.
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I think a hard realty for us to face is, if any of the mid to upper end P4 schools come calling, he's gone. We will be unable to match. Period. That's part of the reason I was kinda hoping for a solid year with a bowl, but not too good. Keep him here another year. We go playoffs though, he's gone.
I disagree on 2 counts... not that he wont leave but that we cant compete/shouldnt want to be super good
1- He is not chasing the paycheck unlike younger G5 coaches that turn programs into contenders and move along. Hes been there, he was that guy. Had his dream job and they canned him. I take him at his word. They might come calling and true a bunch of money looks very hard to resist, but thats not the only thing he will be looking at if he decides he wants to go to a P4.
2- Wishing that we endure to our history comparison a ok season when we could be aiming for the playoff is not how we should be viewing our program... We dont need him for another year if we have an incredibly good year. Our program is in such a good position that we wont be scraping the barrel for coaches. You dont think the same level of coach as Barry Odom wont be looking at us getting an extra 30 million to invest in the program and almost 2 million more per year in revenue and think that the opportunity would be perfect for them to step into. I mean, hes setting up the next coach on a silver platter if and when he leaves.
I think a hard realty for us to face is, if any of the mid to upper end P4 schools come calling, he's gone. We will be unable to match. Period. That's part of the reason I was kinda hoping for a solid year with a bowl, but not too good. Keep him here another year. We go playoffs though, he's gone.
Generally speaking, I think you’re right. He may be a Chris Petersen type though and only go for certain jobs. He’s already coached in the SEC and has stated he’s happy here. Time will tell I suppose. Increasing his salary/buy out should be a priority though
I disagree on 2 counts... not that he wont leave but that we cant compete/shouldnt want to be super good
1- He is not chasing the paycheck unlike younger G5 coaches that turn programs into contenders and move along. Hes been there, he was that guy. Had his dream job and they canned him. I take him at his word. They might come calling and true a bunch of money looks very hard to resist, but thats not the only thing he will be looking at if he decides he wants to go to a P4.
2- Wishing that we endure to our history comparison a ok season when we could be aiming for the playoff is not how we should be viewing our program... We dont need him for another year if we have an incredibly good year. Our program is in such a good position that we wont be scraping the barrel for coaches. You dont think the same level of coach as Barry Odom wont be looking at us getting an extra 30 million to invest in the program and almost 2 million more per year in revenue and think that the opportunity would be perfect for them to step into. I mean, hes setting up the next coach on a silver platter if and when he leaves.
Your 2nd point is strong and one I can agree with. Point 1 I do not however. If any SEC of B1G school comes knocking, I expect Odom to leave.
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More reason to extend now.
Get him on the hook for 3 mil for as many years that we can stretch it out. That will double his buyout or even more.
It protects us from poaching and I don't think he would mind either. Because only the schools that could afford the buyout would be the ones he would interested in anyway.
Worse case we lose him and we can 20 mil back to go out and get a Patterson or Peterson.
Or he helps us get in the Big 12 and we can raise him even more
I think a hard realty for us to face is, if any of the mid to upper end P4 schools come calling, he's gone. We will be unable to match. Period. That's part of the reason I was kinda hoping for a solid year with a bowl, but not too good. Keep him here another year. We go playoffs though, he's gone.
It can very easily become a Lon type situation. If a bigger school wants him and he’s not firm here, they can get him with ease. We can’t match the big boys.
Totally agree that things need to happen to work towards keeping him here.

That being said it's an illusion to think that will, for sure, provide stability.

This time last year would you have believed that 3 of the Final 4 of the CFP would have new coaches?

Alabama, Washington and Michigan ALL would have called BS on them having new leaders after January. It was an anomaly of course but here they are.
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More reason to extend now.
Get him on the hook for 3 mil for as many years that we can stretch it out. That will double his buyout or even more.
It protects us from poaching and I don't think he would mind either. Because only the schools that could afford the buyout would be the ones he would interested in anyway.
Worse case we lose him and we can 20 mil back to go out and get a Patterson or Peterson.
Or he helps us get in the Big 12 and we can raise him even more
Definitely extend maybe $3.5 and increase the buyout even more.
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Totally agree that things need to happen to work towards keeping him here.

That being said it's an illusion to think that will, for sure, provide stability.

This time last year would you have believed that 3 of the Final 4 of the CFP would have new coaches?

Alabama, Washington and Michigan ALL would have called BS on them having new leaders after January. It was an anomaly of course but here they are.
Those 3 guys all have different reasons. I dunno what that got to do with the price of rice or CBO? Different people, different perspectives.
What I want to know is the $3 millions/year salary, is that with or without incentives figured in? If that is just a base salary, we are in good shape.
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It can very easily become a Lon type situation. If a bigger school wants him and he’s not firm here, they can get him with ease. We can’t match the big boys.
Agree with this. Also another reason for securing several million more from the MWC for sticking around.
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Those 3 guys all have different reasons. I dunno what that got to do with the price of rice or CBO? Different people, different perspectives.
What I want to know is the $3 millions/year salary, is that with or without incentives figured in? If that is just a base salary, we are in good shape.
Basically, even if he signs, don't get comfy. Junk happens. Not a slight towards CBO in the least btw. I'd be just as happy and applauding an extension but it would not change my comfort in the slightest. Having someone else pick up the tab if that did happen would be gravy for our place.
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Basically, even if he signs, don't get comfy. Junk happens. Not a slight towards CBO in the least btw. I'd be just as happy and applauding an extension but it would not change my comfort in the slightest. Having someone else pick up the tab if that did happen would be gravy for our place.
If the program become successful because we have the initial capital to operates and the principles are sound, would you expect other sources of income we may be not accounted for? Like Merchandise for example, bowls incomes, TV revenues..etc
If the program become successful because we have the initial capital to operates and the principles are sound, would you expect other sources of income we may be not accounted for? Like Merchandise for example, bowls incomes, TV revenues..etc

I sure hope so. Would love for this place to join the bigs and be a destination school.
More reason to extend now.
Get him on the hook for 3 mil for as many years that we can stretch it out. That will double his buyout or even more.
It protects us from poaching and I don't think he would mind either. Because only the schools that could afford the buyout would be the ones he would interested in anyway.
Worse case we lose him and we can 20 mil back to go out and get a Patterson or Peterson.
Or he helps us get in the Big 12 and we can raise him even more
Yes. This would be the smart thing to do.

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