Booster Money

Bullmastiff 1

Rebel Legend
Gold Member
Jun 5, 2007
Las Vegas
When Sanchez first was hired we all heard about or read on twitter that there was a strong possibility that the Fertitta family might be behind the hire and offering financial support. Mark Anderson went so far at one point on twitter to post a dollar figure of close to 30 million dollars. Just the rumor of booster money actually got people talking a bit. A lot of folks were on the message boards or comment sections or on twitter saying how much the program needed an influx of money to fix facilities and finally compete.

I am in no way saying that there is not any booster money coming in. I don't know if there is or isn't and I am not insinuating anything one way or another. Also I have no idea if the Fertitta's or anybody else for that matter have or intend to donate to the program. I hope for the health of the program there is money about to come. For the sake of this rant I am going to use the Fertitta's as an example ..

If there actually has been promises of booster money or donations for improved facilities why the cloak and dagger? Again I am not saying it isn't happening. My point is why hide it? Why pretend it doesn't exist?

When coach Sanchez was hired there were questions asked about whether or not the Fertitta family were backing the hire or going to donate money. Tina Kuntzer Murphy lost or mind at the question. At the time I understood, they wanted the hire to feel like they did it on Coach Sanchez' merits and what they thought he could do for the program. At the time I understood it. Now a few months down the road, I think it was the wrong move. I am not saying Coach Sanchez should have been holding up a big cardboard check from the Fertitta's for 20 million dollars. But now looking back what would have been so wrong with the university saying "With Coach Sanchez and his vision and the help of some generous boosters we think UNLV football is about to take a huge step in the right direction" What would have been so wrong with that. Who gives a damn if people initially said the job was bought for him. If it resulted in more wins and better attendance down the road who gives a crap. Wouldn't that have drawn more excitement out of people? Wouldn't that get people talking positively that changes could be on the horizon? Instead it was deny, deny deny and kill some of the momentum that those rumors were generating.

There has been a ton of talk about the potential practice facility and a few other upgrades. It appears this is still on the table but again why all the cloak and dagger garbage. It isn't like Oregon hides the fact Phil Knight dumped millions of dollars into their program. It isn't like T. Boone Pickens at Oklahoma State said "Don't put my name on that stadium" Why not let people know there are really good things happening for the program. Who gives a crap where the money came from.

Let's be Vegas about this type of stuff, and make it big. I can guarantee if there was an article in the paper about XX-Million dollars donated to UNLV football program, there would be the typical group bitching about it and asking why waste the money or put it to better use blah blah blah.But, I think there is a far larger contingent of fence sitters that might think "Wow, they actually are trying to get something done" I think it would generate far more excitement than scorn. I think it would put far more butts in the seats than not saying anything at all or a lot of ifs and buts.

Instead we get article after article of maybe this and maybe that about the stadium. Maybe this or maybe that about the practice facility. Which leads to continued who 'gives a crap then' or 'tell me when something is actually going to happen' from the already dis or uninterested community.

If you are trying to ignite a fan base then damn it, light some fireworks and do something exciting to make a big deal out of it Bring out the big cardboard check with a number and lots of zeroes behind it. Maybe people might come out to the games if they new there was some light at the end of the tunnel, or thought lets see what all the fuss is about. Instead its the same old wait and see this and wait and see that.

We had a freaking Basketball extravaganza at night for a team that was considered a disappointment last year. If I was a football player I wouldn't be happy for the basketball team I would be pissed thinking what about us? If UNLV landed two four star recruits for next year in football would they get their own 'hype night'. Probably not.

Attendance numbers are probably right in line with most years even with the UCLA game here. They will probably mirror years when Wisconsin or BYU came to town. So obviously nothing is changing. What UNLV's plan is to generate community interest is not working. We are Vegas, we need bright lights, and excitement, we need to be wowed. I hate that this is true but it becomes more and more obvious every season I sit in a half full stadium. I am tired of small gains. In a city of a million people getting another 300-400 season ticket holders this year is the smallest of victories. I honestly think if people new there were big things on the horizon they might be more prone to jump on the bandwagon sooner rather than later. Instead its more of the same.

If there is money then damn it flaunt it, talk about it and get it out there. Let's be 'Vegas'. You know what made Tark the icon he is in this town. It wasn't that he was just a great recruiter and coach. He was almost the anti hero. He snubbed his nose at the traditional way of recruiting and building teams, he brought in guys with question marks, he brought in a lot of juco players he snubbed his nose at the NCAA. UNLV was edgy we were almost the 'bad guy' The community embraced him for it. We loved him for it and screw anybody that said something bad about Tark. Let's do it in football, if there is actually big booster money about to come in then lets flaunt it, lets stick it in the faces of Reno and SDSU and other teams in the conference. Let's put pictures of our shiny new practice facility all over the internet. Let Vegas see that the University actually gives a crap and that football does in fact matter.

There are people a lot smarter than me making these calls, but it becomes painfully obvious it is going to take a less traditional approach to fix things.

I have turned away from the idea that this program can be turned around in a conventional manner. Improved coaching and recruiting aren't enough when you are as far down as we are. It's time to try something new.

This is in no way an indictment of Coach Sanchez and his efforts. I love the guy and what he is bringing to the program, I just don't know if it is enough without some outside help, and if the help is there lets embrace it.
It is my fear that Sanchez will start the facility, but then get fired before it is completed/ before he can actually utilize it. TKM said it was time to go all in with the football support. I m not seeing it.
Once the facility is announced/ approved, I expect it to be completed pretty quickly. Look how fast the Baseball Clubhouse is going up. The football building wouldnt be much more of a project and should be able to be completed in a year or so from the start. Sanchez shouldnt be in an danger of being fired any time soon.
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In terms of Big Booster/ Potential Money thats a tough one. Relatively speaking UNLV is a young university and its alumni base while growing still pales in comparison to most around the country. Phil Knight/ Nike had crazy money for years before he started dumping it into Oregon. Jerry Jones only recently put a ton of money into Arkansas and new facilities but he has had the means for decades. Maryland has the Under Armour founder as an alumni and he is just starting to make waves in their program. Money will come but like us people holding the checks want to make sure the university is doing their part as well.

Sanchez and the new direction/emphasis from the Admin have only been in place since December. Between chartered flights, better accommodations on the road, training table, new gear. Not to mention added staff members for Strength/ Conditioning and more Grad Assistant spots,. We also had guys on campus through most the summer and freshman in classes earlier than ever, the backing of Admin looks to be pointed in the right direction. Lets see what gets accomplished this first off-season, that might give us a better idea how vested and motivated the athletic department is to getting Football on the right path.
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It is my fear that Sanchez will start the facility, but then get fired before it is completed/ before he can actually utilize it. TKM said it was time to go all in with the football support. I m not seeing it.

Sanchez' job security is fine I think.

Like I said it isn't that I think or know if there is any booster money. I have no idea. I don't even know if the Fertitta family cares about UNLV football.

I was on board with how they originally handled the questions surrounding any potential booster money. Now in hindsight after seeing how little the Sanchez hire has done to get people in the seats, I think the athletic department butchered the whole thing. I think there was a huge opportunity lost to generate some or more excitement. Sanchez has built a little good will with the improved play on the field and there is the slightest amount of buzz brewing. Now looking back the AD crapped the bed with how its been handled.

Again, love Sanchez and his energy and what he is trying to do. Just think pulling this donkey up the hill is being made tougher instead of easier for him.
I have no inside knowledge but I think the 'cloak and dagger' tactics are employed for a couple reasons. I think TKM and administration want to make sure that they can develop multiple boosters than relying on purely one booster. If you look at other programs, boosting comes from multiple parties (at least the more successful programs unless your last name is Knight). Announcing one massive donor might hinder a grass roots effort to develop sustainable booster base.

Another potential possiblity, that Fertitta isn't going to agree to fund something unless the price tag has been determined. Additionally, maybe he doesn't want to be the only individual on the hook for such a large amount. Who knows? Maybe they (UNLV) has decided, if they are going to make this investment, to go big time. Maybe the cost is in $50M range making that a huge sum for Fertitta to swallow.

Maybe they are waiting for stronger movement toward the new stadium. Maybe after land is acquired in December. Maybe UFC will be involved.

Or maybe they just want to see if Sanchez has what it takes to take this program to the next level. I don't know what Sanchez coaching year Fertitta gave the donations to Gorman. No one wants to invest in questionable leadership. Not to say CTS, but a DI FBS is not highschool. He sure looks the part now, and maybe this is the green light.

I guess when it comes down to it, it's one of two things. Either their is a method to their madness that we don't know about OR the money isn't there. I personally think it's a little of both. I think the Fertitta money was overstated and they just haven't announced the plans because they need to secure more money and most likely because design and budget plans took time to complete. There were no plans prior to December to build a new building. Maybe talk, but I don't plans. Add 6-7 months to complete plans and then maybe some sticker shock.

Like the poster said above, the new baseball complex wasn't unveiled until plans and funding were completed. Construction started pretty quickly after the announcement.

Too many variables to truly understand what's going on. But the questions are going to get louder soon. I think it's goog to happen. I think that last thing TKM and or CTS said a couple months back was planning and funding would be completed within the next 8-10 months. I think we'll hear announcement by December.
Sanchez' job security is fine I think.

Like I said it isn't that I think or know if there is any booster money. I have no idea. I don't even know if the Fertitta family cares about UNLV football.

I was on board with how they originally handled the questions surrounding any potential booster money. Now in hindsight after seeing how little the Sanchez hire has done to get people in the seats, I think the athletic department butchered the whole thing. I think there was a huge opportunity lost to generate some or more excitement. Sanchez has built a little good will with the improved play on the field and there is the slightest amount of buzz brewing. Now looking back the AD crapped the bed with how its been handled.

Again, love Sanchez and his energy and what he is trying to do. Just think pulling this donkey up the hill is being made tougher instead of easier for him.
Bull, what do you think the AD should have done differently (rather than crap the bed)?
Bull, what do you think the AD should have done differently (rather than crap the bed)?
Honestly like I said in that overly long frustrated rant I posted earlier...

Originally I understood the cloak and dagger. Now looking back I view it as a wasted chance to fire some folks up.

Coach Sanchez is great, his energy is infectious. I just don't know if that is enough in a town as apathetic as Las Vegas is towards UNLV to make enough of a difference. I think announcing a huge booster donation and new facilities would have generated more interest and excitement than an extra win or two this year.

Again I hate that it is true but Vegas has to be wowed, at this point. Going from 2 to 4 to 6 wins over a two or three year span is not going to be enough to energize people. Coach Sanchez has gotten people talking especially on twitter with his more open approach to recruiting. Lets do the same thing if there is money coming into the program.

Trust me I was more in your camp in understanding the behind the closed door approach. But after looking at a half empty stadium last weekend and an entirely empty student section it dawned on me that nothing appears to have changed. If it has it is in the most minute of ways.

As for Tina, I thought she dropped the ball on both the Sanchez press conference and the questions about the money, and even more so with her last release concerning the practice facility. If it is happening say it, to hell with the logistics of it. Let the money folk do the money thing behind closed doors, but at least let people know something is in fact being done. Enough with the maybe, nobody cares about maybe especially with this program. You want the average person in Las Vegas to get excited or even interested in UNLV football, you are going to have to give them something tangible, something they can see. Telling them we are still working on a new facility or are looking into financing is just like saying there is no facility. If the money is there show people.

Maybe she is being told to handle things this way I don't know. To the fence sitter or person that pays a little attention to the program but isn't vested in it, it appears we are treading water not swimming to the shore. Unfortunately UNLV and the football program need those exact fans to fill seats. They already have you and I and others like us on this site.

I could be totally wrong in this, but looking back at it, I think a golden opportunity was missed to generate just a little more buzz and excitement around the program.
Sadly, between lack of attention by administration, lack of winning on the field and lackluster approaches by previous coaches to rally the base and community, has slowly dwindled what base remained. You can't just undo 'apathy' by talking or marketing, it's going to take wins.

We all knew it was going to be difficult winning back apathetic fans and development of new ones. We all knew that this season was going to produce another low win season and this wasn't going to be beneficial to maintaining or growing current base. None of this should come as a surprise. A disappointment, yes but not a surprise. UNLV needed to have big win (beyond the cannon) or a winning record for fans to start paying attention again.

I had higher hopes for the excitement and hype to propel attendance into a much more positive increase over last year. It hasn't happened but I'm not going to dwell on it. CTS is making the necessary changes to build a stronger foundation including the creation of a culture which has been sorely missing for a long long time.

It's going to take time. It's going to take recruits. It's going to take facilities. It's going to take money and investment. It's going to take a plan and strong capable leadership. All steps along the path that cannot be completed overnight nor in one season.
Sadly, between lack of attention by administration, lack of winning on the field and lackluster approaches by previous coaches to rally the base and community, has slowly dwindled what base remained. You can't just undo 'apathy' by talking or marketing, it's going to take wins.

We all knew it was going to be difficult winning back apathetic fans and development of new ones. We all knew that this season was going to produce another low win season and this wasn't going to be beneficial to maintaining or growing current base. None of this should come as a surprise. A disappointment, yes but not a surprise. UNLV needed to have big win (beyond the cannon) or a winning record for fans to start paying attention again.

I had higher hopes for the excitement and hype to propel attendance into a much more positive increase over last year. It hasn't happened but I'm not going to dwell on it. CTS is making the necessary changes to build a stronger foundation including the creation of a culture which has been sorely missing for a long long time.

It's going to take time. It's going to take recruits. It's going to take facilities. It's going to take money and investment. It's going to take a plan and strong capable leadership. All steps along the path that cannot be completed overnight nor in one season.

Agree with everything you said, and I think if you have read anything I have posted in the past, I try and keep a positive spin or at least a realistic spin on the state of the program. I have been a season ticket holder for 15+ years and I buy an extra season ticket every year to give away, to try and create new fans. I donate to the RAF as well. Have never missed a home game, and have always found a way to watch, stream, listen to or attend every single Rebel road game in that span. But..

After last week though,looking at a half empty stadium and a completely empty student section my optimism has hit rock bottom.
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Agree with everything you said, and I think if you have read anything I have posted in the past, I try and keep a positive spin or at least a realistic spin on the state of the program. I have been a season ticket holder for 15+ years and I buy an extra season ticket every year give away, to try and create new fans. I donate to the RAF as well. Have never missed a home game, and have always found a way to watch, stream, listen to or attend every single Rebel road game in that span. But..

After last week though,looking at a half empty stadium and a completely empty student section my optimism has hit rock bottom.
I know you do and know you are an ardent supporter. I get even your frustration. We all go through it and all susceptible (even you). I was watching last weeks game and thought the same thing.

It can change. It will change. It's taken 20 plus years but I beleive that UNLV has finally seen the light. They know now that developing academics and athletics (football specifically) are not mutually exclusive propositions.

Just remember that fans are generally the last to jump on board. They'll come around and when they do, it will be great. Don't get caught up in it just keep plugging away and advocating for people to go. No matter what the score board says, every game with the exception of the UCLA second half has been entertaining and fun to watch. You can't say that about the last 7 plus seasons (maybe the bowl year). That's a big accomplishment in less than 10 months time.

Hang in there big fella. The Rebels are in good hands. The administration finally is on board and things will get better for the program. I still predict a nice finish to the season for the Rebels. Maybe they'll end with less than .500 but we are going to see to exciting games in the next 4 weeks. CTS has checked off two of my three expectation boxes for this season. One more to go.
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I know you do and know you are an ardent supporter. I get even your frustration. We all go through it and all susceptible (even you). I was watching last weeks game and thought the same thing.

It can change. It will change. It's taken 20 plus years but I beleive that UNLV has finally seen the light. They know now that developing academics and athletics (football specifically) are not mutually exclusive propositions.

Just remember that fans are generally the last to jump on board. They'll come around and when they do, it will be great. Don't get caught up in it just keep plugging away and advocating for people to go. No matter what the score board says, every game with the exception of the UCLA second half has been entertaining and fun to watch. You can't say that about the last 7 plus seasons (maybe the bowl year). That's a big accomplishment in less than 10 months time.

Hang in there big fella. The Rebels are in good hands. The administration finally is on board and things will get better for the program. I still predict a nice finish to the season for the Rebels. Maybe they'll end with less than .500 but we are going to see to exciting games in the next 4 weeks. CTS has checked off two of my three expectation boxes for this season. One more to go.

Your big fella quote made me laugh a bit. I am sure some of it stems from the Bullmastiff moniker which probably conjures up images of some former football player or something. The reality is, that is an ode to the breed of dog I own. I am 5'11-6'0 180lbs, just an average sized dude.

Back to topic, I agree with everything you are saying. And for the longest time shared your enthusiasm. I agree Coach Sanchez is the right guy. I hope you are right about the rest.
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Your big fella quote made me laugh a bit. I am sure some of it stems from the Bullmastiff moniker which probably conjures up images of some former football player or something. The reality is, that is an ode to the breed of dog I own. I am 5'11-6'0 180lbs, just an average sized dude.

Back to topic, I agree with everything you are saying. And for the longest time shared your enthusiasm. I agree Coach Sanchez is the right guy. I hope you are right about the rest.
More in terms of stature regarding your support. Thanks Bull.
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Why don't you two just exchange numbers already! One of you buy the other drinks and see if there's a connection.

(Like Bull laughed at the "big fella" comment I'm laughing at this smart*** commentary from me. Please know I'm joking).
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In response to the original thread topic, the boosters don't really want it advertised. They're fine with being behind the scenes. Do you think that Hauck had access to a jet or the steakhouses in GVR and Red Rock Casino? That's all part of the new money.
Bull love your passion I was that way when I was living in Vegas however I have moved back to SoCal 3 years ago. I feel your pain I had 8 tickets for football and 3 for basketball a lot of wasted tickets football was rough, mind you these were front row seats in the end zone always got tv face time. I couldn't get people to go and the main reason was not because of SB stadium or lack of game day experience the alumni, RAF tents offered free food and booze plus my friends from out of state could not believe that we serve beer during games they loved it. The main reason for people saying no thank you was we did not put out a competitive product. Getting beat by 30 plus points and constantly being out of the game before half time is a hard sell.

At the beginning of every year I had tickets I could get people out for the first couple of games but once hope was lost no takers this was with free ticket, free booze and eats at the RAF tent no expenses. I understood the outcome was never in doubt we're going to lose the only guys that would come out were my out of state friends that just wanted to check out the scene and most loved it. It was the locals that couldn't be sold.

I disagree with some of your assertions. I understand TKM position re: the Feritta family never pigeon hole someone into giving money. The Feritta family and other donors have control over TKM not the other way around some people don't want the attention or commit to a certain amount publicly in case of unforseen situations that might make for a change in amount and the timing.

Things are getting better I would think you are older so you must know slow and steady always wins the race. In my opinion we are moving very fast with CTS lets take a look:
Cleaned up offices head to toe(don't under estimate that)
Practice sound system and equipment
The new staff especially the workout guys during games he has them pumped up a lot of energy
New field and uniforms social media TS hustling like no other to engage the community loved the trip to the Nellis Air Force Base
Aggressive recruiting, beat Reno

Remember this is the first year once we were out of the running of winning the west I expected to see the drop off. Bottom line once we are no longer double digit dogs and are competitive the fans will come. Give it time first year let him recruit one qb away from filling SBS watch what Zimmerman will do for the crowds of basketball.

Hang in there my friend
Bull love your passion I was that way when I was living in Vegas however I have moved back to SoCal 3 years ago. I feel your pain I had 8 tickets for football and 3 for basketball a lot of wasted tickets football was rough, mind you these were front row seats in the end zone always got tv face time. I couldn't get people to go and the main reason was not because of SB stadium or lack of game day experience the alumni, RAF tents offered free food and booze plus my friends from out of state could not believe that we serve beer during games they loved it. The main reason for people saying no thank you was we did not put out a competitive product. Getting beat by 30 plus points and constantly being out of the game before half time is a hard sell.

At the beginning of every year I had tickets I could get people out for the first couple of games but once hope was lost no takers this was with free ticket, free booze and eats at the RAF tent no expenses. I understood the outcome was never in doubt we're going to lose the only guys that would come out were my out of state friends that just wanted to check out the scene and most loved it. It was the locals that couldn't be sold.

I disagree with some of your assertions. I understand TKM position re: the Feritta family never pigeon hole someone into giving money. The Feritta family and other donors have control over TKM not the other way around some people don't want the attention or commit to a certain amount publicly in case of unforseen situations that might make for a change in amount and the timing.

Things are getting better I would think you are older so you must know slow and steady always wins the race. In my opinion we are moving very fast with CTS lets take a look:
Cleaned up offices head to toe(don't under estimate that)
Practice sound system and equipment
The new staff especially the workout guys during games he has them pumped up a lot of energy
New field and uniforms social media TS hustling like no other to engage the community loved the trip to the Nellis Air Force Base
Aggressive recruiting, beat Reno

Remember this is the first year once we were out of the running of winning the west I expected to see the drop off. Bottom line once we are no longer double digit dogs and are competitive the fans will come. Give it time first year let him recruit one qb away from filling SBS watch what Zimmerman will do for the crowds of basketball.

Hang in there my friend
Not throwing myself off a bridge or anything.I simply don't think they have handled the - is there isn't there booster money very well. I also think the last release about the proposed practice facility generated about as much excitement as a trip to Bed Bath and Beyond. Nothing was definitive nothing screamed change. I have seen publications refer to UNLV as potentially being a sleeping giant. That would include the potential fan base. You can't wake a giant by whispering you gotta yell at it and kick it or light a fire under it.

Coach Sanchez is one guy. He can only do so much. This staff can only do so much. Tina in one breath says the athletic department made money for the first time in years "hey great that is good news", and then in the next she says we are still trying to secure funding for the football facility and have delayed any announcements. And pop goes the balloon.

People don't like grey they like black and white. There is or there isn't. It is all about perception. You are better off saying nothing at all than saying well kinda sorta maybe still looking into it possible announcement in December.

If I am the casual fan and reading that article once I get to the part where it says we are still looking into things, I stop reading. Nothing is interesting about maybe.

We all have to look at this like the average Las Vegas resident and to some degree our student body. You and I and other people plugged into the program see the improvement. But what does the average fan see..

A 2 win team. Couple close losses, a blow out loss or two. News 3 highlights show a typically empty stadium. To the general public absolutely nothing has changed.

Which headline gets more attention:
We have delayed the announcement of a new practice facility until we secure/finalize further financing.


UNLV receives huge donation, new football facility in the works, and should be completed by.........

Its all about perception.

If the money is there then let people know. Instead it looks like UNLV is scuffling for the money and scraping quarters together. That doesn't inspire any type of excitement or sense of change in anybody.

If the Fertitta's or any other booster want to stay out of the limelight and press I get it, be the anonymous booster. Hell I don't care if they say UNLV procured funds from numerous local boosters who are investing X amount of dollars into the football program. Its not pigeon holing anybody if they already agreed to give money.

Again this is my opinion but if there is money there, Tina wasted a good chance to get the typically disinterested fan to take notice that there are changes happening with UNLV football. Instead it appears like nothing has changed a bit. In my opinion you wasted a year instead of taking advantage of it with early news.

We all new the wins and losses were going to be tough. We were not going to win over any new fans or put butts in seats based on our record this year. The general public does not see a difference between 2-3-4-5 wins. A losing record is a losing record is a losing record. They don't see Unlv is playing better or they doubled their win total they see a losing record. Making a big money announcement or a big facility announcement at the start of this year would/could have had people thinking well at least they are trying. Instead we have the perception for this entire season that nothing is in the works and nothing is changing.

Coach Sanchez is doing everything he can to generate support within the community and the student body. Unfortunately he is dealing with a very transient town with a lot of people who do not have strong ties to Las Vegas much less UNLV. He also has to deal with a student body that is one of the older and more non traditional ones in the country.

UNLV is playing a better brand of football this year without a doubt. There have been obvious improvements. Unfortunately nobody knows outside of this circle.
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Things are progressing, they have a conceptual plan and budgets. They are raising funds. The baseball facility took 18 months of planning and fundraising before they announced and broke ground. That was not a single benefactor building. The football facility will dwarf the baseball building.
Last note, I don't expect any booster to blindly give money there obviously need to be plans in place.

My biggest gripe is that Tina almost took a stance of how dare you ruin this day by asking about booster money. The better approach in my opinion would have been 'we are working with some generous folks that agree with UNLV that Coach Sanchez has the ability and vision to turn UNLV football into a winner." "We have some exciting things coming and are in the process of finalizing them.." Leave it at that & let people speculate.
Things are progressing, they have a conceptual plan and budgets. They are raising funds. The baseball facility took 18 months of planning and fundraising before they announced and broke ground. That was not a single benefactor building. The football facility will dwarf the baseball building.

This is precisely what we read in the newspaper article a month or so back.
Essentially project is still in flux and nothing is confirmed. Until the funding is final its like the chupacabra, people have heard about it and there is some evidence that it might exist but nobody is willing to confirm it.

(Before anybody gets upset that post is full of sarcasm)
At a recent football game, I was speaking to a UNLV official associated with recruiting and we got on the topic of the football practice facility. He said he has seen the plans and they were impressive. He said the facility would be among the best in the college ranks and even rival some NFL teams. He said that the recruits are being promised a new practice facility to be completed before practice begins next summer. He said the Fertitas were on board but didn't want to be the first to write a check. I asked Coach Sanchez at the BAR Henderson appearance about the practice facility and he said he expected plans to be finalized and announced in December. As for Coach Sanchez being in it for the long haul, I said to him the fans are worried we won't be able to keep him when he turns the program around. He said he and his coaching staff are dedicated to turning the program around and all have, or are in the process, of buying homes in Vegas/Henderson and want to stay at UNLV for years to come. So it sounds like it is all gonna happen soon, just be patient and have faith.
At a recent football game, I was speaking to a UNLV official associated with recruiting and we got on the topic of the football practice facility. He said he has seen the plans and they were impressive. He said the facility would be among the best in the college ranks and even rival some NFL teams. He said that the recruits are being promised a new practice facility to be completed before practice begins next summer. He said the Fertitas were on board but didn't want to be the first to write a check. I asked Coach Sanchez at the BAR Henderson appearance about the practice facility and he said he expected plans to be finalized and announced in December. As for Coach Sanchez being in it for the long haul, I said to him the fans are worried we won't be able to keep him when he turns the program around. He said he and his coaching staff are dedicated to turning the program around and all have, or are in the process, of buying homes in Vegas/Henderson and want to stay at UNLV for years to come. So it sounds like it is all gonna happen soon, just be patient and have faith.
Now after reading that if I were a casual fan or a long time resident of Las Vegas I would be interested. Tell me more. Could UNLV finally be making a commitment to football.

That has some legs, that gets me wondering what else could be in store. That makes me think there are plans in place to get the program turned around. That might get me wanting to see what this Coach Sanchez guy is about.

Its all about perception and delivery. You put a story or two in the paper like that or on the evening news people start talking. That is what UNLV needs, people outside of the the already established fan base to start taking notice.

You ever thought about working for the UNLV PR department?
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Bull. You are working (as well as most of us) with incomplete information. Maybe the administration or Athletic Director are making a mistake by not pushing or making or taking advantage of a new facility discussion. But maybe they can't. Maybe it would be worse to announce something that never gets built or delayed significantly or value engineered. Maybe your biggest potential benefactors says to hold off until additional people come on board. There are too many reasons of why they have decided to take this strategy.

If Chi is correct about the facility being top in the nation even rivaling some NFL teams, then it's going to have big price tag. It may require more donors. If true, what's better? Wait to announce something amazing that will propel UNLV Football or risk egg on the face. Maybe they can't secure the necessary donations and they have to settle for less. I think it's going to get done. Just depends on what version of it.

I think it's going to be a December announce possibly January. But I would bet it's announced so that UNLV can take advantage of some recruiting.

About being built and completed by next summer, I doubt that highly. They would need to start putting shovels in the ground today and it would still be highly unlikely it would be ready. If they announce December and start construction in January, I think we see it available the following December or January.
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Talking about boosters, it appears UFC is talking naming rights with new MGM Arena. Hope it falls through, then real talks regarding new UNLV stadium will speed up.

Bull. You are working (as well as most of us) with incomplete information. Maybe the administration or Athletic Director are making a mistake by not pushing or making or taking advantage of a new facility discussion. But maybe they can't. Maybe it would be worse to announce something that never gets built or delayed significantly or value engineered. Maybe your biggest potential benefactors says to hold off until additional people come on board. There are too many reasons of why they have decided to take this strategy.

If Chi is correct about the facility being top in the nation even rivaling some NFL teams, then it's going to have big price tag. It may require more donors. If true, what's better? Wait to announce something amazing that will propel UNLV Football or risk egg on the face. Maybe they can't secure the necessary donations and they have to settle for less. I think it's going to get done. Just depends on what version of it.

I think it's going to be a December announce possibly January. But I would bet it's announced so that UNLV can take advantage of some recruiting.

About being built and completed by next summer, I doubt that highly. They would need to start putting shovels in the ground today and it would still be highly unlikely it would be ready. If they announce December and start construction in January, I think we see it available the following December or January.

You are probably right, maybe they have to keep this thing under wraps. At this point until its built it doesn't exist.

If the money was already secured or close to it, it was my opinion they should have been promoting the hell out of it. Maybe they can't, or maybe it's not secured. Who knows. Maybe like you said there was the chance it wouldn't get done and they didn't want to have egg on their face. I totally understand your side and take on the situation.


Maybe one day UNLV will reward football like they did basketball and give them their own hype night a season after nearly finishing last in the conference. If you can do that for basketball you surely can do better for football. (This in no way means I don't think the basketball thing was great, just putting in perspective the obvious disconnect between UNLV/community/student body and the football program)

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