Black Helmets ? More Unis


Retired Number
Aug 14, 2007
Not sure if these are official or just mock ups at this point. But I like the helmet for sure. Current players showing pics of possible gear.

New Era
Here you go!

I think the black helmet would look better with UNLV arched in red lettering. The Hey Reb logo should be secondary. We don't use it enough to be that recognizable.
it will be fun to see which combos and what helmets they truly end up with. I think they are using the Old Jerseys for visits while they have them on hand. Either way fun stuff and this staff knows what gets the players and fans going.

I know like most of you I will have my favorite combo and uni option but the important thing in all this is the kids love this stuff and it helps get their attention.
Was talking to LocoRebel the other day, and his idea for the design on the black matte helmet would be to do a large outlined HeyReb along the way BSU does the bronco on their helmets. It would be red on one end - I'm thinking the front end - and silver or chrome on the other, with a gradient from one to the other. I like that idea.

This post was edited on 1/26 3:14 PM by spudreb
Uniforms and black helmet look good except I'm not a fan of the Hey Reb logo. As someone said earlier a red UNLV logo would look great. I hope we keep our current uniforms as the regular default ones. I really like their traditional look.
I posted on the other uniform thread about a matte black helmet with a gray Hey Reb head much like Boise's Bronco head. Love the new look, but not crazy about the Hey Reb logo.
Originally posted by RunninRebl90:
I'm tired of the arched UNLV logo. Time to go back to the old school musket touting Hey Reb.
+1, The letters are to close for liking! Maybe something like this would look good.



I like the rebel logo as well. I'm over the arched UNLV being the only thing associated with the football program. They're rebels and it's time they start reppin it. The red helmet has the arched unlv this black helmet is sick.
Having the brothers on board has paved the way for new Uni's. They are going to happen. Costs a ton of money for multiple sets, but remember Gorman has had what seems like 8 different Uni combos the last 2 years. New uni's are coming. That is a guarantee. Recruits love Uni's. For some it is the deciding factor between program A and B.
I loved the Red helmets. I would prefer the black helmet be more of a deep steel gray and the black accents on the jerseys be the same gray as our school colors are scarlet and gray, not scarlet and black. It says right on UNLV's official web page under University Identity that "the university's official color is not a matter of preference. The stregnth of our visual identity lies in the consistent use of our official colors".
If we were ever to do gray helmets we should do this steely metal color like Baylor.

This post was edited on 1/26 6:50 PM by rebelworks91
Spoke to Sanchez this evening, and those red alternate jerseys are for real. Didn't know to ask if the helmet with the rebel on the side was actual or not.
We need a helmet specifically for our annual battle with UNR and that helmet needs to emphasize that we are equally a part of the University of Nevada system... I use the HeyReb with NEVADA over it similar to the Wolf Pack logo.

You can talk all the trash you want to UNR fans but nothing gets under their skin nearly as much as when you say "University of Nevada Rebels".

Recruit Parker Baldwin had an in-home visit with Tony Sanchez this evening and afterward tweeted that Sanchez told him there would be 5 or 6 more UNLV alternate uniforms on the way.
Originally posted by BleedRebelRed90:
Recruit Parker Baldwin had an in-home visit with Tony Sanchez this evening and afterward tweeted that Sanchez told him there would be 5 or 6 more UNLV alternate uniforms on the way.
wow thats amazing. They really are doing an Oregon thing. I love it. Some fans might not like big array of different flamboyant uniforms, but the recruits love them. and thats whats important
Reb21 that mock up looks absolutely sick..Seriously if anybody on this site has an in with the athletic department show them that...Those would look sweet. And I don't want anybody complaining about the musket. Tennessee dude shoots one off every game and the West Virginia dude runs around with one as well.

I would love any of the following in script/cursive Las Vegas or Rebels or just to make the Community College of Northern Nevada go nuts NEVADA in either red, grey or a shiny black against the matte black helmets.
One last thought on the uniforms..I am all for having multiple looks and uniforms. My only hope is that we do not go the Oregon route where half the crap they wear does not even represent their school colors. I thought it pretty funny when they played Ohio State there was a sea of green and yellow in the stands but none to be seen on the field. You want to wear all white go ahead but at the least have something in green on the uniform and not just chrome. Same with UNLV you have a black alternate uniform go with red helmets or have something on there that represents the scarlet and gray. (Just my personal preference.)
The muskets aren't coming back, deal with it.

It's one thing to shoot of a blank at a football game, we used to shoot a cannon while several other school do, it's another to have your mascot wielding a firearm as a part of your uniform or school emblem.

The Hey Reb on the black helmuts look fake. I like the idea of a gray outline of the same head instead, though I don't know how I feel about the oversized version with the numbers on the opposite side like Boise has.

I think they should put the HeyReb head at the point of the collar, relatively small on all the unis.

I do like our all gray set up, and wish the basketball team would make an alternate based off the same look. An acutal gray with white to make the gray pop. Our current "gray" basketball unis look dingy white and pretty ugly. Several schools use gray alternates, we actually have gray as an official school color. It would be nice to use it in a way that actually shows the color.
"The muskets aren't coming back, deal with it."

Easy Tiger, I simply was saying I don't see a problem with it and wish we could use it. Was in no way saying I wanted to start a petition for the reintroduction of the musket wielding Hey Reb. And I fail to see how a real person running around firing off a fake musket during a game is any less 'offensive' than a cartoon emblem on a helmet. Honestly the fact we have fallen this far into the world of political correctness stinks. I mean if we are that worried about the violent imagery of Hey Reb holding a musket we should probably reconsider our state logo of Battle Born which brings to mind images of war and violence.

Apologies for the thread jack...And now back to our regularly scheduled thread....
Hey Bullmastiff wasn't trying to be a d1ck, and it wasn't just pointed at you since many ave been clamoring for it.

Personally, I love the old Logo and wish it could come back.

I just don't think it will. Your mascot wielding a firearm as part of your official logo and emblazed on unis is different than he state motto. Especially with the occasional campus shootings that come up in the news.

I think the logo was changed because people were offended and petitioned to change it. I just don't think it's coming back. That's why they roided HeyReb out to make him look intimidating
So lose the musket and put a football under his arm in a pseudo Heisman pose.
UNLV still uses the musket Reb on a lot of their apparel. They don't have a problem taking the money that gear generates, i'm sure.
Originally posted by RunninRebl90:
UNLV still uses the musket Reb on a lot of their apparel. They don't have a problem taking the money that gear generates, i'm sure.
True there is a lot of retro gear out there for sale, and UNLV is getting a piece of those sales. But you are not going to find anything other than the current HeyReb head or roided figure on anything directly associated with the school.
I agree 100% .... I'm fine with alternate uniforms, as I know many players love them, and so do alot of fans. One pet peeve of mine is when alternate uniforms do not have any of the schools main colors included.

Another pet peeve is when schools with very, very, very distinguishable uniforms and logo's start drastically messing around with the uni's and logo's. Schools like Oklahoma, USC, Florida State, Ohio State, Notre Dame, Alabama and Texas. Obviously, this is not an issue at all for UNLV, as many people have no clue what UNLV football uni's look like, and UNLV does not have much in the way of tradition with football. And,

I know not all of the schools mentioned have drastically altered their uniforms, helmets and/or logo's. A few have though, including Notre Dame for some of their "special" games, or whatever term they use. Ohio State has done a very good job of modernizing their look, while staying true to the Scarlet and Grey. At least to me, the schools mentioned above and possibly a few others have logo's, uni's and helmets that are very, very, very distinguishable, and that is part of what makes those programs special.

Also, let's not fool ourselves. While the alternate uniforms are used to help draw in recruits, they are used just as much to try and make $$$$$ for the schools. To make the money, it helps to have a winning program. And, no matter what the uniforms, winning also helps with landing higher caliber athletes/players. In the end, no matter how "sweet" or "sick" the uniforms, it still comes back to wins and losses.

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