Couple of questions.
Are your season tickets balcony? Or lower bowl with the RAF donation?
Reason I ask is this. On the confodential board I wrote a thread about this very topic.
I have lower bowl seats. I cancelled them yesterday. I will end up getting tickets later in balcony seating for this year. This way I still support, but the carnival of fools doesn't get my 1000 dollar RAF donation.I will lose some of the perks of being a RAF member but so be it.
If you have balcony seating wait until the 11th hour to renew. Let them sweat.
I would urge people to email Jessup and Murphy and tell them this charade needs to end.
We can't change our head coach at this point, but we can raise enough of a stink to ensure that Tina is fired or not renewed as our AD.
I do think it would be funny if the entire lower bowl were empty for just the season opener.
Like I said email Jesssup and Murphy. Explain that you are going to withdraw RAF support if change isn't made. Either Jessup fire Tina, or she step down.
I used to have main floor seats but switched to the balcony for a better view, but I do pay an RAF fee as well because they are center court. I will not renew until I see where the program is headed. Still hoping for 11th hour heroics.