Who are the worst bargainers?


Rebel Legend
Gold Member
Aug 13, 2009
Asians, Indians,Jews, Europeans or rich folks? My vote go to the Asians especially Chinese. Headache!
Wow, stereotyping times a bunch. Do you mean worst at driving for bargains, or the most tight fisted?

As far as worst at bargaining, I go for either UNLV at hiring the right coaches or US republican leadship who purposely lose issues to try to get good press they will never get.
I have a coworker and he’s studying to be some radiologist that works with radiation, I dunno..high level stuff at CSN.

he knows this stuff cause he’s going to school.

He says it’s a man made virus. I think he’s f’n right and those Chinese people. They are still being quarantined 11 million in Wuhan.

i’ll Tell you what, they make all our stuff. I try not to hate on them but they killed my Mom. It’s not fair.

as Idiotic as Trump is, he is right.

China Virus. Repeat. Chinese Virus.
Didn’t think so...
Don't worry, you will have a new President bought and paid for by China!
and when it’s all said and done, we’re supposed to pretend this virus didn’t exist.

China is taking over. We’re too peaceful not to go to war with 200,000 Americans dead including my mom.

we can’t boycott, we just have to take it up the ass from these guys.
Until we go to paper ballots with full proof ID that is in person, the elections will be fraudulent. Holland tried the mail in system and has gone to all paper along with some other countries. 14th Amendment be damned, all people that can vote should be able to vote in person not by some phony mail in ballot that may or not be certified by some creative signature reading device. It is TS that if your in a debilitated condition you can't vote, all people will be treated equally in that all people have to vote in person.
Amazing to see a thread that is racist, antisemitic, and batshit crazy all at once but I guess it makes sense.
Until we go to paper ballots with full proof ID that is in person, the elections will be fraudulent. Holland tried the mail in system and has gone to all paper along with some other countries. 14th Amendment be damned, all people that can vote should be able to vote in person not by some phony mail in ballot that may or not be certified by some creative signature reading device. It is TS that if your in a debilitated condition you can't vote, all people will be treated equally in that all people have to vote in person.

[laughing] [roll] [laughing]

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