What type of fan are you..?

Bullmastiff 1

Rebel Legend
Gold Member
Jun 5, 2007
Las Vegas
This isn't a direct basketball post, more about being a fan of sports in general. It's also not meant to be negative to any other posters on here. It was written completely in jest. Also I used the word guy not gal so I apologize in advance for not being gender neutral.

There are 3 basic fans followed by sub divisions. Pick which fan you are and attach appropriate sub division. You can apply as many sub divisions as are applicable to you.

1) Overly optimistic guy. Regardless of how poorly your team does in a game or season you are always finding a silver lining. Your team just got shelled 88-58. Your team lead 8-2 5 minutes into the game. You feel if they could have just kept that intensity and execution up for another 35 minutes they could have won that game.

2) Overly negative guy. Regardless of how well your team plays you absolutely feel this undeniable need to critique and point out the obvious flaws that your team still has. Your team just destroyed another team 88-58 but you point out those same five minutes of that game where they were losing 8-2. You worry about a lack of effort and when they play a real team they will get exposed. Or your team just finished the regular season 12-4 and during the course of the season you uttered the phrase 'We suck' 489 times.

3) Middle of the road guy. You try and see things with some perspective. Your team won 88-58. There were some good things that happened in the game like your team played great defense and they didn't turn the ball over. You did notice that your team did give up some offensive rebounds and that this could be a problem down the road against better opponents. Overall you are happy with the performance.


A) Cliche guy- You throw out gems like 'next man up' despite the fact if the next man up was as good as the guy he was replacing he would be first man up.( But I digress) 'he is a high motor guy', 'he plays with a lot of heart' 'on any given Sunday' 'puncher's chance' etc.

B) Generalization guy- You say or post things like "We got out coached" with absolutely no specifics to back that up. Or 'We can't beat zone defense' without expressing how you think said defense should be broke down. Or "Our coaches didn't make adjustments" despite the fact they probably did, or they just weren't enough.

C) Captain Obvious guy-The Wide receiver on your team just dropped a pass. You yell at the TV or from the stands "Catch the ball" which doesn't help and I am sure he is aware of, you just felt the need to remind him..When watching games with my friends at the bar yelling Catch the Ball will cost you a round of beers. So will yelling 'tackle him' 'run' 'pass the ball' and 'shoot it'. This does not apply to crowds chanting "Defense" in basketball or football.

D) The Ref's guy- It is always the ref's fault that your team lost a game. Your team of course has never gotten away with a penalty or had a questionable call go in their favor.

E) It's all about YOUR team guy.- Your team loses/wins a game. Nothing the other team did really matters. When your team makes shots, its great shooting. When the other team makes shots its poor defense by your team. When your team misses shots, it was horrible or poor shot selection. When the other team misses shots it was great defense by your team. You tend to comment or post or in conversation say things like 'We should have never let them stay in the game like that' or 'We should have beat that team by 30" as if the other team had nothing to say in the matter. Things like talent and heart only apply to your team.

F) Agenda guy...(You can typically pair agenda guy with overly positive or negative guy, but rarely with middle of the road guy) You hate the head coach of your team. You have been telling anybody that will listen he sucks, he is the worst etc. You almost seem as if you don't mind seeing the team you are a 'fan' of lose, just so that you can say 'See I told you he sucks'. On the positive side, you really like the QB of your team. Despite your team boasting a losing record, and your QB posting a 5TD to 15INT stat line, you think he is the guy and just needs more time or weapons. When your team finishes the season 3-13 you point out those three wins as evidence you are right. Despite the fact, that dude was a big part of the 13 losses.

G) Watch the game from other teams perspective guy- (This fan is diametrically opposed to 'Its all about your team guy') Say the other team just pulled off a fake punt. Your first reaction might be "How can we be so stupid to fall for that". Now go to the other side, those fans AREN'T saying "Look how dumb UNLV is they fell for that" They are actually saying how great their execution was on the fake punt or what a great call that was.OR The other team just executed a sweet back door cut that resulted in a dunk. You think "How the hell did we not see that coming" The fans on the other side aren't saying "stupid UNLV can't defend that play" they are saying what a great play or how well it was executed. On the flip side, the other teams QB throws an interception, and you think "What a great play by our defensive back, or look how our pressure forced him into a bad pass." The fans on the other side are saying what an idiot their QB is, not what a great play our defensive back just made. So which side was/is right? Was the QB an idiot or did the defensive back make a great play? (Its a rhetorical question not meant to be answered)

H) It's all about the players/coach guy.- When we win its the players, when we lose its the coach. It can also go the other way. We win because of our great coach, when we lose its because we don't have the players/talent.

I) Myopic Guy- You tell tales of how you used to dominate the glass when you were on the Junior Clippers 9 year old basketball team even though you were the shortest kid on the court. It was about heart and desire and fundamentals. Or how in high school you played with a broken thumb and you weren't even getting paid, you did it for the love of the sport. You can't understand how today's players are so soft.

J) Overreaction guy- Your team is 5 games into a 30 game season and lost their 1st game. You think your teams season is over and this is a sure sign they are terrible. Your team scored a mild upset and you think this is an obvious sign your team is tournament/playoff bound. Your team is losing 5 minutes into a 40 minute basketball game and you are already yelling at the TV 'How are we losing to these guys'

K) Clueless guy- You rock a teams gear, go to bars and cheer for that team but if asked to name more than three players you are stumped. You also typically have no idea what your team does in the off season, including things like the draft or free agency.

L) Bandwagon Guy- Very few will admit to this but here are some examples....If you are a Seahawks 'fan' but don't know who Steve Largent or S. Alexander are, you probably have a seat on the wagon. If you say things like 'I have two favorite teams' you may have a seat on the wagon. If you recently purchased your first ever KC Royals hat you may have a seat on the wagon.

I try to be 3G guy and watch and enjoy my teams with some perspective. I cannot deny that I have on occasion been guilty of C-Captain obvious guy. Many a Steeler's Wide Receiver has benefited from my words of wisdom like Catch the Ball. Antonio Brown wouldn't be one of the top three receivers in the game if not for my urging him to Catch the ball..
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3) Middle of the road guy. You try and see things with some perspective. Your team won 88-58. There were some good things that happened in the game like your team played great defense and they didn't turn the ball over. You did notice that your team did give up some offensive rebounds and that this could be a problem down the road against better opponents. Overall you are happy with the performance.

The subcategories don't fit me at all.
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3) Middle of the road guy. You try and see things with some perspective. Your team won 88-58. There were some good things that happened in the game like your team played great defense and they didn't turn the ball over. You did notice that your team did give up some offensive rebounds and that this could be a problem down the road against better opponents. Overall you are happy with the performance.

The subcategories don't fit me at all.
Not even one? You never busted out a 'catch the ball'
Probably so, but to identify as that guy it would have to be a regular occurrence.I just don;t think any of the subcategories really reflect my fandom. Not that you are incorrect. Those are really spot on for most people.
Probably so, but to identify as that guy it would have to be a regular occurrence.I just don;t think any of the subcategories really reflect my fandom. Not that you are incorrect. Those are really spot on for most people.
Any others I may have missed?
Probably so, but to identify as that guy it would have to be a regular occurrence.I just don;t think any of the subcategories really reflect my fandom. Not that you are incorrect. Those are really spot on for most people.
I probably didn't write up G well enough. Basically it is like 3. You actually understand that sometimes the other teams make plays.
Maybe so. Maybe I am posting my type wrong. #3 is me as a fan as a whole, the subcategories, I do not believe are mutually exclusive. I am a bit of all of them at times. just depends on my mood, the time of day, if I had beer, etc...
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Maybe so. Maybe I am posting my type wrong. #3 is me as a fan as a whole, the subcategories, I do not believe are mutually exclusive. I am a bit of all of them at times. just depends on my mood, the time of day, if I had beer, etc...
Beer is magical like that.
I don't know if it's listed but I'm the type that gets involved during the game and will yell my butt off but when I leave the stadium or turn off the tv my interest can be on another topic. If I'm driving home from the T&M then I'm listening to John and Robert but when I turn off the TV from, say, a Steelers game I think of everything and anything else. I like my teams but I know longer live for them. I see sports as entertainment and I'm obviously very entertained by all things Rebels (especially these boards) but I don't get happier or sadder depending on any outcomes.
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I don't know if it's listed but I'm the type that gets involved during the game and will yell my butt off but when I leave the stadium or turn off the tv my interest can be on another topic. If I'm driving home from the T&M then I'm listening to John and Robert but when I turn off the TV from, say, a Steelers game I think of everything and anything else. I like my teams but I know longer live for them. I see sports as entertainment and I'm obviously very entertained by all things Rebels (especially these boards) but I don't get happier or sadder depending on any outcomes.
So a 3 three.

I will admit, after a Steelers or Rebels loss I usually allow myself a day of mourning.
Definitely a 3, but some bleed into others.

Honestly during games I am a mess. Constantly butterflies in my stomach and on the edge of my seat. Once I calm down I make an effort the think logically.
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Well I live in Washington now and I see a ton of I and L in fact it's hard to tell if there are any Seahawks fans that know the team existed before 2012 ..... Lotta flags out now that they have a winning record
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I am a total sports girl. I LOVE my Chicago Bears, Cubs, Blackhawks and of course my UNLV Rebels. I love going to Chicago or Rebel bars to watch my teams play. During the games, I am a 1. I try to remain positive the whole time but after the game, I am a 3. I know my sports and my teams and will look at them objectively after the game is over. I HATE watching games with #2, negative people who are sure my team can't win. I also hate those who start talking sh*t about my team, especially when they are losing or playing poorly, the J, K, L guys make me crazy especially if they joke with me when my team is losing. Go away or I will kill you. :)
i think i'm 3 with some 2 and have some D (for sure against WSU) & some J. however the J is more towards the negative, i never think we are going to the Final Four, but i sometimes feel we will only beat San Jose State.

i'll add one, M - "Coronary Guy" - this fool, would be okay seeing a ref get punched or slapped once in a while. he also wouldn't mind the coach pulling a Norman Dale and letting the team play 4 on 5 to send a message to slackers. this blithering idiot wanted Rafael Arujo, Nancy Kerriganed on the spot and deported. he also wouldn't have minded seeing someone cheap shot Jammer Fredette. after some time, he realizes some of those probably wouldn't be cool, but at the moment, watch out.

i'm an M, and my craziness lasts for about 24-48 hours. after games, i am usually up at least until 2 AM. heartrate is out of wack. eventually it wears off and i'm partially sane. as you may have noticed, i have posted on the board within those 48 hours and can be a bit sideways, bat sh#t crazy or whatever.

i have other favorite teams in all the sports, but the Rebels to me are unlike any of them. i would sacrifice seasons upon seasons of every other favorite for the Rebels. i will never spend any time on any other fan board. there's only one and everyone else takes a backseat or trunk, but i guess they're still in the car so that's good.
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i think i'm 3 with some 2 and have some D (for sure against WSU) & some J. however the J is more towards the negative, i never think we are going to the Final Four, but i sometimes feel we will only beat San Jose State.

i'll add one, M - "Coronary Guy" - this fool, would be okay seeing a ref get punched or slapped once in a while. he also wouldn't mind the coach pulling a Norman Dale and letting the team play 4 on 5 to send a message to slackers. this blithering idiot wanted Rafael Arujo, Nancy Kerriganed on the spot and deported. he also wouldn't have minded seeing someone cheap shot Jammer Fredette. after some time, he realizes some of those probably wouldn't be cool, but at the moment, watch out.

i'm an M, and my craziness lasts for about 24-48 hours. after games, i am usually up at least until 2 AM. heartrate is out of wack. eventually it wears off and i'm partially sane. as you may have noticed, i have posted on the board within those 48 hours and can be a bit sideways, bat sh#t crazy or whatever.

i have other favorite teams in all the sports, but the Rebels to me are unlike any of them. i would sacrifice seasons upon seasons of every other favorite for the Rebels. i will never spend any time on any other fan board. there's only one and everyone else takes a backseat or trunk, but i guess they're still in the car so that's good.
You might just fit overeaction guy. Ill add wanting to see refs punched in the face to the description.
Dang, I'm all of them! At some times, at least.

I'm also Napoleon and Winnie-the-pooh, so there is that.
C & K.

But I also am the type that loves to make fun of our players and get my jollies off of mistakes.

OMG, Curtis Terry threw the ball at the banana guy . Oh Tony Romo broke his shoulder..again. Manny Pacquiao, stop singing. I am more entertained by bloopers.
The only problem with Sub Division B is, once you start giving in game examples of coaching deficiencies, that's considered heresy in these parts and grounds for perma-ban..Gun to my head, I would consider myself 2-F only b/c of my desire for UNLV to have a good x's and o's/in game coach rather than just an elite recruiter with avg to below avg in game coaching abilities. The caliber of recruiting we've experienced under CDR is something that is here to stay with or w/o him as head coach and that is something I will always be grateful to him for.
Is he going to take the Mendenhall Center with him when/if he leaves? Is he going to take the appeal of living in Las Vegas with him? Is he going to take our history and banner(s) with him when he leaves? Is he going to take our local prospect producing factories that are Findley and Gormon? He is very much responsible for the resurgence and quality of recruits we've seen over the last 3 or 4 years, but to think that it all magically disappears when he leaves seems inaccurate.
Although it is very possible. Lon Kruger, who is a very accomplished coach with excellent pedigree, didn't have those same connections for various reasons. To think it's a given that any UNLV coach automatically gets first dibs at those players is inaccurate.
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Danny Donger has valid points, but if you really look at everything. Rice is light years above what we could ever have.
1st - we don't pay at a high level.
2nd - for any other coach, UNLV would be a stepping stone.
3rd - he's a Rebel.

if (i know, it's a big IF) he is successful, he will not leave unless he's forced out by Maxson Junior.

i am more than willing to let a Rebel run the program over anyone else. obviously not my choice.

oh no, this nice thread has gone into bash Rice / lift Rice.
Is he going to take the Mendenhall Center with him when/if he leaves? Is he going to take the appeal of living in Las Vegas with him? Is he going to take our history and banner(s) with him when he leaves? Is he going to take our local prospect producing factories that are Findley and Gormon? He is very much responsible for the resurgence and quality of recruits we've seen over the last 3 or 4 years, but to think that it all magically disappears when he leaves seems inaccurate.

Not to be confrontational with you at all, but I have history on my side and the Mendenhall was SOLD to these recruits we have now. I am not saying "it will NEVER be" elite recruiting if he left. But to assume this level of recruiting will remain simply because this is Vegas and we have a practice facility is a little obtuse.

You still need a sales man to even sell a Lamborgini. It doesn't sell itself. Just because we have the facilities does not "guarantee" recruits. And we have seen what the alure of Vegas has gotten us on its own.
The only problem with Sub Division B is, once you start giving in game examples of coaching deficiencies, that's considered heresy in these parts and grounds for perma-ban..Gun to my head, I would consider myself 2-F only b/c of my desire for UNLV to have a good x's and o's/in game coach rather than just an elite recruiter with avg to below avg in game coaching abilities. The caliber of recruiting we've experienced under CDR is something that is here to stay with or w/o him as head coach and that is something I will always be grateful to him for.
I think when you have 2 parties with opinions this opposed, the truth probably lies in the middle.

I can't speak for other people but I actually appreciate when a person goes on a message board or in conversation says 'This guy got outcoached' and then goes on to explain why they think that.

It irks me when they make that kind of pronouncement 'He got outcoached' How? 'He didn't make adjustments' What adjustments?

If you say the Sdsu coach outcoached him just explain what he did. Did he switch to man, did he switch to zone? What did he do to gain an advantage. Saying he outcoached him and leaving it at that it adds nothing to a conversation or discussion or debate, and certainly doesn't prove your point.

If you can make a case for something I would have no issue with it. If all you do is parrot what other people say or generalize it's lame. (Not directed at you, just generalization guy.)
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Dave Rice is one of the top-5 (3?) recruiters in College basketball. He is easily the best recruiter in MWC history. There has been plenty of honest critique about his in-game coaching ability, his teaching of fundamentals, but to assume anyone that replaces him will have the same success recruiting is ludicrous.
Is he going to take the Mendenhall Center with him when/if he leaves? Is he going to take the appeal of living in Las Vegas with him? Is he going to take our history and banner(s) with him when he leaves? Is he going to take our local prospect producing factories that are Findley and Gormon? He is very much responsible for the resurgence and quality of recruits we've seen over the last 3 or 4 years, but to think that it all magically disappears when he leaves seems inaccurate.
Well, you can look at the players we got from Findlay and Gorman before Rice and look at the players after Rice. Huge difference between Marcus Lawrence and Stephen Zimmerman. Huge difference between Massamba and Lopez and Vaughn and Bennett.

I'm not saying those avenues couldn't be mined well by another coach - but they weren't previously.
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