What’s up with Boise Trucker U fans?

I don't see an issue with us or any school using and showing rings and hardware to prospective recruits. One thing about athletes in this generation is they will love anything flashy. Rings are obviously flashy. You always put your best foot forward in terms of advertising and marketing yourselves to the players and if its rings, so be it. If its photos of great players from the past, so be it.

Its just like how Boise State still talks about and markets their Fiesta Bowl victory over OU.
I don't see an issue with us or any school using and showing rings and hardware to prospective recruits. One thing about athletes in this generation is they will love anything flashy. Rings are obviously flashy. You always put your best foot forward in terms of advertising and marketing yourselves to the players and if its rings, so be it. If its photos of great players from the past, so be it.

Its just like how Boise State still talks about and markets their Fiesta Bowl victory over OU.
The Fiesta Bowl win over OU was so unexpected by most of the country, as well as even BSU fans. It was such a huge step in the David v Goliath saga of the D1 haves vs have-nots. It was really a prove-it game for all little guys, on top of just being a good, entertaining game. The fact that BSU won two subsequent Fiesta Bowls, vs TCU and AZ, is just kinda... meh. They'll be touting the OU win to the grave.
Unfortunately I agree with the inbreeder truckers in Boise… was weird and I cringed a bit
I guess I didn't pay enough attention, I thought they were rings from his past stops... lol
Agree it's a bit cringe, but it's also something we can show and they can't even show one that says "first round victory"...
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