Unpopular Opinion


Lottery Pick
Mar 28, 2003
I understand the landscape has changed with the portal and high school players, but essentially with the portal we’re hoping to catch lightning in a bottle, year after year, and it hasn’t really worked.

It might not be best, in terms of KK’s timing in year 3, but why not a full youth movement? Bring in 5-6 freshman and have them play significant minutes, preferably as a unit, and whatever portal players we pick up, they need to be serviceable but more seasoned guy that don’t expect to be high minute starters, but good leaders to help foster the youth movement and put in modest minutes. You’ll not get the best talent in the portal with that promise, but that comes with a youth movement.

Why would a class of freshman want to go into the portal after getting a ton of minutes in their first year?

Take the lumps that come with it next year, knowing we’re building on something. I would take it, instead of essentially new rosters every year and generally failing to meet expectations or come anywhere close to “lightning in a bottle..”

Just my take.
Should have done that his first season, it is too late for that now, he won’t get to see the recruits past next year if they don’t win!
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Mostly because he doesn't have a very strong connection at the HS level to recruit there. Also it's 2 years too late, most of us probably would've and definitely thought that should've been the approach to take when he got hired. Bryce deciding to return really threw a wrench in the "build back slow" idea because Kevin felt he had to build a roster around Bryce capable of winning. Then came year 2 turnover including staff, no recruiting class. Now he's forced into win now mode because new boss and pressure from everyone. He took the easy way out at the start and now he's married to the idea of catching lightening in a bottle with transfers.
*and maybe building a roster full of undersized guys who all do the same thing at an average rate wasn't the best idea.
And if they did that most of you would have had a shit fit. The first post would have been he's got a four year plan when he needs to win immediately for the money he's paid. Then when after a couple of years those high school kids want to transfer he'll get the blame for that. People today have no patience. Thank god you weren't around when Tark, Coach K and the majority of coaches first started or there would be no one to coach.
And if they did that most of you would have had a shit fit. The first post would have been he's got a four year plan when he needs to win immediately for the money he's paid. Then when after a couple of years those high school kids want to transfer he'll get the blame for that. People today have no patience. Thank god you weren't around when Tark, Coach K and the majority of coaches first started or there would be no one to coach.
First, This doesn't equate at all. Those were different times in the game as well as where programs started. They recruited differently, players stuck around, etc.
Then lets move into Conjecture of "Coach K and Tark"
a. Tark was an established winner at Long Beach before coming to UNLV and he immediately made UNLV into a winner. There was no "wait and see approach". He simply went out and did what he got hired to do.
b. Coach K- took a few years but then turned Duke(blah) into a national powerhouse that was a perennial top 25 team and NCAA tournament team.
Neither was an assistant coach getting their first shot at coaching a program that has expectations of winning and hasn't had a season worth counting in 10 years. There was a call for patience with KK. When he first got hired, people did expect him to win, but a lot voiced their support of him recruiting a base to build from and falling back on his Dads voice of experience when needed. He was hired in part, to build off an incomplete yet solid base TJO had established that he was a part of for 2 years, yet after he was hired, basically the entire roster turned over. Then it turned over again this past offseason and there is likely going to be yet another large turnover. Thats why there's a lot of disgruntled fans, because clearly the "culture" that he has been part of for 4 years isnt translating in the W/L column while schools, including within the conference changed coaches and are seeing immediately better results.
First, This doesn't equate at all. Those were different times in the game as well as where programs started. They recruited differently, players stuck around, etc.
Then lets move into Conjecture of "Coach K and Tark"
a. Tark was an established winner at Long Beach before coming to UNLV and he immediately made UNLV into a winner. There was no "wait and see approach". He simply went out and did what he got hired to do.
b. Coach K- took a few years but then turned Duke(blah) into a national powerhouse that was a perennial top 25 team and NCAA tournament team.
Neither was an assistant coach getting their first shot at coaching a program that has expectations of winning and hasn't had a season worth counting in 10 years. There was a call for patience with KK. When he first got hired, people did expect him to win, but a lot voiced their support of him recruiting a base to build from and falling back on his Dads voice of experience when needed. He was hired in part, to build off an incomplete yet solid base TJO had established that he was a part of for 2 years, yet after he was hired, basically the entire roster turned over. Then it turned over again this past offseason and there is likely going to be yet another large turnover. Thats why there's a lot of disgruntled fans, because clearly the "culture" that he has been part of for 4 years isnt translating in the W/L column while schools, including within the conference changed coaches and are seeing immediately better results.
Exactly… well said! I think what speaks volumes is the fact that his assistants bolted after one season & rightfully so as they were much better jobs. But Hartman was supposed to be that buffer for him being a long time assistant with a ton of experience and recruiting connections. He was supposed to be here until his opportunity came along for a HC position, but he bolted. So no culture of sticking it out for the staff, the players, and so on. If this was someone that had success elsewhere with something tangible that was being built I think you would see the patience. Right now we are setting up for another complete reset with not a lot of incoming game changers who are already signed on. Kevin is still a great unknown at this point & hasn’t really shown that we are going to progress at a rate that’s needed.

At the same time, going and getting another unknown or unproven guy doesn’t make a whole lot of sense either. I’m sure the conversation will be we have to see something of substance next years or they will move on. They need to win now, It’s sickening to me to see SDSU about to slide into the PAC when that could’ve been UNLV had they had their shit together.
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Exactly… well said! I think what speaks volumes is the fact that his assistants bolted after one season & rightfully so as they were much better jobs. But Hartman was supposed to be that buffer for him being a long time assistant with a ton of experience and recruiting connections. He was supposed to be here until his opportunity came along for a HC position, but he bolted. So no culture of sticking it out for the staff, the players, and so on. If this was someone that had success elsewhere with something tangible that was being built I think you would see the patience. Right now we are setting up for another complete reset with not a lot of incoming game changers who are already signed on. Kevin is still a great unknown at this point & hasn’t really shown that we are going to progress at a rate that’s needed.

At the same time, going and getting another unknown or unproven guy doesn’t make a whole lot of sense either. I’m sure the conversation will be we have to see something of substance next years or they will move on. They need to win now, It’s sickening to me to see SDSU about to slide into the PAC when that could’ve been UNLV had they had their shit together.
It definitely should have been us indeed!
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It definitely should have been us indeed!
With our facilities and the city's tv exposure/marketability this is a no-brainer. SDSU did everything they needed to get consideration by the bigger conferences. We've fumbled, stumbled and bumbled our way to mediocrity and apathy the past 20 years.
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