Whitfield has been criticism a lot by folks within NSHE and around the UNLV community (nothing new for a UNLV Pres it seems), but he does let folks lead when he recognizes he doesn’t have the experience to do so. Simple approach but it can create significant results.It has been fun to go to YouTube and search "UNLV football mullen"...
Lots of national media and regional non west coast media having positive impression and really speaking highly of what UNLV is doing.
We have heard a lot from Whitfield, Harp, and Odom about how important alignment in your ranks is... felt like UNLV had found that for the first time in a couple generations with Odom and seemingly continues it with Mullen.
Whitfield has been criticism a lot by folks within NSHE and around the UNLV community (nothing new for a UNLV Pres it seems), but he does let folks lead when he recognizes he doesn’t have the experience to do so. Simple approach but it can create significant results.