The pandemic is over

If it’s over, then the emergency is over, which means the EUA expires and it has to go through full testing and be fully approved …. And of course, it won’t pass any legitimate muster (you need really funny math that’s easily recognized as fraudulent to make it “work”).

Damage control upcoming, the puppet with mashed potato brains said something he wasn’t supposed to say, again.

I swear we need to put an upper age limit on these things … not only are most of them out of touch just from being old, they’re more out of touch than most fogies because they’ve become extraordinarily wealthy elites (illegally, of course) that have zero clue how common people live day for day. If you need diapers, you shouldn’t qualify for president.
Did you see him speak to the media (I'm assuming) at the guest book signing the day before the Queen's funeral? Although he got through it just fine, you could see the nervousness on Jill's face, hoping he'd not screw up.
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And you still have to wear a mask when entering a hospital, psyche facility or getting a lab draw.
I went to the Dr's office a few weeks ago, and my appt was right after lunch. I walked through the door and both of the ladies behind the counter were just hanging out with no masks on. Pretty soon after I came in (unmasked), they both put their masks on, and then asked me if I had a mask to wear since it's required.

In addition, the masks they were wearing, and the ones they provided, were those cheap paper ones that will let through just about anything but droplets and maybe dust. It's so stupid, and sad that the Dr's offices continue to run with the mask stuff, when they know that they don't do anything.

On top of that, you have to fill out a covid questionnaire before you even go, so that if you have symptoms, you're not supposed to go to the office. So what's the point of the masks if no one coming has any symptoms?

I went to the Dr's office a few weeks ago, and my appt was right after lunch. I walked through the door and both of the ladies behind the counter were just hanging out with no masks on. Pretty soon after I came in (unmasked), they both put their masks on, and then asked me if I had a mask to wear since it's required.

In addition, the masks they were wearing, and the ones they provided, were those cheap paper ones that will let through just about anything but droplets and maybe dust. It's so stupid, and sad that the Dr's offices continue to run with the mask stuff, when they know that they don't do anything.

On top of that, you have to fill out a covid questionnaire before you even go, so that if you have symptoms, you're not supposed to go to the office. So what's the point of the masks if no one coming has any symptoms?


I actually like the mask policy at the doctor's office even if it's the stupid cheap ones. Just being in a waiting room feels more comfortable because the masks will at least catch the droplets when someone is hacking away.

(Maybe not drs office but thinking of my most recent trip to quick care with my daughter for a wrist injury where there are people from all walks of life... )
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I actually like the mask policy at the doctor's office even if it's the stupid cheap ones. Just being in a waiting room feels more comfortable because the masks will at least catch the droplets when someone is hacking away.

(Maybe not drs office but thinking of my most recent trip to quick care with my daughter for a wrist injury where there are people from all walks of life... )
That’s understandable. Some bugs are transmitted by droplets … Covid itself floats on aerosol and remains floating for awhile, very tiny. But for things like TB, other bacterial infections, some respiratory viruses, a mask can work.

The funny thing is “surgeons wear masks”, yes, they do, to prevent themselves from dropping bacterial into a completely sterile site. They wear gloves too, for the same reason. They also scrub down heavily before entering the OR suite.
I actually like the mask policy at the doctor's office even if it's the stupid cheap ones. Just being in a waiting room feels more comfortable because the masks will at least catch the droplets when someone is hacking away.

(Maybe not drs office but thinking of my most recent trip to quick care with my daughter for a wrist injury where there are people from all walks of life... )
But one of the pre-appointment questions was about if you had a cough. If you did, they asked you not to come in. So that shouldn't even be a consideration.
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I actually like the mask policy at the doctor's office even if it's the stupid cheap ones. Just being in a waiting room feels more comfortable because the masks will at least catch the droplets when someone is hacking away.

(Maybe not drs office but thinking of my most recent trip to quick care with my daughter for a wrist injury where there are people from all walks of life... )
An ER or urgent care waiting room is exactly the place you'd want to wear a mask at. I'm a germaphobe as it is. Sitting in a room full off people coughing their lungs out without a mask to wear would give me an anxiety attack.
It’s getting more and more lax ….
I see my shrink on the 22nd. Hopefully
Maybe you guys can stop talking about it then. Just sayin'. 🙃
Maybe you guys can stop talking about it then. Just sayin'. 🙃
Robbie, I’m sorry I made fun of you and your disability you had when you were at Reno. No seriously, it wasn’t cool at the time.

Even though I hate OAsis with all my heart, the lead guy was a talented guy. Are you watching the funeral of queen elizabeth live?
I see my shrink on the 22nd. Hopefully

Robbie, I’m sorry I made fun of you and your disability you had when you were at Reno. No seriously, it wasn’t cool at the time.

Even though I hate OAsis with all my heart, the lead guy was a talented guy. Are you watching the funeral of queen elizabeth live?
I appreciate the joke, but I'm not Robbie. 😂

No worries, I knew what I was getting into when I signed up for Rebel-Net way back in the day. I never took it personally.

I didn't get the chance to watch the funeral live, but her death marks the passing of a generation as Billy Bragg put it. I'm no royalist, but I recognize the significance of her role to many as a sign of stability and longevity in a chaotic world. May she rest in peace.
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Just came back from my 2:30 pm visit with my hot sexy Nubian nurse practioner from midtown psychiatry.

we still have to wear stupid masks. Even when I showed her the 60 minutes clip..
That’s one way in which I do like masks.
I like that I don't have to worry about doing booger checks as much but the bad breath thing is a good pro for masks too. I also shave only once a week now because I can hide my stubble behind a mask.

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