Struggling with this mess...


Conference POY
Mar 15, 2012
Just like everyone else I've been struggling through this unforgivable debacle created by people that have no business running a university or athletic department. I wanted Pitino. Apparently, that was never going to happen. I wanted the splashy hire. The guy who could generate excitement and buzz. When Goatee was hired I was not on board. Then I warmed to the idea of an actual coach coming here and instituting discipline and I slowly warmed up to TTs newest savior. Then, when MMs name was being bandied about I literally yelled "no" in a crowed bar when I read a ticker during a televised sporting event. I even questioned if I gave a crap about UNLV basketball anymore. Then something weird happened. I slowly got on board with the hire. There really isn't a choice. We have to throw all of our pride and passion behind MM or this sh*t show will never end. Stability is the name of the game and if we come off as a fractured mess nobody will ever come here to play (of consequence anyway). All, I am pissed off just like everyone else but here we are. If you don't want to support UNLV basketball anymore that is your choice (and no one would blame you). For now, I'll be cautiously optimistic. A while back a guy was hired to coach UNLV that made me sick. I didn't give him a chance. He proved me wrong. Krueger was his name and obviously we know how that turned out.

Good luck coach and welcome back to Vegas. Win, and you'll have the world on a string. Lose, and you'll be gone in 4 years. Go big or go home.

UNLV Runnin Rebel Basketball-the rebirth? We'll see soon enough...
great post. back in january we were lead to believe that the acting AD was making a move to fire rice as the means to an upgrade. debacle ensues and now we are left with a big question. did it get better, or are we far worse off? can menzies cut it, or could rice have pulled it together? either way, menzies is taking a risk, and you have to commend him for that. the school fouled up big time. hearing that players are considering staying after almost entirely bowing out is already a positive. i guess that depends on whether you believe these guys should just go or not because of the wavering. i couldnt possibly blame any of them for leaving, look at how it all turned out. the department canned their mentors, whom they came to play for, and then didnt communicate with them afterwards (so ive read). that in itself leads to the players believing they are of no importance, we dont care what you think, etc. so yeah, id walk too. as fans, i guess we will have to wait and see if we got played by some shiny keys being dangled in our faces. i feel we were lead on. and honestly, and this is a very unpopular opinion, id rather see rice hang out for another year. but i dont know the truth to his coaching methods. if it is true that offensive, defensive and scouting duties were on a constant rotation, well, i cant say anything good about that. and that says a lot about stability, even beyond player turnover. it would have been nice to see the man get it right. but you are right. menzies is the man, and i have no intentions of giving up on my hometown team. but i have the luxury of not living in vegas and not shelling out the cash to be disappointed. i just hope something good comes together, and that menzies can make it happen without the unqualified idiots getting in his way.

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