Sluka ex-coach.

This did not help things for either side. Makes it more confusing and muddy.

I'll go back to something I suggested when all this broke down.

Let's say Sluka did receive a 'verbal agreement' from a coach for 100k.

He asked for it and because of the whole agent thing it got held up. UNLV/NIL partner would have paid but needed the agent stuff worked out.

Fast forward, is it possible Marion and Odom had made a decision that despite the 3-0 start they were going to make a switch at QB. Informed Sluka of decision. Sluka now says screw that pay me my money or I'm out of here.

Just throwing crap at the wall.
It's never about money, until it is. I think his agent got word from other coaches around asking what it would take to get him to leave UNLV and tried to use it as leverage.
Maybe benching him? Seems like most of the players are happier with the switch.
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Maybe benching him? Seems like most of the players are happier with the switch.
I doubt it, but I guess there was a slight chance that was talked about during the off week. I can only imagine how Marion felt watching his precious being thrown into Mount Doom with Sluka at the helm ('s deep). Frustrated comes to mind.
I'll go back to something I suggested when all this broke down.

Let's say Sluka did receive a 'verbal agreement' from a coach for 100k.

He asked for it and because of the whole agent thing it got held up. UNLV/NIL partner would have paid but needed the agent stuff worked out.

Fast forward, is it possible Marion and Odom had made a decision that despite the 3-0 start they were going to make a switch at QB. Informed Sluka of decision. Sluka now says screw that pay me my money or I'm out of here.

Just throwing crap at the wall.
This is why I thought his verbage in his thank you letter was more about playing time and starting.
I listened to the JMU coaches conversation and none of that makes Sluka look any better... sure, he is loyal and that's great, but he supposedly agreed verbally to a 100k only to get calls for P4 jobs that offered 5 times the verbal for better programs and he still decided his best interest was to commit to UNLV who still hadnt given him a paper NIL contract to go in an compete against another Senior with similar skill set for a starting job? Man, either college at a private university isnt all its cracked up to be or there are some serious holes...
All wings f’n report in!!

Hajj needs to come in on a red carpet from Armenia!!!

What signs would you make for #6 Williams!!
The money angle never made much sense. 100k is peanuts in NIL. The coach turned down the full 100k from Circa.

Things go on BTS that fans have no idea about. Doubt it was about $$$$
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The money angle never made much sense. 100k is peanuts in NIL. The coach turned down the full 100k from Circa.

Things go on BTS that fans have no idea about. Doubt it was about $$$$
Pure speculation, but given the reaction of the players with the departure, there was growing unrest with our all-American play makers being starved of opportunities, and the consensus among the entire team was that the offense could be doing much more (given the options). Despite the winning, it was probably not the most comfortable feeling for Sluka, so he burned it down in an attempt to put the negative spotlight on the program (rather than himself) while perception from those on the outside was that his value is high.

On the flip side, Hajj can totally ball and has a more diverse skill set as a true dual-threat. He has been here longer (since Spring), completely bought in, and built relationships early and often. Tbh, not sure what more he could've done leading up to the opener. Also speculation, but I would bet if there was a silent vote among the team in August as to who they wanted as QB1, it would've been Hajj by a landslide. Not the most comfortable situation for Sluka to arrive to in the summer given that he was promised the job in order to commit. He should be grateful that "certain representation" was honored when he arrived. That representation will allow him to get paid next year by the highest bidder.
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What do you mean by turned down? Did Circa offer to pay, and the coach turned them down because he didn't want Sluka back after he had already quit the team?
That's the rumor. That Derek Stevens offered the $100k and UNLV said no thanks. there are many reasons why they would say no.

1) Its a violation of pay to play

2) They didn't want Sluka

3) The bridge was already burned by the time Stevens came with the dough

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What do you mean by turned down? Did Circa offer to pay, and the coach turned them down because he didn't want Sluka back after he had already quit the team?
The Circa offer came way late in the game. Mostly publicity for Circa, which is what I think White was hinting at with his post game comments...
They rejected it because Sluka had already left the building literally.. there was also the appearance of what that would look like nationally after the story blew up...
Was going to get benched for Hajj?
I think that you may be on to something Bull. Weren't his passing numbers his passing numbers really good at Holy Cross? So, when he became one dimensional at UNLV during the first three games, maybe the coaches told him that they were going to give #2 a try.
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I think that you may be on to something Bull. Weren't his passing numbers his passing numbers really good at Holy Cross? So, when he became one dimensional at UNLV during the first three games, maybe the coaches told him that they were going to give #2 a try.

Nah I don't think that's how it rolled out. Just a theory. They knew who Sluka was. Guy with ability to make tons of plays with his legs and get ball downfield. They knew he wasn't going to be a 60-70% completion guy. (I don't think they expected under 50% either)
Sluka is a dumbass. Overvalued himself.

Everybody who simped for him saying he should get paid.

F’n morons

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