SDSU is gone

They earned it for however long the Pac 12 remains relevant. If we could only manage a bowl game every 4-5 years we might've been joining them. Imagine that, a 6-5 record 1 every 4-5 years.
Look at the bright side. If we remain, we climb a spot! The conference becomes more winnable. Yes!

No, it doesn’t excite me either.
It pisses me off. IF we dont get some kind on inclusion in the next couple years. There is not one thing SDSU has over us (ocean front does not count). Except winning culture and that was easily attainable with the right people in charge.
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UNLV was fckd when they sold out to the PAC12 champ games. That should have been held as the carrot to include UNLV. Want your champ games in Vegas? Put UNLV in the P12. They don't need UNLV for Vegas anymore.
For the regular season they do. We have more appeal than any place in the world. It would reenergize BIG 12 or PAC 12. Everyone that goes on road trips would come to Vegas before anywhere else and everyone that does not go on road trips would be highly more likely to attempt one to come to Vegas. I do agree we should of let them have 1 tournament here and thats it. They already see what the VEGAS effect is. Not including us is narrow minded thinking. More money for us and inclusion would boost everything that we are missing. RECRUITING high talent players. U cant tell me at least half of the teams in those conferences are doing anything but collecting a pay check.
These are sports conferences after all. And we absolutely suck at sports. I’ve all but accepted the fact that we are not getting in any power five conference. If we do, then I’ll be very happy. But when it happens that we don’t I am already set emotionally.
It pisses me off. IF we dont get some kind on inclusion in the next couple years. There is not one thing SDSU has over us (ocean front does not count). Except winning culture and that was easily attainable with the right people in charge.
Like UNR following us around like a puppy dog, we are now also beggars.

We did nothing on our own. We need coattails to ride.
Not allowing Casino money ( im not 100% sure) is a joke. The NCAA uses Vegas for their benefit and once we start hosting regional and final 4 games its only going to get amplified 1000%. they will say wow i cant believe the excitement and buzz of the people going to these games. They already experienced it with the PAC -12 tournament games and the PAC-12 FB championship game. I no i am one of the biggest homers on this site ,but come on people have realize what i am saying is without question is true.
For the regular season they do. We have more appeal than any place in the world. It would reenergize BIG 12 or PAC 12. Everyone that goes on road trips would come to Vegas before anywhere else and everyone that does not go on road trips would be highly more likely to attempt one to come to Vegas.

I'd argue that's probably one of the lowest reasons why UNLV makes for an attractive add. Most P5 schools sell a very limited ticket allotment to visiting fans and the ones that make road trips either have the luxury to attend everywhere (like Big 12 theyre pretty much day drivable), or they're alumni who have relocated to around the other schools. "Road Tripping" to Vegas for a game would just be a cool getaway excuse for some of these fans to have a long weekend.

Ppeaking of NIL money or money to influence the P5 commissioners, The casinos dont care about UNLV's athletic success or failure. They've done just fine without a successful UNLV. Their investors aren't filled with UNLV grads directing their money to the school. As for dangling to carrot- the LVCCA and Board that manages Allegiant Stadium dont care about UNLV either. We gifted them a paycheck regardless of how successful we are. They bring in their own events and the slap UNLV as a partner on the backend because they're contractually obligated to do so.
I'd argue that's probably one of the lowest reasons why UNLV makes for an attractive add. Most P5 schools sell a very limited ticket allotment to visiting fans and the ones that make road trips either have the luxury to attend everywhere (like Big 12 theyre pretty much day drivable), or they're alumni who have relocated to around the other schools. "Road Tripping" to Vegas for a game would just be a cool getaway excuse for some of these fans to have a long weekend.

Ppeaking of NIL money or money to influence the P5 commissioners, The casinos dont care about UNLV's athletic success or failure. They've done just fine without a successful UNLV. Their investors aren't filled with UNLV grads directing their money to the school. As for dangling to carrot- the LVCCA and Board that manages Allegiant Stadium dont care about UNLV either. We gifted them a paycheck regardless of how successful we are. They bring in their own events and the slap UNLV as a partner on the backend because they're contractually obligated to do so.
The road trip allure to P12 schools would be the only reason to add UNLV. It is real for sure, every team's fans will want to come to the UNLV road game. But that's kinda about it. UNLV isn't going to be considered for being UNLV. It will be considered for Las Vegas destination market. Maybe that will be enough, eventually. But I think we already sold ourselves out on that front. I actually think the B12 would be salivating at adding UNLV/LV market and would be a better fit all the way around, including recruiting wise.
The road trip allure to P12 schools would be the only reason to add UNLV. It is real for sure, every team's fans will want to come to the UNLV road game. But that's kinda about it. UNLV isn't going to be considered for being UNLV. It will be considered for Las Vegas destination market. Maybe that will be enough, eventually. But I think we already sold ourselves out on that front. I actually think the B12 would be salivating at adding UNLV/LV market and would be a better fit all the way around, including recruiting wise.
I have been saying this too, the Big 12 would make sense for both sides! The Pac 12 is just a sneeze away from being gone!
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