Robert Kekaula - Hawaii Football


Rebel Legend
Gold Member
Dec 9, 2007
When UNLV plays Hawaii there is a few things I wait for fights, close games and of course a Robert Kekaula called football game. It’s like watching the games in the islands. His classic knowledge of UNLV and Hawaii football history is unrivaled. He would always call Las Vegas the 9th island football game. He loved Las Vegas as much as Honolulu. That island wave voice calling an awesome football game is no more. He passed last weekend. RIP. UNLV vs Hawaii games will never be the same on tv.
When UNLV plays Hawaii there is a few things I wait for fights, close games and of course a Robert Kekaula called football game. It’s like watching the games in the islands. His classic knowledge of UNLV and Hawaii football history is unrivaled. He would always call Las Vegas the 9th island football game. He loved Las Vegas as much as Honolulu. That island wave voice calling an awesome football game is no more. He passed last weekend. RIP. UNLV vs Hawaii games will never be the same on tv.
Great post. Now that I think of it, I'm bummed it took this long to get a post about him here. I was also sad to see UNM and other schools post tributes and best wishes, but not UNLV. Wallington did, but UNLV Athletics and UNLV Football didn't (that I saw). Rivals, sure, but surely there's a tremendous amount of respect and love between the fan bases if you're looking for the typical fan rather than the radicals.
I love it in the stands when there would be a fight at Hawaii games.

you would think with marijuana being legal that their fans would be more chill.

I think it will be quite the opposite.
Isn't he the one that coined the nickname for Lexington Thomas? I think he said "Lightning strikes again!" during his long touchdown runs.

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