Just going through the motions and playing out the string, lots of subs.It's 45 to 7 now, so I could see close to 70 today, total Wipeout. You can see up grade in talent, ISU stinks, but this is how you beat them down and stomp them
Just going through the motions and playing out the string, lots of subs.It's 45 to 7 now, so I could see close to 70 today, total Wipeout. You can see up grade in talent, ISU stinks, but this is how you beat them down and stomp them
Yeah. Do you have Biff’s almanac?44-17.
I think we play a lot of dudes. Get lax by the 4th quarter
Hey, why don't you make like a tree and get out of here.Yeah. Do you have Biff’s almanac?