I'm not asking for guesses as to the who's or the what's.... but without cheating (don't look at other people's answers until you've answered), give me your gut feel or what you envision the number to be. I'm very curious to read people's perception on this.
Now, in a "regular year", a year in which a coaching hire does not have to be made, a year when no "extra" money has to be donated, I'm talking about a run of the mill, here's my regular donation type of donation... This isn't a trick poll. I'm very curious in looking at the perceptions.
Whoever UNLV's biggest booster is (not important for this poll), HOW MUCH do you think that they give annually to basketball? Just focusing on the top donor. And this is what goes above and beyond his ticket package person, this is his/her "extra" money directed completely at the program.
How big do you think that number is?
Now, in a "regular year", a year in which a coaching hire does not have to be made, a year when no "extra" money has to be donated, I'm talking about a run of the mill, here's my regular donation type of donation... This isn't a trick poll. I'm very curious in looking at the perceptions.
Whoever UNLV's biggest booster is (not important for this poll), HOW MUCH do you think that they give annually to basketball? Just focusing on the top donor. And this is what goes above and beyond his ticket package person, this is his/her "extra" money directed completely at the program.
How big do you think that number is?