Washington state is almost a quarter of a billion dollars in the hole. 100 million owed to institution itself (taking money from parking, housing, etc), and another 120 million outside the institution.
Now, I"m not suggesting that deficit spending is necessarily a good model to follow, but at 30 million in debt I'm not concerned at all about the 7 million a year for Mullen and staff as long as they are putting a good product on the field I think those will pay for themselves and the Rebel Up initiative is going to help a lot once it gets fully vested. Hell, Mullen has already increased Season ticket sales over Odom's all time high by almost a thousand and they're saying those gains alone are worth 700k a year once you calculate all the attached spending (parking, concessions, seat license, admission, souvenirs, in-stadium advertising)in raw ticket sales, not tangential profits--my bad.
This article is about as nothing-burger with alarmist clickbait title as you can get. Makes me long for the journalistic integrity of Joe Hawk.