Obviously this situation turned out to be a mess but she wasn't all to blame.
From what I can tell she went down the list of coaches from this site. She tried Pitino, nope. Underworld... Thanks but no thanks.
Dixon fell through because a Power 5 came calling. The Cronin thing was a disaster. Then she pivoted to Beard, who most here were happy with, then another Power 5 came calling.
Now it sounds like she moved to Karl last night. It seems to me she has been on top of a lot of the moves and a lot of the problem is over estimating our appeal to coaches.
From what I heard she had an offer ready to all those guys, or most, and they all said no.
I am not going to say she is blameless because the firing Rice situation, not hiring Stacey for interim, and the longest courting process was for Cronin. There was nobody on here except for maybe one or two people that spoke up about Rice so calling her out for that on here is kind of weak. She screwed up some and was also hit with tons of bad luck.
In the end it was perceived as a shit show so therefore it is. Still, I say a lot on here would have made the same mistakes at the same turns in the road.