Looks like we found our guy!

As long as this guy loves sports and pushes our school into the Pac12 then I'm good. My only issue is that the NSHE is run by reno shit and anybody they push forward is to our detriment. God I wish we could get rid of that piece of shit NSHE board of rejects.
Hope he’s got a great plan for UNLV. We need a strong leader right now with all the massive budget cuts and change coming. He seems to be qualified at least. Here’s his 62 page resume if you’re bored.
From an athletics perspective. I hope he’s big on sports. He spent the majority of his career at Duke and Penn State so he’s been around big athletic programs for basketball and football.
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so he’s been around big athletic programs for basketball and football.
This scares me.

UNLV thinks it is big time in basketball but doesn't seem to be willing to actually walk the walk.

Maybe this guy changes that because he can see what it can do. Maybe it gets worse because he expected to come into a non-dire situation.

Obviously I hope this guy is a big time athletics guy but let's his people work.
What I have seen of football the last couple of years says things are going in the right direction, but we will see with the new leader. The one big negative is he looks like Menzies beard and all! I just hope his hire is a homerun!
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I will give him the benefit of the doubt, like I do on all new hires, and hope they didn't screw up again! Otherwise back to wash, rinse, and repeat!