KG commits.

I laugh but watch he turns into a freaking All-Big 12 player just because UNLV has that kind of luck.
Luck/Coaching whatever you want to call it...

He was a very talented guard who had a sophomore slump in conference play that for whatever reason Kevin couldnt fix or Gilbert didnt want to fix within his own game... Hes still a very talented guard and very solid defender and has the ability to score, whether that makes him a "PG" or a shooting guard at ISU, I wouldnt put it past TJO and going up against the best players in the Country in the Big 12 to turn him into an all-conference player.
Congrats to Iowa State for getting themselves a team-first player that has a high IQ, and the kind of handles all PGs should have.
I’m okay with this one but was not as thrilled when we lost BDJ to Iowa St years back. But then again, at least we could reload with a Derrick Jones Jr and Pat McCaw at that time. Now a days recruiting is a total crap shoot.

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