Juwan Howard raises fist in handshake line


Making UNLV relevent again for locals
May 29, 2001
Michigan-Wisconson scrum in the handshake line

Wow, that’s not a good look. I don’t know how to feel about it. Not used to seeing this from a coach. Well ah hell. Hopefully, he gets a pass from this. Wasn’t too long ago when Coach Cheney went after Coach Cal.
He didn't raise a hand, he threw a punch that connected with another person, which should both be an automatic loss of his job, and he should be in jail. If I punched someone in public, I would be arrested, and the standard should be the same for him.

I don't give free passes for criminals which is the type of behavior that leads to free passes for abuse of players and students which has happened numerous times in the past and only stops after large lawsuits are filed.
And in Russia..Russians being Russians. Head coach punches Assistant