Justin Jackson

Pistol Pete 1

Retired Number
Sep 22, 2008
If there is any chance to get him in this year I think you have to do it. I only watched him play 1 game but came away thoroughly impressed with his size, ball handling, shooting, moving without the ball, passing, creating shots and transition game. I thought he was the best player on the floor. You don't find many guys that good and that big that aren't going to be in the NBA before 4 years of college are up. I believe he would be much farther ahead going head to head in practice every day with the players on our team than playing against high school age guys.
I bet he would get more court time than most are thinking and no I wouldn't consider red shirting him. He will be gone anyway so keep him available and get him in the game every chance you get. Just my thoughts!
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he is awesome. can do and does everything. if he does re-class, there will be some wicked battling for PT....there already will be, but JJ is the real deal and he'll get his.
Anybody know what the deadline would be for him to reclassify?
Wouldnt he need to be cleared by start of classes... Similar to Bennett situation as far as the clearing house goes right?
It is already getting late for him to make a choice and still get cleared in time to enroll and be cleared to play If it doesn't happen over the next few weeks, it probably won't.

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