Fresno State confirmed Big 12 interest


Rebel Legend
May 29, 2001
I am really trying to understand why some schools are a better fit then others.

If true, I don't see how UNLV isn't having the same conversation.

US News and World report has Fresno at 250 and UNLV at 285 of national universities (124 to 146 of publics).
Per Wiki, UNLV endowment is 367m and Fresno is 170m
Athletically, Fresno has better tradition in football and recently has been better... but we anticipate a swing ahead I hope.
Vegas market is 40. Fresno 54.
These days of expansion are fleeting. Opportunities like these don't come along often. Seems like we are again on the outside looking in. Most of you probably remember the days when the WAC didn't even want us.

I'm at the point where I feel we just need a change. The MWC is going to dwindle to nothing as we lose more programs. We need to see if we can get into the AAC and drag Air Force with us. Time to move on.
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These days of expansion are fleeting. Opportunities like these don't come along often. Seems like we are again on the outside looking in. Most of you probably remember the days when the WAC didn't even want us.

I'm at the point where I feel we just need a change. The MWC is going to dwindle to nothing as we lose more programs. We need to see if we can get into the AAC and drag Air Force with us. Time to move on.
Happens every five years or so. I’m all for new scenery. It’s been 20 plus years in this conference now. And we won it the first year, that’s it. I welcome change.

But if our program doesn’t elevate, it doesn’t really matter where we are.
EVERY MWC school has had talks with Big12 and Pac12 "recently." Every one of us is making our case to get out of this putrid conference. Even Reno is trying to get out while not realizing that they stink up the joint.
My Question is Why don't we hear our name being mentioned? Remember this article is about a University President. Where does he stand on the issue.
My Question is Why don't we hear our name being mentioned? Remember this article is about a University President. Where does he stand on the issue.
Spilotro is right. What value do we have other than our media market. We haven't earned an NCAA Tournament paycheck in 10 years. The AD has at least taken the initiative with bringing in better coaches in Football but, he hasn't done anything with basketball. People say we can't afford a new coach but, I would argue we can't afford not to.
As to the President I think his silence tells us everything we need to know. There just isn't interest from the P5 conferences. He isn't going to come out and speak the news nobody wants to hear.
We are closer to a PAC12 invite then some might think.
While it is much more than sports if UNLV can show they are committed to sports and show signs of improvements they will be in. This football season will be huge in UNLV's future and being in the PAC or staying in the MWAC
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The reason we are reading that there's interest in FSU is because their president can't keep it zipped. Anybody with half a brain knows that the Big 12 would be engaging several schools through this process, and UNLV would have to be one of them. As for the PAC, if they lose UO and UW there still might be a reason to go there, but if they lose the four corners schools also, then what is there to "go" to? Wazzu, Ozzu, Cal and Stan? Sounds like a power conference to me. :rolleyes: Those remnants and MWC would have to merge and re-brand as the MOPAC or something like that. Something tells me Stanford would go indy before slumming with us dregs, tho. So it's Big 12 or bust!
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Unfortunately I think it is likely PAC or bust.

Big 12 has taken a good long look at us a few cycles now, and we haven't been close. This is after the Fertitta Complex, Allegiant, the Knights/Raiders, etc.

The only new change is going after Odom and offering the highest salaray in the MW to do it.

Would that be enough? I don't know.

If they can get the four corner schools, they won't take us too.

So I'm guessing it will be a leftover PAC/MW collaboration thing. Hopefully they pick up the best of the rest and we will be in that group. Better than what we have now, but definitely on the outside looking in.
The PAC 12 currently gets $21 mil per program for media rights. They were negotiating for @ $41 per program until USC & UCLA bolted. They are now looking for $ 30 mil per program. I'm sure they already "spent" the $40 mil and are wetting themselves of their "loss".

We currently get $ 4 mil until 2026.

We would dilute the value of their league. No PAC 12 President would allow a group of significantly lower sports-valued schools to come on board and lower their income. Unless we can show we can somehow increase the value of the league why wouldn't they stay the PAC 10?
The PAC 12 currently gets $21 mil per program for media rights. They were negotiating for @ $41 per program until USC & UCLA bolted. They are now looking for $ 30 mil per program. I'm sure they already "spent" the $40 mil and are wetting themselves of their "loss".

We currently get $ 4 mil until 2026.

We would dilute the value of their league. No PAC 12 President would allow a group of significantly lower sports-valued schools to come on board and lower their income. Unless we can show we can somehow increase the value of the league why wouldn't they stay the PAC 10?
I think it's mostly about stability and the football playoffs. I don't remember the details, but I thought that in order to get an auto bid or 2, you needed to have 14 or 16 teams. I could be wrong as I haven't looked into it lately, but I thought that was what they were going towards.
The PAC 12 currently gets $21 mil per program for media rights. They were negotiating for @ $41 per program until USC & UCLA bolted. They are now looking for $ 30 mil per program. I'm sure they already "spent" the $40 mil and are wetting themselves of their "loss".

We currently get $ 4 mil until 2026.

We would dilute the value of their league. No PAC 12 President would allow a group of significantly lower sports-valued schools to come on board and lower their income. Unless we can show we can somehow increase the value of the league why wouldn't they stay the PAC 10?
Good point. Only reason I can think would be the pac 12 needs more teams if they lose the four corner schools as well as UCLA and USC. Every conference is expanding and the pac-12 contracting is a problem.
My Question is Why don't we hear our name being mentioned? Remember this article is about a University President. Where does he stand on the issue.
Because we've been in discussions with them for around 8-10 years and they know us, they know the University and were working towards their targets that put us into a position for them to go back to their boards with... Fresno doesn't want to get left behind so their department is leaking everywhere in hopes that someone gets anxious...
And the 4 corners schools too!
It's all $$. If the P 12 gets a good media contract that equals or approaches the Bic 12, nobody is going anywhere. You are right, however, the PAC has big trouble if their media money drops way below the going rate. University Presidents could care less about anything but money.
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We are closer to a PAC12 invite then some might think.
While it is much more than sports if UNLV can show they are committed to sports and show signs of improvements they will be in. This football season will be huge in UNLV's future and being in the PAC or staying in the MWAC
Football is definitely key if Odom turns it around then two seasons from now we are much more attractive. That said the PAC is going to become the MWC all over again once Oregon and WA leave.
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Football is definitely key if Odom turns it around then two seasons from now we are much more attractive. That said the PAC is going to become the MWC all over again once Oregon and WA leave.
I agree that a good, bowl season for UNLV could be impactful. I think UNLV putting the money and resources to a legit SEC coach gets some attention on its own, but seeing immediate impact from that hire will drive that home that much further.

Hopefully too much movement does not happen this summer and we miss the realignment window.
I agree that a good, bowl season for UNLV could be impactful. I think UNLV putting the money and resources to a legit SEC coach gets some attention on its own, but seeing immediate impact from that hire will drive that home that much further.

Hopefully too much movement does not happen this summer and we miss the realignment window.
Agreed, unless we go along for the ride because a conference wants access to the LV market.
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