

Bench warmer
Feb 26, 2005
Twelfth seat if I'm lucky

It looks like the original covid thread was deleted. So, let’s talk about Guillian-Barre.

I did my thesis/final case study on GBS. It’s serious and debilitating. I know that it’s only words on paper to most but be affected by it and you’ll see how concerning it is.

This is why we shouldn’t rush a med or accept medical practice without either being scrutinized and studied at length. When the “cure” is worse than the disease, that’s not good.

Fatality rate was the same, so why do we need a shot?
It’s unraveling, slowly. I wouldn’t say I suspected it … but with such neglectful and erroneous science, many things a HS JR could point out … it was in the realm of possibility. They didn’t prove shit and twisted science, logic and common sense to say it was “safe and effective” was used, and swallowed up by MSM and sheep brains listened to them and doctors that didn’t know better or ones with conflicts … If it safe and effective, show the definitive proof … they couldn’t because it was never there. The Pfizer dumps are damning on many levels.
And we still have cruise lines requiring full current vaccines to go on their cruises (I checked and all but a couple of the smaller cruise lines required the useless vaccine). They also list several vaccines that are not acceptable. I have already had the Chinese/Covid virus and have no intention of getting a vaccine that I find will do absolutely nothing positive while having inherent risk, so those who required the vaccine are a no go for me!
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And we still have cruise lines requiring full current vaccines to go on their cruises (I checked and all but a couple of the smaller cruise lines required the useless vaccine). They also list several vaccines that are not acceptable. I have already had the Chinese/Covid virus and have no intention of getting a vaccine that I find will do absolutely nothing positive while having inherent risk, so those who required the vaccine are a no go for me!
What are you going to say once you find out that the USA is probably just as guilty as China for this thing … ? Seroprevalence is showing it as appearing before Wuhan … It’s rotten to the core …

Agree with you on the rest, I rolled the dice, I wasn’t expecting to fall on the side of a Yahtzee with 6’s on the first roll …

It looks like the original covid thread was deleted. So, let’s talk about Guillian-Barre.

I did my thesis/final case study on GBS. It’s serious and debilitating. I know that it’s only words on paper to most but be affected by it and you’ll see how concerning it is.

This is why we shouldn’t rush a med or accept medical practice without either being scrutinized and studied at length. When the “cure” is worse than the disease, that’s not good.
That's why I chose not to get vaccinated, it had nothing to do with politics or anti-vaxxer, or anything like that, I simply didn't trust these vaccines. Now that these types of stories are coming out and I've been exposed to covid numerous times including by my gf who's had it twice, but I STILL haven't gotten it, I think I made the right choice.
That's why I chose not to get vaccinated, it had nothing to do with politics or anti-vaxxer, or anything like that, I simply didn't trust these vaccines. Now that these types of stories are coming out and I've been exposed to covid numerous times including by my gf who's had it twice, but I STILL haven't gotten it, I think I made the right choice.
Learn the actual facts, not the spun, dominant narrative … assess risk/benefit, render a choice. That’s the way I see it anyway. Choice. Not coercion, not mandate, but choice. The more armed you are with real info, true info, not MSM regurgitation, not conflict of interest info, actual Science, not what pharma tells us about their product, not people pharma pays and influences … not “THE SCIENCE ™️“, not Drs under pressure to fall in line, actual scientific data like was done decades before … you get that all down, you can make a better decision for yourself, whether you take it or not. A decision … a choice, not the bullshit “just roll up your sleeve and take the damn shot or you’ll lose your job, mobility, etc, etc, etc and you won’t get medical services“. Yeah, compassionate humans. F those people. Meanwhile, every new case in our place, all vaxxed. Maybe we shouldn’t take them in and treat them. But I’m not a POS human being that thinks that way. Everyone deserves care. Religion, race, orientation, sex, etc, etc, etc, DOES NOT MATTER. You treat people who need help, period.

Yeah, sore spot for me. Zero respect for these people. Thankfully, with family and closest friends, there may have been different levels of disagreement, but that’s all it was. Certainly nothing broken. But a slew of others, mostly some coworkers, we are “fine”, but they dropped mightily in any respect I had for them. I probably did in their eyes, as well, and that’s ok with me. Sometimes you hit a point and true colors are shown (for both sides) and there’s no going back. It’s unfortunate, but whatever. My life isn’t any less rich.

And a couple of apologies for such a firm stance have been issued, after them getting C19 for the second/third time and missing a couple of months as a vaxxed and boosted to my one time missing the minimum required, even as a T2 diabetic … they realize and admit now that this injection wasn’t all it was cracked up to be and that it shouldn’t have been forced/coerced as they once believed - that’s a tough thing to admit so I accepted the apology, but to me it was a defining moment for their character in my eyes.
Yeah, let's believe random nutjobs and their analyses on Twitter! What could go wrong?
Stick with MSM, I’m sure it’s right up your alley.

How is that “safe and effective” working out? I’m talking before the 700 yards of goalpost shifting.

You can trust our government, past and present, all you want. Not me.
First of all I'm glad people are admitting that covid actually has killed and continues to kill instead of relegating it to some new world order hoax. Secondly, of the people posting, who's had a family member or friend die or come close to dying of covid or covid-related complications? I assume a close call with covid would alter some people's opinions of the vaccine but I could be wrong.
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First of all I'm glad people are admitting that covid actually has killed and continues to kill instead of relegating it to some new world order hoax. Secondly, of the people posting, who's had a family member or friend die or come close to dying of covid or covid-related complications? I assume a close call with covid would alter some people's opinions of the vaccine but I could be wrong.
Anecdotes are powerful but they aren’t science, either.

No family members from Covid directly. One from our reaction to covid, she was afraid to step out of the house because of scary Covid and wouldn’t see the doctor for what ended up being a very curable leukemia but it proved fatal without treatment.

Another vaxxed close coworkers spouse passed from Covid, he was young, 40 … but I suspect it was the treatment (Remdesivir) because while he wasn’t improving, he wasn’t getting worse until he had kidney failure which is a side effect of the treatment.

My childhood best friend passed after a shot from heart failure brought on by myocarditis.

The negative efficacy and potential side effects are awful. No vax in the history of mankind has been this leaky (allows you to be infected and to spread it) and unsuccessful in preventing death (plenty of vaxxed deaths) … and worse, as Pfizer has admitted in their studies, directly caused death by way of injection … without being pulled before it hit these levels. The flu pandemic of the 70’s, once that vax killed and maimed a small handful of people, it was pulled from the market. Much more leeway now, apparently, different standards. Presumably because pharma isn’t on the hook for any mishaps as they were in the past.

We don’t know what this virus will do long term either, that’s wide open and anyones guess, I do believe long Covid is an actual thing, but I don’t think it’s near as prevalent as is stated. It might get worse (cancers, for instance, like with EBV and Burkitts or HPV and cervical, we just won’t know until more time passes. But the short and intermediate term of the vax has not been good and we don’t know the long term of it either. I’m as concerned about that as I am long Covid.

Again, choice, not force. I’m cool with whatever somebody decides. Choice though.

I waited with an open mind but skeptical because they skimped and massaged the stats of their studies, as the Pfizer document dumps have been showing. I wanted to see more before deciding. I’ve seen enough … for my situation, I decided natural infection was much less risky. It may vary for others. But again, choice; that’s a key word. Not force.
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First of all I'm glad people are admitting that covid actually has killed and continues to kill instead of relegating it to some new world order hoax. Secondly, of the people posting, who's had a family member or friend die or come close to dying of covid or covid-related complications? I assume a close call with covid would alter some people's opinions of the vaccine but I could be wrong.
Don't know anyone who's died or almost died from covid, only know 1 person who knows someone who died from it. I did know someone who died of covid in a motorcycle accident though.

I also know 7 un-vaxxed friends/family that got covid and none of them really got that sick, including my gf's 80 year old Grandma. On the other hand, my Sister and her Husband both fully vaxxed and boosted, got it afterwards and both got very sick, no hospital, but my brother in law was close. My gf's Dad and Step-Mom, both fully vaxxed, recently had it, both very sick, the Step-Mom was bed ridden.

Covid is real, it really kills, and I'm sure there's stories about the opposite of my experiences, but for me, I've said from day 1, I'm not taking any vaccine until they can prove to me that it actually works and won't harm me in any other way. So far they're not doing a very good job.
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My father-in-law would Skype his brother, back in Holland, once a month. About a year ago they spoke on a Saturday and my wife's uncle told her dad that he and his wife, her aunt, had just gotten the first of their two shots. They were both in their early 80's and he was in great shape. Her, not terrible shape but not as good. By Tuesday they were both in the hospital with COVID, where they were both given the second of the two shots. He was dead by the weekend and she followed two days later. Seems to me, and this is just my opinion, that giving them that second shot, while they were already compromised, was a mistake. Nobody can really say how/why they got sick in the first place, or what a different course of treatment would've meant, if anything. My wife and I are very glad we had a choice. When we got the Delta we got the monoclonal antibodies and it kicked it's butt.
I got healthy - that was one way to deal with it all. If this was a man made virus, they probably knew the US would be the hardest hit. We are pretty unhealthy to begin with. They way we eat and how lazy (inactive) we are? The real health crises started long before covid - covid just exposed how vulnerable we all are by our poor health choices.
I got healthy - that was one way to deal with it all. If this was a man made virus, they probably knew the US would be the hardest hit. We are pretty unhealthy to begin with. They way we eat and how lazy (inactive) we are? The real health crises started long before covid - covid just exposed how vulnerable we all are by our poor health choices.
Too many markings (genetic) for me to think it’s anything but manmade. That said, I don’t think the US comes out as innocent babes with creation/contribution/knowledge. I wanted to put 100 percent blame on China (can’t stand them and their inhumane ways), but I think the tentacles of this run far and wide and the US is involved. (Check out Baric and UNC, other high line academic arenas).

But yeah, being among the most unhealthy nations did us no favors. Of course, advice from professionals and agencies ignored this fact and opted for, tada!, just take medicine instead! (Not talking about the elderly or incapable here, I’m talking the common slobs, me included, of America).
Not vaccinated and I had covid - was no worse than a minor cold with the exception that I lost smell for a couple of weeks.
Not vaccinated and my younger son got it - also no big deal
Older son was vaccinated, and was sick from the vaccination for a couple of days, and was sick for 3-5 days in bed when he got covid!
I know one person who died due to side effects from the vaccine.
I know nobody else personally who died from the virus.
I know dozens of people that had the covid (chinese) virus, and none of them were very sick!
Too many markings (genetic) for me to think it’s anything but manmade. That said, I don’t think the US comes out as innocent babes with creation/contribution/knowledge. I wanted to put 100 percent blame on China (can’t stand them and their inhumane ways), but I think the tentacles of this run far and wide and the US is involved. (Check out Baric and UNC, other high line academic arenas).

But yeah, being among the most unhealthy nations did us no favors. Of course, advice from professionals and agencies ignored this fact and opted for, tada!, just take medicine instead! (Not talking about the elderly or incapable here, I’m talking the common slobs, me included, of America).
The good thing about getting healthy is getting off of ALL medication. Big Pharma has got LOTS of people by the balls, not just pain pills either, they got pills to alleviate symptoms that the other pills give you. Its ridiculous. but even getting my wife off all of her medication wasn't easy either, it meant lowering her A1c a full 2 points ( I know you know a thing or 2 about that) but it can be done naturally. Man I have a whole list of prescription shit we got off of. I never got the vaccine (if thats what you want to call it) I often wonder? Does big Pharma make any money off of all these vaccines that are pushing?
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It looks like the original covid thread was deleted. So, let’s talk about Guillian-Barre.

I did my thesis/final case study on GBS. It’s serious and debilitating. I know that it’s only words on paper to most but be affected by it and you’ll see how concerning it is.

This is why we shouldn’t rush a med or accept medical practice without either being scrutinized and studied at length. When the “cure” is worse than the disease, that’s not good.
Unfortunately, my family and I know much too well about GBS.

In October 2015, my then 7 year-old son developed GBS and enchephalitis (Bickerstaff Brainstem encephalitis to be exact) as a reaction to the Flu Mist vaccine. His immune system went haywire due to the vaccine, became confused, and began attacking brain, spinal cord, and caused GBS (autoimmune). He was in a coma for weeks. Docs couldn't tell us what to expect. They didn't know what the outcome would be at the time and said it would be anywhere from death to approaching pre-episode baseline. IVIg and steroids helped bring him out of it but that wasn't started until day 8 of coma (despite us asking on day 2 about it) because the docs were in denial that the vaccine was the cause. My wife has a PhD in nursing and I am a dentist. If not for our knowledge and advocacy our son's outcome probably would've been worse. The docs literally didn't want to do anything other than test for siezures, give broad spectrum antibiotics, and perform a muscle biopsy. Once awake, he spent weeks in the neuro-trama rehab unit at Primary Children's hospital in SLC. He had to re-learn how to do everything again (roll over, eat, crawl, walk, use arms and re-develop hand-eye coordination) and the episode re-set his brain to about a 3 year old. He was crazy frustrated because he could remember how easily things came to him before.

We have pursued every treatment and therapy under the sun to get him to where he is today. We have been very aggresive with it and it has been exhausting. Before the incident he was a top soccer player for his age group. Thankfully he is approaching that again today as he is budding into a high-level center back on the local club scene, but he has overcome a lot on the way from being barely accepted on a 'C team' 2-3 years after the incident, being denied by a private trainer, progressing to make a top team two years ago only to be demoted to the B team a year ago. These past six months he has really emerged and is breaking the glass ceiling. As of this past year he finally does all school work independently, but his reading level still lags. He is writing a pretty cool story and continues to write it.

Despite this I remain neutral in regards to vaccines...just being as informed as possible is the best approach, and having awareness that even though much good has come of vaccines, that there are still cases of collateral damage like my son that definitely doesn't get publicized. On the broad scale it probably does more good for mankind than bad, but it's difficult to precisely quantify. I have had plenty of patients succumb to COVID, the guy that makes my crowns, my next door neighbor in his 40s, my wife runs/works out 6 days a week and is in immaculate health and was debilitated for 7 months with long COVID before vaccines were available. It is healthy to have the discussion though on either side of the spectrum. Awareness is the best medicine.
The good thing about getting healthy is getting off of ALL medication. Big Pharma has got LOTS of people by the balls, not just pain pills either, they got pills to alleviate symptoms that the other pills give you. Its ridiculous. but even getting my wife off all of her medication wasn't easy either, it meant lowering her A1c a full 2 points ( I know you know a thing or 2 about that) but it can be done naturally. Man I have a whole list of prescription shit we got off of. I never got the vaccine (if thats what you want to call it) I often wonder? Does big Pharma make any money off of all these vaccines that are pushing?
Pharma is shit and so is the FDA. There’s a lot of money in people being sick, especially chronically. There’s no money if a big chunk of people live to 82 without needs for blood pressure medication, sugar control medication, lipid control medication, etc, etc, etc. They’re all in business to make money and that comes from you being sick. They aren’t going to push health. Monsanto and the other food giants just want to make food as cheaply as possible and that includes laboratory made substitutes, hormones, antibotics, pesticides, etc. Sure, WE all know what we SHOULD be doing, doctors know and they’ll advocate a healthier lifestyle, but always have the safety net of pharma there to enable us to continue to be slobs.

I’m not even talking a perfectly healthy lifestyle, the human body is amazing and resilient, but modest improvements can give huge gains.

If the government cared, it would be pushed, incentivized, it would be a priority, it would be pounded heavily in school, at work, etc. But not forced, people need choices, imo. But give them better tools and options and educate.

If we practiced a healthy lifestyle as a country, we’d see most diseases minimized, an increase in life expectancy, medicine that could focus on the most unfortunate. But do you see how much money is lost across the board doing things that way?
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Unfortunately, my family and I know much too well about GBS.

In October 2015, my then 7 year-old son developed GBS and enchephalitis (Bickerstaff Brainstem encephalitis to be exact) as a reaction to the Flu Mist vaccine. His immune system went haywire due to the vaccine, became confused, and began attacking brain, spinal cord, and caused GBS (autoimmune). He was in a coma for weeks. Docs couldn't tell us what to expect. They didn't know what the outcome would be at the time and said it would be anywhere from death to approaching pre-episode baseline. IVIg and steroids helped bring him out of it but that wasn't started until day 8 of coma (despite us asking on day 2 about it) because the docs were in denial that the vaccine was the cause. My wife has a PhD in nursing and I am a dentist. If not for our knowledge and advocacy our son's outcome probably would've been worse. The docs literally didn't want to do anything other than test for siezures, give broad spectrum antibiotics, and perform a muscle biopsy. Once awake, he spent weeks in the neuro-trama rehab unit at Primary Children's hospital in SLC. He had to re-learn how to do everything again (roll over, eat, crawl, walk, use arms and re-develop hand-eye coordination) and the episode re-set his brain to about a 3 year old. He was crazy frustrated because he could remember how easily things came to him before.

We have pursued every treatment and therapy under the sun to get him to where he is today. We have been very aggresive with it and it has been exhausting. Before the incident he was a top soccer player for his age group. Thankfully he is approaching that again today as he is budding into a high-level center back on the local club scene, but he has overcome a lot on the way from being barely accepted on a 'C team' 2-3 years after the incident, being denied by a private trainer, progressing to make a top team two years ago only to be demoted to the B team a year ago. These past six months he has really emerged and is breaking the glass ceiling. As of this past year he finally does all school work independently, but his reading level still lags. He is writing a pretty cool story and continues to write it.

Despite this I remain neutral in regards to vaccines...just being as informed as possible is the best approach, and having awareness that even though much good has come of vaccines, that there are still cases of collateral damage like my son that definitely doesn't get publicized. On the broad scale it probably does more good for mankind than bad, but it's difficult to precisely quantify. I have had plenty of patients succumb to COVID, the guy that makes my crowns, my next door neighbor in his 40s, my wife runs/works out 6 days a week and is in immaculate health and was debilitated for 7 months with long COVID before vaccines were available. It is healthy to have the discussion though on either side of the spectrum. Awareness is the best medicine.
Wow. I’m so deeply sorry for what you have had to deal with as a family but it truly is inspiring that you have pulled together as a family to overcome. I love hearing that part of it. But you have my deepest sympathies because nobody should be put through that.

I guess I’m an advocate for choice above all and I just hope the decision is based upon a fully informed decision.

TE got hit with GB as a kid and it hit him hard, but he made a full recovery, thankfully, but it took some time.

Best of luck to you and your family, your son and his progression. As I said, it’s truly inspiring to hear, keep us updated.
Not vaccinated and I had covid - was no worse than a minor cold with the exception that I lost smell for a couple of weeks.
Not vaccinated and my younger son got it - also no big deal
Older son was vaccinated, and was sick from the vaccination for a couple of days, and was sick for 3-5 days in bed when he got covid!
I know one person who died due to side effects from the vaccine.
I know nobody else personally who died from the virus.
I know dozens of people that had the covid (chinese) virus, and none of them were very sick!
I have a co-worker who's 2 uncles in the Philippines died from covid or complications from covid. A friend I worked years ago had a friend requiring a lung transplant. I checked in after being sick for 9 days because my fingers turned blue and was sedated for a month. Came super close to buying it according to my wife(they called her in 2 days after I checked in thinking I wasn't going to make it through the night). People's experiences have varied wildly. The vast majority got through it alive, a good chunk that got sick are still feeling the effects. Hopefully with time it'll become as innocuous(relatively) as the common cold or seasonal flu.
And for ever person you can show got really sick, I can show someone who it had no impact on, but it doesn't change the fact the vaccine has done zero to reduce the spread, and that those who have had Covid have far better immunity than those who received the numerous and ongoing vaccines! This isn't even getting into the fact that the vaccine companies have zero liability for the numerous side effects which are also killing people in ever increasing numbers.

In regards to those you have said died or had major complications from Covid, this was all through second hand knowledge without any real knowledge regarding their actual medical records and issues.
And for ever person you can show got really sick, I can show someone who it had no impact on, but it doesn't change the fact the vaccine has done zero to reduce the spread, and that those who have had Covid have far better immunity than those who received the numerous and ongoing vaccines! This isn't even getting into the fact that the vaccine companies have zero liability for the numerous side effects which are also killing people in ever increasing numbers.

In regards to those you have said died or had major complications from Covid, this was all through second hand knowledge without any real knowledge regarding their actual medical records and issues.
I’ve known a few coworkers relatives who passed from it in PI. Quite frankly - a big part of it is probably treatment.

Quick diagnosis and proper treatment (if needed) is key with this thing.
Had neihbor, a friend, a cousin who died from covid none of them did not have vaccines. A co worker and his wife had covid both really sick but recovered no vaccines. 5 people at work are out from work all have vaccines but have mild symptoms. Five day quarantine for them. The vaccines are not supposed to keep you from getting covid, but they help from keeping you out of the hospital. Have a friend who works in the medical field and she tells me that a big majority that came to the hospitals from covid last year were not vacinated. I definitely believe its your choice and should not be forced by your employer or government to get the vaccine. I decided on getting a vaccine. Im old so i need all the help i can get. I have not turned into a werewolf yet, and im hoping no long term effects, but like i said im old so not to worried about the long term effects
I’ll respectfully disagree about the long-term definition of “vaccine.” Up until around 2020, 2021, “vaccines” were designed to prevent someone from getting a virus, not just prevent you from being hospitalized.

I’m not sure why Webster’s Dictionary decided to change the definition of “vaccine” in that timeframe, but be aware that prior “vaccines” were designed solely to prevent someone from getting a virus.
Had neihbor, a friend, a cousin who died from covid none of them did not have vaccines. A co worker and his wife had covid both really sick but recovered no vaccines. 5 people at work are out from work all have vaccines but have mild symptoms. Five day quarantine for them. The vaccines are not supposed to keep you from getting covid, but they help from keeping you out of the hospital. Have a friend who works in the medical field and she tells me that a big majority that came to the hospitals from covid last year were not vacinated. I definitely believe its your choice and should not be forced by your employer or government to get the vaccine. I decided on getting a vaccine. Im old so i need all the help i can get. I have not turned into a werewolf yet, and im hoping no long term effects, but like i said im old so not to worried about the long term effects
But vaccines ARE supposed to keep you from getting sick; they are supposed to keep you from spreading it. That’s what a vaccine does. That’s literally what they do. Or have you had cases of the measles every few years? Are we in a wheelchair every few years from cases of polio

If they would have more aptly named this as a potentially beneficial pre-exposure prophylaxis agent with potential side effects ranging from mild to severe, then I’d have no qualms with it.

Coming up new definitions for long established words is significant goal post shifting. That’s what they’ve done with the word vaccine, herd immunity, and so many other things with pandemic-centric words. Hell, they do it with every day words when they want to push a new narrative. Apparently woman is hard to define now, nobody knows what it truly is anymore.

It’s just a host of non-sensical absurdities …

Early on with the vax rollout, most hospitalizations were of unvaxxed. But it didn’t take long for the vaxxed to overtake them in infection rate (not just raw numbers), hospitalization rate and now death rate. The thing is showing possible short term protection which quickly fades and hits negative efficacy (more likely to get it than unvaxxed). It’s been an omicron magnet. People don’t like hearing it, they won’t accept it, because it’s too hurtful to accept, people went “all in” with it as a cure because it was so scary. It went from cure to oops, it works, to opps, kinda works, to oops, doesn’t work well but everyone should get it since I got it (and THAT’S bullshit, always choice).

The key is still early treatment. It always has been.
But vaccines ARE supposed to keep you from getting sick; they are supposed to keep you from spreading it. That’s what a vaccine does. That’s literally what they do. Or have you had cases of the measles every few years? Are we in a wheelchair every few years from cases of polio

If they would have more aptly named this as a potentially beneficial pre-exposure prophylaxis agent with potential side effects ranging from mild to severe, then I’d have no qualms with it.

Coming up new definitions for long established words is significant goal post shifting. That’s what they’ve done with the word vaccine, herd immunity, and so many other things with pandemic-centric words. Hell, they do it with every day words when they want to push a new narrative. Apparently woman is hard to define now, nobody knows what it truly is anymore.

It’s just a host of non-sensical absurdities …

Early on with the vax rollout, most hospitalizations were of unvaxxed. But it didn’t take long for the vaxxed to overtake them in infection rate (not just raw numbers), hospitalization rate and now death rate. The thing is showing possible short term protection which quickly fades and hits negative efficacy (more likely to get it than unvaxxed). It’s been an omicron magnet. People don’t like hearing it, they won’t accept it, because it’s too hurtful to accept, people went “all in” with it as a cure because it was so scary. It went from cure to oops, it works, to opps, kinda works, to oops, doesn’t work well but everyone should get it since I got it (and THAT’S bullshit, always choice).

The key is still early treatment. It always has been.
All medicines have side effects it is up to the person to decide if they want to take a chance on the side effects than disease itsself or the symptoms the disease gives you (like chemo its not a cure, but it can help defeat cancer and chemo has tough side effects). Its a choice people make. I just know my friend in the medical field told me when the hospitals were full the majority were non vaxed. I guess they could have called it a serum instead of a vaccine. I dont really care what they called it. I never believed the serum was cure, but i do know the people i know vaxxed and unvaxxed it was the ones that were vaxxed that did better against covid. One of my co workers who just got back to work after covid had his fourth booster, mild symptoms. His wife did not get the boosters she is not in the hospital but she is worse off than he. I made a choice from my perspective and real life examples. Your good not getting the serum and im good getting it. That simple. Go Rebels!
All medicines have side effects it is up to the person to decide if they want to take a chance on the side effects than disease itsself or the symptoms the disease gives you (like chemo its not a cure, but it can help defeat cancer and chemo has tough side effects). Its a choice people make. I just know my friend in the medical field told me when the hospitals were full the majority were non vaxed. I guess they could have called it a serum instead of a vaccine. I dont really care what they called it. I never believed the serum was cure, but i do know the people i know vaxxed and unvaxxed it was the ones that were vaxxed that did better against covid. One of my co workers who just got back to work after covid had his fourth booster, mild symptoms. His wife did not get the boosters she is not in the hospital but she is worse off than he. I made a choice from my perspective and real life examples. Your good not getting the serum and im good getting it. That simple. Go Rebels!
Now? Currently inpatients are non-vaxxed? Not here. Not close. All vaxxed.

Early on it was different but as the vax waned, which was pretty immediate, vaxxed way overtook the unvaxxed.

Like you, I have no problem with what people choose to do. I do have a problem with condescending, know it alls that have never been wrong in their life that have zero understanding of actual science, show a non stop lack of poise, one of constant panic … demanding that everyone do it and if they don’t, medical treatment and even insurance should be withheld.
Now? Currently inpatients are non-vaxxed? Not here. Not close. All vaxxed.

Early on it was different but as the vax waned, which was pretty immediate, vaxxed way overtook the unvaxxed.

Like you, I have no problem with what people choose to do. I do have a problem with condescending, know it alls that have never been wrong in their life that have zero understanding of actual science, show a non stop lack of poise, one of constant panic … demanding that everyone do it and if they don’t, medical treatment and even insurance should be withheld.
I did not major in science, but i also like science and not oblivious to it. Most of my vaxx decsion came from real life experiences in my life with people, friends, family, and co workers. Im sorry you had to deal with people that were like that, but there is also people out there that are unvaxxed and think they know everything too and condescending when you tell them your vaxxed to. Kind of goes both ways out there. At my job its about 50% on vaxxed and unvaxxed. Maybe a little more vaxxed. The virus as definetly weakened that is for sure and Hospitals are not full, but a year ago most patients in the hospital from covid were unvaxed
I did not major in science, but i also like science and not oblivious to it. Most of my vaxx decsion came from real life experiences in my life with people, friends, family, and co workers. Im sorry you had to deal with people that were like that, but there is also people out there that are unvaxxed and think they know everything too and condescending when you tell them your vaxxed to. Kind of goes both ways out there. At my job its about 50% on vaxxed and unvaxxed. Maybe a little more vaxxed. The virus as definetly weakened that is for sure and Hospitals are not full, but a year ago most patients in the hospital from covid were unvaxed
I mean, I work in a hospital, been doing 50 hrs per week plus since this whole mess started. Right now it’s all vaxxed. A year ago it was more unvaxxed but vaxxed were gaining ground and this was when there was barely the admission that vaxxed could get it (the goalpost shift from 100% can’t get it to you can get it but won’t spread it). We were at the can get it but won’t be hospitalized phase, yet here I was seeing vaxxed people hospitalized … made no sense; what they were telling us and what we were seeing.

I just want people to get through this thing without anymore tragedy, if you get there with vax, without vax, with meds, without meds, I don’t care, let’s just reach the other side.
I mean, I work in a hospital, been doing 50 hrs per week plus since this whole mess started. Right now it’s all vaxxed. A year ago it was more unvaxxed but vaxxed were gaining ground and this was when there was barely the admission that vaxxed could get it (the goalpost shift from 100% can’t get it to you can get it but won’t spread it). We were at the can get it but won’t be hospitalized phase, yet here I was seeing vaxxed people hospitalized … made no sense; what they were telling us and what we were seeing.

I just want people to get through this thing without anymore tragedy, if you get there with vax, without vax, with meds, without meds, I don’t care, let’s just reach the other side.
I can agree to that sounds civil and hopefull to me.
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As you both point out, this is now Crips vs Bloods. You’re either in one gang or the other and you must be loyal till death to that gang.
For me, not really. Science (real science) is the driver. I was concerned at the start (doctored stats, really poor, truncated studies with poor end points) and decided to give it a year to see how it performed, especially in light of a drastically overestimated IFR/CFR, poor early treatments that were learned from, piss poor detection (PCR with insanely high cts) …. I wanted to see performance of the vax … very unsatisfactory to me. i weighed everything and decided. I was able to be swayed. It‘s impossible to let science dictate if your biases are too strong, if you are committed/close minded.

Poise comes in to play, too. Panic and raw emotion typically overpower logic for most people. I was patient, especially after the initial dust settled and showed the age stratification and flu-neighborhood IFR.

And guess what? I’m still able to be swayed, not by this version of the vax, those numbers are already in … but with so much more about the virus itself … and pretty much everything else. But I’ll forever stand by Menzies sucking as a coach.
For me, not really. Science (real science) is the driver. I was concerned at the start (doctored stats, really poor, truncated studies with poor end points) and decided to give it a year to see how it performed, especially in light of a drastically overestimated IFR/CFR, poor early treatments that were learned from, piss poor detection (PCR with insanely high cts) …. I wanted to see performance of the vax … very unsatisfactory to me. i weighed everything and decided. I was able to be swayed. It‘s impossible to let science dictate if your biases are too strong, if you are committed/close minded.

Poise comes in to play, too. Panic and raw emotion typically overpower logic for most people. I was patient, especially after the initial dust settled and showed the age stratification and flu-neighborhood IFR.

And guess what? I’m still able to be swayed, not by this version of the vax, those numbers are already in … but with so much more about the virus itself … and pretty much everything else. But I’ll forever stand by Menzies sucking as a coach.
I'm mainly talking about politics in general. You either watch Fox or CNN, and you hate/love their corresponding politicians.

Covid is also like that, though, for the general public. Parrot what your "news" channel tells you about the disease and don't do your own research. Remain loyal at all times!
I’ll respectfully disagree about the long-term definition of “vaccine.” Up until around 2020, 2021, “vaccines” were designed to prevent someone from getting a virus, not just prevent you from being hospitalized.

I’m not sure why Webster’s Dictionary decided to change the definition of “vaccine” in that timeframe, but be aware that prior “vaccines” were designed solely to prevent someone from getting a virus.
This is incorrect. Not every vaccine has been designed to prevent you from getting the virus. Some have been designed to reduce the severity of the said virus.

"In general, most vaccines do not completely prevent infection but do prevent the infection from spreading within the body and from causing disease."
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This is incorrect. Not every vaccine has been designed to prevent you from getting the virus. Some have been designed to reduce the severity of the said virus.

"In general, most vaccines do not completely prevent infection but do prevent the infection from spreading within the body and from causing disease."
Copyright 2022.

Got it.
This is incorrect. Not every vaccine has been designed to prevent you from getting the virus. Some have been designed to reduce the severity of the said virus.

"In general, most vaccines do not completely prevent infection but do prevent the infection from spreading within the body and from causing disease."
This one was, remember? Remember the beginning? 100%. But oh, it wasn’t, so they changed the end points. And changed them again. And again.

Like I said, love and trust our government and their agencies all you want, I don’t. I know what real studies are, how to interpret them, etc … and it’s easy to see when they are molding aspects to make things palatable. I don’t blame you for not understanding. I don’t blame a lot of people. If you don’t know, you don’t know, and if your trust relies in government and pharma, media … I understand how you believe it’s a good vax, I really do, I’m not taking a shot at you.

But when it’s in an area I understand, I can smell bullshit a mile away. Sort of like the Menzies is a good coach, our schedule isn’t that bad, etc, etc, etc. With science, I have a better understanding. I know bad data when I see it, I know poorly setup experiments/studies.

I’ve never told anybody to take Trump’s Toxic Warp Speed Jab and I’ve never told anybody not to take it. It’s up to them. Just like it’s up to me. I just have issue with the pushers.
My son who is vaccinated, because he was forced to be by the military (national guard(, just got Covid again yesterday!
It’s run through my workers at my hospital at a high rate … all but a few are reinfections, some third time, all are somewhere on the vaxxed spectrum.

I suspect, in time, even those that are not vaxxed but recovered WILL get it a second time. But I suspect the interval will be wider (compared to vaxxed/recovered and severity less. And that’s how colds work (HCOVS) … but there’s no proof of that, it’s just what I’m kind of suspecting …
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1 year ago on this date there were 14,000 cases and 300 deaths.

Yesterday there were 115,000 cases ( over a tenfold increase ) with 350 deaths.

The current disease is @ 1/10th as deadly as it was last year.

IMO, in another two years, it will be less of a problem than the common cold.