Sonny44, I completely respect your opinion and completely disagree.
I could rehash a lot of what's already been said but I'll just break it down to the KISS principle. A rebel by definition is listed below. While the university made a mistake in the past (which many universities, companies, organizations, cities, states, etc did in 50's and 60's) by creating a civil war depiction of the mascot, they have since corrected it.
If you stop and think
about origins of the UNLV moniker, not the mascot, it's easy to see that it was never intended to glorify or represent the confederacy BUT as an act of revolution or resisting control of Reno. The true intent of the adopting "rebels" was more a big f you to the university up north. The depiction of the mascot is where things went awry.
Yes. There were continued mistakes playing the up the confederacy aspects of the mascot such as the stupid use of the confederate flag. But let's not forget to put things and historical events into proper perspective. In the 60's and 70's use of the confederate flag was much more accepted. Ignorant yes, but still accepted. Hell, we had a top television show that prominently displayed the confederate flag on the roof of its car.
We've come a long way since the 50's and become more understanding of racism, prejudice and intolerance. UNLV's depiction of a confederate wolf and use one season of a confederate flag was a mistake
fueled by lack of understanding and ignorance of it's time (60's and 70's). Thankfully UNLV had students to help the
university correct its depiction of its mascot. UNLV should be thought more highly of that it listened to its students and corrected this situation ong before other schools even considered such a thing.
Hell, it's fact that UNLV changed its mascot to a pioneer or mountain man. I'm not sure I've ever seen a confederate soldier with leather long coat with fringe leather on the arms.
The fact stands, the true moniker of the university stems from 'rebellion'. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water. Stick to its true definition and it's easy to see their is no alliance with the confederacy or its racist connotation.
rebel; plural noun:
- 1.
a person who rises in opposition or armed resistance against an established government or ruler.
"Tory rebels"
synonyms: revolutionary, insurgent, revolutionist, mutineer, insurrectionist, insurrectionary, guerrilla, terrorist, freedom fighter More
"the rebels took control of the capital"
insurgent, revolutionary, mutinous, rebellious, insurrectionary, insurrectionist, renegade
"rebel troops"
rebel; 3rd person present:
rebels; past tense:
rebelled; past participle:
rebelled; gerund or present participle:
- 1.
rise in opposition or armed resistance to an established government or ruler.
"the Earl of Pembroke subsequently rebelled against Henry III"
synonyms: revolt, mutiny, riot, rise up, take up arms, stage/mount a rebellion, be insubordinate
"the citizens rebelled"
- (of a person) resist authority, control, or convention.
"respect did not prevent children from rebelling against their parents"
synonyms: defy, disobey, refuse to obey, kick against, challenge, oppose, resist
"teenagers rebelling against their parents"
antonyms: obey
- show or feel repugnance for or resistance to something.
"as I came over the hill my legs rebelled—I could walk no further"
synonyms: recoil, show/feel repugnance
"his stomach rebelled at the thought of food"
Middle English: from Old French
rebelle (noun),
rebelle (noun), rebeller (verb), from Latin rebellis (used originally with reference to a fresh declaration of war by the defeated), based on bellum ‘war.