News BOR meeting about CHANGING Hey Reb in December

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I hope all of you know that I only want the best for UNLV in all its endeavors, including its athletic teams. It's a fine university, and I'm behind it 100%. I just do not feel the current mascot is the right one for UNLV, and I felt this way before the current broohaha about racism.
Rebel can mean any particular point of history. Its not just the south. It does not necessarily have to be a negative connotation either. The US's revolutionary were called the Rebels by the British. In the Philippines, the natives rebeled against both the Americans and later on the Japanese. Its all about perspective. One man's war hero is another man's war criminal. I think people need to relax with the whole pc bit.
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I hope all of you know that I only want the best for UNLV in all its endeavors, including its athletic teams. It's a fine university, and I'm behind it 100%. I just do not feel the current mascot is the right one for UNLV, and I felt this way before the current broohaha about racism.
Well I think Ohio State is stupid for having what amounts to a black eye pea as their mascot, but they have 95k fans in their stadium every weekend who probably don't give a damn.

And Sonny if you really want what's best for UNLV you know that rebranding would cost a ton of money right? New uniforms for every team, removing all old logos from facilities eyc etc etc.

This is money that UNLV does not have.

Sorry, you are probably in a smaller group than the one that is drumming up the racial nonsense.
Oh, pleeezzzze!
No not oh pleeez you listed two or three names that are synonyms or interchangeable with the word Rebel.

By all means feel free to protest the name Rebels and the use of Hey Reb as our mascot.

I think you will have a tough time getting anybody on here to agree with your take.
After this we need to go on and change the name of all of the states that offend someone. Texas offends Mexico, Louisiana offends the French, all 13 original states offend the British, Alaska offends the Russians. Also every state that has ever had slavery is offensive and should be changed. Idaho offends those that do not want to see the word ho, etc., etc., etc. As for USA that offends most of the world so we need to find a new name for the USA. Sonny, name a single state, country, school name, etc and we will find something that offends someone.
1172"]Well, then, why not "Explorers?" "Darers"? "Adventurers?" "Seekers"? How about "Rustlers?" "Mavericks?" Something daring, on the edge of the law, unpredictable? Qualities that reflect the history of the American West? How about "Frontier?" "The UNLV Frontier?"[/QUOTE]

Explorers? NO. Darers? Awful. Seekers? Sure we could use the illuminati symbol of the pyramid and the eye. Rustlers? To Canadian Football League sounding Maverick? Sure if Mark Cuban hasn't bought the rights to it

The UNLV Frontier..Booooo. Awful. Insensitive to a lot of people in Las Vegas. That would conjure up painful images of the Frontier Hotel. The Frontier was one of the original hotels in Las Vegas. The ownership went through an ugly five year battle with the Unions here, that lead to the decline and eventual demolishin of the Hotel. That would be a horrible name for UNLV to use.
Sonny44, I completely respect your opinion and completely disagree.

I could rehash a lot of what's already been said but I'll just break it down to the KISS principle. A rebel by definition is listed below. While the university made a mistake in the past (which many universities, companies, organizations, cities, states, etc did in 50's and 60's) by creating a civil war depiction of the mascot, they have since corrected it.

If you stop and think about origins of the UNLV moniker, not the mascot, it's easy to see that it was never intended to glorify or represent the confederacy BUT as an act of revolution or resisting control of Reno. The true intent of the adopting "rebels" was more a big f you to the university up north. The depiction of the mascot is where things went awry.

Yes. There were continued mistakes playing the up the confederacy aspects of the mascot such as the stupid use of the confederate flag. But let's not forget to put things and historical events into proper perspective. In the 60's and 70's use of the confederate flag was much more accepted. Ignorant yes, but still accepted. Hell, we had a top television show that prominently displayed the confederate flag on the roof of its car.

We've come a long way since the 50's and become more understanding of racism, prejudice and intolerance. UNLV's depiction of a confederate wolf and use one season of a confederate flag was a mistake fueled by lack of understanding and ignorance of it's time (60's and 70's). Thankfully UNLV had students to help the university correct its depiction of its mascot. UNLV should be thought more highly of that it listened to its students and corrected this situation ong before other schools even considered such a thing.

Hell, it's fact that UNLV changed its mascot to a pioneer or mountain man. I'm not sure I've ever seen a confederate soldier with leather long coat with fringe leather on the arms.

The fact stands, the true moniker of the university stems from 'rebellion'. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water. Stick to its true definition and it's easy to see their is no alliance with the confederacy or its racist connotation.

noun: rebel; plural noun: rebels
  1. 1.
    a person who rises in opposition or armed resistance against an established government or ruler.
    "Tory rebels"
    synonyms: revolutionary, insurgent, revolutionist, mutineer, insurrectionist, insurrectionary, guerrilla, terrorist, freedom fighter More
    "the rebels took control of the capital"
    insurgent, revolutionary, mutinous, rebellious, insurrectionary, insurrectionist, renegade
    "rebel troops"
verb: rebel; 3rd person present: rebels; past tense: rebelled; past participle: rebelled; gerund or present participle: rebelling
  1. 1.
    rise in opposition or armed resistance to an established government or ruler.
    "the Earl of Pembroke subsequently rebelled against Henry III"
    synonyms: revolt, mutiny, riot, rise up, take up arms, stage/mount a rebellion, be insubordinate
    "the citizens rebelled"
    • (of a person) resist authority, control, or convention.
      "respect did not prevent children from rebelling against their parents"
      synonyms: defy, disobey, refuse to obey, kick against, challenge, oppose, resist
      "teenagers rebelling against their parents"
      antonyms: obey
    • show or feel repugnance for or resistance to something.
      "as I came over the hill my legs rebelled—I could walk no further"
      synonyms: recoil, show/feel repugnance
      "his stomach rebelled at the thought of food"

Middle English: from Old French rebelle (noun), rebelle (noun), rebeller (verb), from Latin rebellis (used originally with reference to a fresh declaration of war by the defeated), based on bellum ‘war.
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Well, then, why not "Explorers?" "Darers"? "Adventurers?" "Seekers"? How about "Rustlers?" "Mavericks?" Something daring, on the edge of the law, unpredictable? Qualities that reflect the history of the American West? How about "Frontier?" "The UNLV Frontier?"

Explorers? NO. Darers? Awful. Seekers? Sure we could use the illuminati symbol of the pyramid and the eye. Rustlers? To Canadian Football League sounding Maverick? Sure if Mark Cuban hasn't bought the rights to it

The UNLV Frontier..Booooo. Awful. Insensitive to a lot of people in Las Vegas. That would conjure up painful images of the Frontier Hotel. The Frontier was one of the original hotels in Las Vegas. The ownership went through an ugly five year battle with the Unions here, that lead to the decline and eventual demolishin of the Hotel. That would be a horrible name for UNLV to use.

What about the Runnin Mahatma Ghandi's, Rosa Park Rider's, Guy Fawkes Bombers or Wallace Warriors?
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You are choosing to ignore the North vs. South connotation of UNLV's split with UNR. It's a patent analogy to the Civil War. The South was for slavery; the North against it. It's a cheap analogy because no one who has moved here knows about or gives a hoot of that UNLV/UNR controversy.
Seriously? So every place that is south of a location is naturally racist? Those that may have been discriminated in the past now see it every where even where it doesn't exist. I am a UNLV Alumna '87 and never once saw Hey Reb, in his duster wearing muscat toting form as anything but a mountain man and his new incarnation is even further from any confederate affiliation. Prejudice is ignorance and so is calling people or mascots racist just to further an agenda.
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Great quote by coach - to the point. This was thought about and taken care of a LONG TIME AGO. Educate yourself people and take a long hard look in the mirror.

"He did have a Confederate deal (in the 1970s), which was inappropriate, completely inappropriate. So they addressed it and got rid of it, and they changed the mascot long before this was a huge issue. … But Rebels, when I was growing up, the rebels I knew were Star Wars. They were the guys fighting Darth Vader. … I looked at Hey Reb, and I never thought about it. I thought of him as a mountain man. That's who he was to me. Being from a minority background, I look at that and I say,'Wow, that's neat that UNLV had the foresight a long time before it became an issue to say this is inappropriate. We are going to create change.' And they did that, so it makes you proud to work for this university."
Appreciate the fact he actually expressed how he felt about the issue. Would have been very easy for him to plead the fith or say he was concentrating on the game or even saying it was out of his hands.
Sonny44... I like that you are willing to fight against the norm, to stand up for your conviction, to face those that criticize your views. Here is everyone, bashing you and your belief, and yet you keep coming back, not willing to let them persuade you. You feel your view is correct, and so you stand up for it. As you mention, you even "felt this way before the current broohaha about racism."

In honor of you and your conviction (and all of you that are fighting for this cause, with your willingness to fight against the majority, I propose we name the UNLV mascot after Sonny44 and the others that share the same view.

And the name shall be.......Rebels.
Sonny44... I like that you are willing to fight against the norm, to stand up for your conviction, to face those that criticize your views. Here is everyone, bashing you and your belief, and yet you keep coming back, not willing to let them persuade you. You feel your view is correct, and so you stand up for it. As you mention, you even "felt this way before the current broohaha about racism."

In honor of you and your conviction (and all of you that are fighting for this cause, with your willingness to fight against the majority, I propose we name the UNLV mascot after Sonny44 and the others that share the same view.

And the name shall be.......Rebels.
Well played.
Sonny44... I like that you are willing to fight against the norm, to stand up for your conviction, to face those that criticize your views. Here is everyone, bashing you and your belief, and yet you keep coming back, not willing to let them persuade you. You feel your view is correct, and so you stand up for it. As you mention, you even "felt this way before the current broohaha about racism."

In honor of you and your conviction (and all of you that are fighting for this cause, with your willingness to fight against the majority, I propose we name the UNLV mascot after Sonny44 and the others that share the same view.

And the name shall be.......Rebels.

Yes, well said. I seriously do appreciate Sonny44 for being a Rebel and holding to his/her view and expressing it. We may disagree, but we should always stand up for what we feel is right and have the openness to discuss and fight for it. - A true Rebel.
Well, all righty, then. Rebel, it is! But, just what kind of rebel? It isn't that over-puffed, over-mustachioed, big hatted idiot that represents a Cilvil War figure. Get a different Rebel look.
I don't know what that look is, but it sure as h*** isn't a mountain man. Mountain men in NV? Give me a break! I'm from MT. MT had genuine mountain men!

Las Vegas is a rebel of sorts. Ok. But, a rebel against what? Against UNR? Meh. Maybe a rebel against dull, conventional, US life. Like the Strip. Like what millions come to LV for. A sort of different lifestyle rebel. Something that captures the image of LV as a, well, gambling, inquisitive place. UNLV: A foundation for exploration, taking risks.

The UNLV mascot, as a rebel, has to represent the present and future, not the past.
It's a mascot for Christ's sake. You are looking WAYYYYYYYYYY too deep into this NON-ISSUE!
I didn't start this thread. Also, the BOR didn't include it on its agenda, as I understand. That's where you want it, that's where it is, fine. I thank everyone, including you, for your respectful responses.
Well, all righty, then. Rebel, it is! But, just what kind of rebel? It isn't that over-puffed, over-mustachioed, big hatted idiot that represents a Cilvil War figure. Get a different Rebel look.
I don't know what that look is, but it sure as h*** isn't a mountain man. Mountain men in NV? Give me a break! I'm from MT. MT had genuine mountain men!

Las Vegas is a rebel of sorts. Ok. But, a rebel against what? Against UNR? Meh. Maybe a rebel against dull, conventional, US life. Like the Strip. Like what millions come to LV for. A sort of different lifestyle rebel. Something that captures the image of LV as a, well, gambling, inquisitive place. UNLV: A foundation for exploration, taking risks.

The UNLV mascot, as a rebel, has to represent the present and future, not the past.
We have been over this. He no longer looks like a civil war figure.
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Well, all righty, then. Rebel, it is! But, just what kind of rebel? It isn't that over-puffed, over-mustachioed, big hatted idiot that represents a Cilvil War figure. Get a different Rebel look.
I don't know what that look is, but it sure as h*** isn't a mountain man. Mountain men in NV? Give me a break! I'm from MT. MT had genuine mountain men!

Las Vegas is a rebel of sorts. Ok. But, a rebel against what? Against UNR? Meh. Maybe a rebel against dull, conventional, US life. Like the Strip. Like what millions come to LV for. A sort of different lifestyle rebel. Something that captures the image of LV as a, well, gambling, inquisitive place. UNLV: A foundation for exploration, taking risks.

The UNLV mascot, as a rebel, has to represent the present and future, not the past.
I think it's funny that you think Hey Reb represents a civil way figure although everyone tells you differently as well as the artist says otherwise. Hey Reb was created to ensure otherwise.

I'm curious why you're so adamant that to link him to civil war figure? I understand if you were talking about Beauregard and this was the 70's. But it's not. UNLV addressed student concerns, created a new mascot to make sure the intent (rebellion, breaking away from Reno) was clarified and accurately depicted.

Just because you don't get it and don't like Hey Reb character, it doesn't make him linked to the civil war. I know you don't get it but dont create something out of nothing.

I did some research about 'rebel' college mascots. It seems there was a strong movement to remove these mascots from colleges last summer (when the confederate flags were being called for removal). I get this movement and actually support removal of any glorification of the civil war confederacy due to its racist connotations. BUT the rebels moniker and Hey Reb ARE NOT the same as Ole Miss mascot. Sorry but it's not.

If UNLV made the mascot a cougar although there are no cougars in Las Vegas (except at Blue Martini) would you be OK with that versus a 'pioneer' or 'mountain'?

Man. I just don't get this. I have pretty strong liberal leanings but this stuff is getting out of control.
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