Big Ten media days coming to Las Vegas

There was a buffet in the early 90s at a hotel that used to be either right where the Luxor currently is or nearby. I was a kid so my memory may be off but I know it was near the airport and driving by the glass pool motel. By the way, I thought that pool was the coolest thing ever.

Anyway it was called world buffet I think, it was top notch until they demolished the place
Bruh…Rampart Buffet on Sundays is the place to be!!

I don't want to share the address and directions since doing so wouldn't make me look good.
It would be like me saying, "In order to get to The Library, head towards Boulder Highway..."
quit being a f’n twat. Nobody but your priest would give a two shits if you knew where the centerfold lounge was or what it became..

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