If you want to make the comparison of leaving a 40k a year job for a better paying job, you need to look at what would happen to someone that left one casino for another only 1 week after they took a new job for more money. In any industry that I know of, leaving a job after 1 week for better pay would get you black balled across the entire industry. He has no morals, no ethics, and TKM was just way to dumb to see he was just using UNLV. He signed the contract after it was already known the TT job was likely going to open up, and he just took the job as insurance.
Nobody had any idea the job was going to open up, don't know where you gathered that tidbit. Memphis hadn't even reached out to Tubby Smith til 3 days ago, you can't find a single person that can say Tubby had any feeling of leaving...til Memphis offered him 3 mil per year.
The situation sucks, but logically, ethically, and emotionally it is right, not from your perspective as a fan who has no skin in the deal, but to him.
He was offered more money to be with his family and go back to a place he considered home.
What honor means more to a man, the honor to make some fans happy or the honor of raising his family? what goes further in supporting his family 900k in an expensive city like Vegas or 1.5million in low cost of living Lubbock. Where do you think his wife would rather he spend his weekends, Vegas or Lubbock?
Use the family perspective and the selfish thing for him to have done is to stay in Vegas.
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