Beard is the problem


Conference POY
Feb 5, 2003
Blame for this fiasco can go in all directions, but Texas Tech and Coach Beard should bear the brunt of the responsibility. Beard honored his contractual obligations for less than one week. His actions have decimated what was left of the program. He should never be trusted again, as he left UNLV holding the bag of his unprofessional conduct. Good riddens to him and bad luck to Texas Tech.
Blame for this fiasco can go in all directions, but Texas Tech and Coach Beard should bear the brunt of the responsibility. Beard honored his contractual obligations for less than one week. His actions have decimated what was left of the program. He should never be trusted again, as he left UNLV holding the bag of his unprofessional conduct. Good riddens to him and bad luck to Texas Tech.
I'm sorry, but I disagree. Yeah, this situation sucks a ton. But the stars basically aligned for this all to happen and it was something that we didn't know was going to take place.

And it doesn't help with forcing him to wait a week and a half for the BOR meeting, the regents treating him like crap, everything being so unprofessional and the clown show.

If he was leaving to go to any other program then yeah I would be pissed. But he is going to a program that he coached at for 10 years, called home, he's from Texas, that's where his family and kids are, P5 school, better conference, more money, etc.

I place most of the blame on the BOR and administration. Small part of the blame goes on Texas Tech and Beard. But you can't fault them for who they are going for. And the contract is being honored by the buyout being paid. That's why there is a contract and a way for an out.

Again it all sucks and I hate that it is all happening but not much you can do about it.
Blame for this fiasco can go in all directions, but Texas Tech and Coach Beard should bear the brunt of the responsibility. Beard honored his contractual obligations for less than one week. His actions have decimated what was left of the program. He should never be trusted again, as he left UNLV holding the bag of his unprofessional conduct. Good riddens to him and bad luck to Texas Tech.

I disagree completely. Like Bleed_Red said, not only is it Beard's dream job which was not available when he signed, but our administration and board didn't exactly leave a fantastic taste in his mouth.
It's the Lon Kruger problem all over again. Let me explain:

1. Texas Tech can pay more than DOUBLE what UNLV can pay. Wouldn't you take it?
2. BIG 12, better than the MW. Wouldn't you take it?
3. Board of Regents vote was tumultuous, not getting support from everyone. Blame him for bouncing?
4. Family and past career ties directly to TT. Wouldn't you like to be close to friends and family?
I wouldn't take it.
You can't let people down like this. You must to be grateful with the people who bring you an opportunity like this. You can't speak in press conference like he did and get out of here 3 days later. That's poor behavior as it takes... It's true, damn, it's a fact we live in a world that changes ethic for money like nothing.
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I'm sure he meant everything he said at the time. Then Texas Tech opened. But to turn down a better offer just because you signed a contract? (Of which, UNLV will still get a buyout). Just drop it.

You're telling me if you were hired by Reebok and then all of a sudden Nike (which is your dream job) came calling and offered you more $ and better circumstances for you; you wouldn't take it because you just signed on with Reebok and you want to honor that?

Give me a break. If he wants to be closer to his family and daughters and get back to Texas then so be it. Stop crying about it.
It's not Reebok or Nike. It's about people , about feelings if you want. About young players and a fan base. About respect a historic bb program. About respect people who trusted you and put a historic program behind you. That's not to choose between Pepsi or Coke, it's much more than this.
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Fan myopia. We were all more than happy for Pitino to bolt and leave Loserville to handle the mess, just as we were happy to see Tark leave LBSU to coach UNLV.

I want players and coaches that want to be Rebels. I sincerely feel that once Beard, or any coach we land on, gets a taste of winning big at UNLV and what it does to his celebrity in one of the best towns in the world to be a celebrity, AND boosters would come up with the pay to keep him just like they did for Jerry, then we would have had a coach to retirement. If Beard leaves, it is unfortunate that his dream job came up before he even got to stand in the Mack surrounded by 18,500 rabid fans, but it is what it is.

If someone doesn't want to be here, no matter who they are, then I don't want them here. And yes, circumstances can change where someone sincerely wanted to be here, and now do not.
It's not Reebok or Nike. It's about people , about feelings if you want. About young players and a fan base. About respect a historic bb program. About respect people who trusted you and put a historic program behind you. That's not to choose between Pepsi or Coke, it's much more than this.

To you it is. To most people it's a business. And this isn't an idealist world we live in; most logical people would absolutely choose to double their salary, hurt feelings be damned.

Beard is a Dick, for sure. And we all have a right to be angry. But jeez... he's not exactly doing something any different than most of us would be if put into a similar situation.
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I wouldn't take it.
You can't let people down like this. You must to be grateful with the people who bring you an opportunity like this. You can't speak in press conference like he did and get out of here 3 days later. That's poor behavior as it takes... It's true, damn, it's a fact we live in a world that changes ethic for money like nothing.

So an average Joe working a 9-5 job making 40k a year should never leave to make 60k. Oh and by the way add in that the new job would also afford him more time with his family.

Just because there are more zeroes attached doesn't change the scenario.

He signed a contract. Contract has buyout in the event he is poached. That is what is going to happen. Nothing unethical about it. He didn't lie on his resume.

Were you equally mad when UNLV fired Dave at midseason? From the outside looking in, it looked like UNLV fired a coach that...

1) Had a winning record
2) Had no NCAA issues
3) No scandals
4) Acted and behaved with class

What was ethical or honorable with that?

Do I like the scenario? Nope, but he is doing the same thing nearly anyone else would do, in the same situation.
If you want to make the comparison of leaving a 40k a year job for a better paying job, you need to look at what would happen to someone that left one casino for another only 1 week after they took a new job for more money. In any industry that I know of, leaving a job after 1 week for better pay would get you black balled across the entire industry. He has no morals, no ethics, and TKM was just way to dumb to see he was just using UNLV. He signed the contract after it was already known the TT job was likely going to open up, and he just took the job as insurance.
Is anyone surprised? The guy has had a different job every single year for his entire career
It's the Lon Kruger problem all over again. Let me explain:

1. Texas Tech can pay more than DOUBLE what UNLV can pay. Wouldn't you take it?
2. BIG 12, better than the MW. Wouldn't you take it?
3. Board of Regents vote was tumultuous, not getting support from everyone. Blame him for bouncing?
4. Family and past career ties directly to TT. Wouldn't you like to be close to friends and family?
5. Lubbock vs Las Vegas. Wouldn't you..ummm...?[cheers]
Blame for this fiasco can go in all directions, but Texas Tech and Coach Beard should bear the brunt of the responsibility. Beard honored his contractual obligations for less than one week. His actions have decimated what was left of the program. He should never be trusted again, as he left UNLV holding the bag of his unprofessional conduct. Good riddens to him and bad luck to Texas Tech.

No he had a 1 million dollar buyout as part of his contract.
I wasn't all that stoked about a Bobby Knight deciple anyway. Bobby Knight is an ahole. One of my least favorite coaches of all time.

Good riddance.
The warm reception the players gave him when he introduced himself to the team should be an indication that he IS an ahole in Knight's mold.
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The warm reception the players gave him when he introduced himself to the team should be an indication that he IS an ahole in Knight's mold.

It was all I could think about when I heard the broken hand story.

You can be a fire-y, emotional leader without punching walls like a stupid teenager. Thats clown shoes, Bobby Knight ish.
And for the record, if I were a player and Bob Knight walked into our locker room as the new coach, I'd leave too.

Not because I didn't want to work hard, more because I don't feel like playing for an arrogant jerk prone to epic temper tantrums. Pretty confident I can find someone to coach me well without all that garbage.
If you want to make the comparison of leaving a 40k a year job for a better paying job, you need to look at what would happen to someone that left one casino for another only 1 week after they took a new job for more money. In any industry that I know of, leaving a job after 1 week for better pay would get you black balled across the entire industry. He has no morals, no ethics, and TKM was just way to dumb to see he was just using UNLV. He signed the contract after it was already known the TT job was likely going to open up, and he just took the job as insurance.

If you quit Wal-Mart to make more at Target with a more flexible schedule, would you give a crap what Wal-Mart or Smart and Final say. All you care about is improving your current situation.

Before people say but that doesn't impact other people like this did, it would. Your old manager would have to scramble to find a replacement, people might get called in on their day off to cover etc..

Oh and your current boss is completely incompetent and the new boss seems to be really good at their job.

This is the same thing just more zeroes and on a bigger scale and all over social media.

Ethics don't pay bills, don't ensure your future, don't pay college tuition for your kid etc.

I absolutely hate how this went down. It sucks for the program. But I can't blame somebody for attempting to better their situation.
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Is Rick Pitino still being considered?

Right because he was gonna be paycheck to paycheck here

Like I said, its the same thing just more zeroes.

How about now.

Guy makes 50k dollars a year and gets offered 75k dollars a year to sell widgets..He also gets more time with family and the new boss and company are way more stable.

That isn't paycheck to paycheck.

Does that change the narrative.?
Man its been a long time since I last posted, because my interest in UNLV basketball has hit an all time low the past 5 years or so! Honestly the way this shit show has been going, UNLV athletics is seriously a dumpster fire. Good thing that most of America doesn't care about UNLV anymore so maybe even bad publicity is good. But in regards to Beard, I can't fault him for going closer to his kids for more money but what an asshat move. The dude literally wipe the cupboard clean and left! Or do you think that these players would have been gone regardless?
F^@% Beard, he knew where his kids were when he took the job, that's not an excuse. He has zero integrity. All a man has is his word and if you don't stick to that, you've got nothing.

Besides another couple million dollars?

Now he doesn't have to move his kids.

He signed a contract.

Contract has buyout clause in case he was poached.

He was poached. Just sooner than people anticipated.

UNLV will be paid buyout.

Contract obligations concluded.

Again I don't like it. It really hurts the university. I hate that he left like this.

I don't however begrudge him taking a better offer. You want to blame somebody blame the tools running this university into the ground. You want to be mad at somebody, be mad at the CEO (Jessup/Murphy) not the middle management guy (Beard).

Are you really going to say you would not leave your current job to double your salary? Have more time with family? Work for a better more competent boss? A more stable company?

These aren't blood oathes, they are business contracts. The contract was written with provisions to address this very situation.
I'm sure he meant everything he said at the time. Then Texas Tech opened. But to turn down a better offer just because you signed a contract? (Of which, UNLV will still get a buyout). Just drop it.

You're telling me if you were hired by Reebok and then all of a sudden Nike (which is your dream job) came calling and offered you more $ and better circumstances for you; you wouldn't take it because you just signed on with Reebok and you want to honor that?

Give me a break. If he wants to be closer to his family and daughters and get back to Texas then so be it. Stop crying about it.
If Reebok hired me, and I came in and fired the entire department they hired me for, then took the job at Nike... Yeah I'd be a piece of sheet for that.
It does not reflect on TT. It reflects on TKM, Beard, and to a lesser extent Jessup because he still allows TKM to pilot the Titanic after it hits the iceberg.
He signed the contract after it was already known the TT job was likely going to open up, and he just took the job as insurance.

That is patently false unless he signed the contract yesterday. No one at Tech had any indication at all that Tubby was leaving until Wednesday night, and even then they thought he would stay until Thursday morning when he announced he was leaving.
Blame for this fiasco can go in all directions, but Texas Tech and Coach Beard should bear the brunt of the responsibility. Beard honored his contractual obligations for less than one week. His actions have decimated what was left of the program. He should never be trusted again, as he left UNLV holding the bag of his unprofessional conduct. Good riddens to him and bad luck to Texas Tech.

But this reflects even more poorly on texas tech. Scum bags.


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