Basketball Floor


Rebel Legend
Oct 15, 2007
Hate to say it; as of now I don’t like the floor...too busy.,,,really dont like the ferris wheel so prominent. It is right next to the 3 point line which should be a little more seperated. Maybe it will grow on me.... doubt it.. Anyway; GoRebs.... have an exciting overachieving year !!!
I'm happy that they've done something, but it isn't exactly how I would have done it. I also don't see the need for the paint to be grey. I mean... like inside the paint, not the coloring of the skyline. I have no idea if the kids like it, but you know what? If it's just a tiny bit more pride they have in the city and school and the culture around athletics, I'm good with all of it.
At least it was an attempt to update the brand. I like that the Spirit Mark is nowhere to be found. I like that UNLV graphic artists helped produce it rather than paying somebody in Colorado. Good work by DRF
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Doesn't look bad. Simple yet reps Vegas.

Maybe too busy?

Times past, logos on the court have been slippery. Could that be a problem here?
It's ok but not exactly eye-catching. I don't know why they shaded in the free-throw lanes.

I like the simplicity and subtle dynamic design of this logo. Amazing how a little curve gives an otherwise 'meh' design some pop.

You could lose the 'Las Vegas' so that the Stratosphere doesn't burrow itself into the 'UNLV' logo.

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