We should have paid him


Rebel Legend
Gold Member
Dec 31, 2006
Nationally, this has been a PR disaster for us. If he was shaking us down we should have paid. If we promised him we should have paid. Either way, the down side of not paying was far....... greater than just writing the check. Sometimes in life if you are right or wrong it doesn't make any difference. Sometimes the truth doesn't matter and our sports leadership ( be it the University or the collective) can't give flamethrowers like Finebaum etc. gasoline to go after us. The entire thing was FUBAR.
Nationally, this has been a PR disaster for us. If he was shaking us down we should have paid. If we promised him we should have paid. Either way, the down side of not paying was far....... greater than just writing the check. Sometimes in life if you are right or wrong it doesn't make any difference. Sometimes the truth doesn't matter and our sports leadership ( be it the University or the collective) can't give flamethrowers like Finebaum etc. gasoline to go after us. The entire thing was FUBAR.
It's hard to know what the right move was, without really knowing the details of what happened. If the staff/NIL collective never made that offer to him, then there's no chance you pay someone that's trying to extort you.

The agent Sluka has is still, to this day, not registered as an agent in NV, so isn't able to act on Sluka's behalf. Pretty crazy situation all around.
We've done the right thing. You don't get to negotiate in season. Sorry kid.
Not if he is contending he was promised before the season started. His contention is he just wants what he was promised. Everybody in the country thinks this is fair and doesn't give a shit if it's true or not. Our decision makers should have swallow hard, called the collective, and paid. Sometimes the asshole has you by the gonads and you have to admit it a move on.
It's hard to know what the right move was, without really knowing the details of what happened. If the staff/NIL collective never made that offer to him, then there's no chance you pay someone that's trying to extort you.

The agent Sluka has is still, to this day, not registered as an agent in NV, so isn't able to act on Sluka's behalf. Pretty crazy situation all around.
Extortionists get paid all the time. No matter what, either the collective was sloppy or our assistant was out of line. He had us by the short hairs. We needed to have a logical thinker realize this and just pay.
Extortionists get paid all the time. No matter what, either the collective was sloppy or our assistant was out of line. He had us by the short hairs. We needed to have a logical thinker realize this and just pay.
Saying "extortionists get paid all the time" doesn't make it the right thing to do. I said that, if he was actually offered that money, then yeah, we should have worked with the NIL group to make that happen. But if we didn't, then I don't agree that you pay him. We can agree to disagree on that.
Wonder if UNLV had any contact with the NCAA? I’ve read on this board (but don’t know for certain) that negotiating midseason is a violation. If true, a call from UNLV to the NCAA seeking clarity as to how much they have to correct a possible miscommunication on NIL would have been advisable. If the NCAA said no dice, if there’s no contract it’s too late to correct anything now, then UNLV wouldn’t be able to pay even if they wanted to. Yet another wrinkle in this fiasco. Blame all around imo. For UNLV, it just has to handle its business much, much better. A buttoned-down professionally run operation avoids this bush-league sh$t.
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It's not we should have paid him, it's if UNLVs story is accruate, they should have been way more aggressive out the gate with it. This isnt some small time thing. We are kindof in a bubble as fans and naturally slanted to favor the program. Everywhere else the opinion of UNLV is now severely negative. This is something that warrants a statement like the school made, but also a press conference with receipts right out of the gate. If the kid engaged in pay for play, prove it. Should have been way more aggressive in our defense. The fact we werent kinda points to Marion doing what he is accused of in most peoples eyes.

But we didn't do that. And the damage is mostly done. So now it's on us to first off show we can win without Sluka and get some positive attention back. Anyone thinking this isnt a bad thing though has their head in the sand.
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I think UNLV will be okay in this.

You will get paid accordingly after the season is done.

We’ve seen stories from the SEC about buckets of money paid to recruits before hand and committing to their school…only to flop flop and sign to another school.
Saying "extortionists get paid all the time" doesn't make it the right thing to do. I said that, if he was actually offered that money, then yeah, we should have worked with the NIL group to make that happen. But if we didn't, then I don't agree that you pay him. We can agree to disagree on that.
I'm not talking the morally correct thing to do. I'm talking the society we live in. Is it morally correct to negotiate with garbage workers who are on strike even if they have a no-strike contract? Hell no - until the garbage is 10 feet high and stinking to hell. But somehow they magically get a raise and the garbage gets picked up. We should have paid the kid. We just had $ millions of dollars of negative press that we could have avoided for $ 100 K. Righteous but stupid.
except he didnt deal with the collective. He went to the HC. HC told him he doesnt deal with the collective and he needed to go talk to them and instead Sluka threw a fit and quit the team...
Never should have gone that far. We needed to get the kid paid.
I don't believe we should have paid. I would have told him to go eat a wiener, preferably all beef.
And I would have found a way to pay him within the rules. And this thread doesn't exist. Instead we would be guessing the score on tomorrows game in a line-em-up thread. .
Let’s say UNLV paid him. Word gets out and NCAA comes knocking. “Hey UNLV, we hear you paid your QB mid-season. Please provide us a copy of the NIL agreement for this transaction. Oh, no agreement? How about an email? No? Scribbled note on the back of a napkin? No? Ok, here’s your notice of violation. So nice being back on UNLV’s campus, just like the old days. Have a nice day.”
Never should have gone that far. We needed to get the kid paid.
So If you have an employee that comes to you and demands more money and you say no and then they go on social an torch you for not paying them more because the recruiter told them they'd get a higher salary when hired but that wasn't what they actually signed for your solution would be to just pay that employee to shut up and get back to work?
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Nationally, this has been a PR disaster for us. If he was shaking us down we should have paid. If we promised him we should have paid. Either way, the down side of not paying was far....... greater than just writing the check. Sometimes in life if you are right or wrong it doesn't make any difference. Sometimes the truth doesn't matter and our sports leadership ( be it the University or the collective) can't give flamethrowers like Finebaum etc. gasoline to go after us. The entire thing was FUBAR.
UNLV is not the first to get a shake down. TCU fans said that one of their star LB did the same thing. After every win he would ask for more and more. 4 times I think TCU paid him until they stopped and he was gone.
Never should have gone that far. We needed to get the kid paid.

Tell me something.. This guy went through.

Summer workouts.

Fall camp

Game 1

Game 2

And doesn't say a word about getting his money.

Then conveniently waits until after Game three which so happens to be the last game he can play and preserve his red shirt..

This sounds legit to you?
UNLV is not the first to get a shake down. TCU fans said that one of their star LB did the same thing. After every win he would ask for more and more. 4 times I think TCU paid him until they stopped and he was gone.
Sounds like the entire Oklahoma State starting 22 was asking for a "raise" with the way Gundy publicly announced there would be no in-season NIL talks.
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Tell me something.. This guy went through.

Summer workouts.

Fall camp

Game 1

Game 2

And doesn't say a word about getting his money.

Then conveniently waits until after Game three which so happens to be the last game he can play and preserve his red shirt..

This sounds legit to you?
It's the magical timing that makes me believe UNLV and not Sluka.
It's the magical timing that makes me believe UNLV and not Sluka.
Yes. I believe UNLV as well. But the way in which the university addressed this was subpar and allowed Slukas narrative to be declared as truth..they should have been far more aggressive beyond just a statement. And now, everyone outside of Vegas believes UNLV isnt good for their word. Gonna take time to fix that.
Extortionists get paid all the time. No matter what, either the collective was sloppy or our assistant was out of line. He had us by the short hairs. We needed to have a logical thinker realize this and just pay.
And then what? Do they renegotiate 3 games in every players NIL who walks in and demands more money? Do you realize the precedent that sets? Look, personally I hate the NIL, and what it’s done to CFB, but I’m all for the players getting what they deserve and owed if there was a binding documented agreement in writing. I’m sorry, but the blame falls on Sluka and his representation for not getting an agreement in writing.
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And then what? Do they renegotiate 3 games in every players NIL who walks in and demands more money? Do you realize the precedent that sets? Look, personally I hate the NIL, and what it’s done to CFB, but I’m all for the players getting what they deserve and owed if there was a binding documented agreement in writing. I’m sorry, but the blame falls on Sluka and his representation for not getting an agreement in writing.
Exactly. Pay him and every top player on the team will be in line with their hand out. And Sluka sees that work and UNLV is undefeated he will probably come back before the conference championship with his hand out again. Not paying him was the right move.
The reason why this is a big deal is A- It was the starting QB on an undefeated G5 ranked team...
B- Instead of us releasing a statement that Sluka was no longer part of the team and had withdrawn from UNLV, we let him post is announcement at night and before UNLV even gets a chance to chime in, the National media has picked it up as a lack of NIL payment.
He got to control the early narrative and its much more fun to talk about a player not getting paid what he is promised than to realize the kid made a power play after winning 3 games...
And then what? Do they renegotiate 3 games in every players NIL who walks in and demands more money? Do you realize the precedent that sets? Look, personally I hate the NIL, and what it’s done to CFB, but I’m all for the players getting what they deserve and owed if there was a binding documented agreement in writing. I’m sorry, but the blame falls on Sluka and his representation for not getting an agreement in writing.

This could have been handled years ago by the NCAA.

They knew players were eventually going to get paid.

They could have created an individual player and or team 'cap'.

Would have helped to some degree with competitive balance. (I know the rich would still be rich and some schools would have struggled)

But at least there's some oversight.

What's going on now is anarchy.
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The ONLY way we should pay them if there was some truth to Sluka's statement. I can see at some point Marion mentioning some about " We might be able to get you 100k" or something like that.

That's it.

No pay for play, no holding hostage. Only to "make good" on even an implied promise.

UNLV is not the first to get a shake down. TCU fans said that one of their star LB did the same thing. After every win he would ask for more and more. 4 times I think TCU paid him until they stopped and he was gone.
That's the thing...once you start, where does it end? He could just come back after every win and say,
"The price of poker just went up fellas"
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