Think about this situation ---
It's the bottom of the 9th.
Your team is up at bat
Need to win the game to advance to the playoffs.
Tie ballgame.
Bases loaded.
You have your 3-4-5 hitters coming up.
Their reliever is gassed, but they have no one warming up in the pen.
Does your team come through.....or do they choke?
It's kinda like that
It's the bottom of the 9th.
Your team is up at bat
Need to win the game to advance to the playoffs.
Tie ballgame.
Bases loaded.
You have your 3-4-5 hitters coming up.
Their reliever is gassed, but they have no one warming up in the pen.
Does your team come through.....or do they choke?
It's kinda like that