The Reno vs UNLV rivalry thread

That was a wild game. The UNLV visitor section only had about 50 total Rebel fans in it and the Pack fans were giving us so much crap in that 2nd half as we blew that early lead. It was pretty heated there at the end. I was so pumped leaving the stadium though. Glad nobody tried to fight us.
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Lol at stupid Reno fan falling into the field. I hope he got his ass kicked.

“Git off our field” [roll]
That was a wild game. The UNLV visitor section only had about 50 total Rebel fans in it and the Pack fans were giving us so much crap in that 2nd half as we blew that early lead. It was pretty heated there at the end. I was so pumped leaving the stadium though. Glad nobody tried to fight us.

Very Hills Have Eyes/Deliverance feel up there.
@wolfgang jayn

Hey dude, now that the dust has settled. You guys kicked our ass for most of the game.

You guys wanted the game more than us and it showed. Valiant effort from Reno.

Arroyo’s playcalling…3 straight calls up the gut and we punt the ball and you guys March right down the field. I will not miss Arroyo at ALL.

See ya on the basketball board.
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Thanks. Had to love the effort of this Nevada team. For every good player Nevada had, you had two , if not more. Even with a good recruiting class, we'll still be thin next year. Big gamble on getting a new coach. Having the best stadium only lasts so long.
Thanks. Had to love the effort of this Nevada team. For every good player Nevada had, you had two , if not more. Even with a good recruiting class, we'll still be thin next year. Big gamble on getting a new coach. Having the best stadium only lasts so long.
Yeah, we'll see on the head coach deal. Unless they have a really good plan, I thought Arroyo should get another year. As you saw in the UNR game, we had more talent than our team showed, but that's where the coaching and play calling comes in. Hoping for the best at this point, but am very skeptical given our past history of new hires, both basketball and football.
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Legitimately, yes.

I didn't like how he viewed year one as a "tryout," not as a season. It wasn't fair to his players or to us fans. Also, definitely not to his employer paying him > $1,000,000 that season.
Agree completely. Not that I knew … but sometimes people slip … while calm (everyone can screw up badly when they fly off the handle) … and that slip can reveal so much. Him saying that, to me, shows a loser and a victim mentality … that they are more concerned about perception than substance, that their ego is way too big to accept criticism.

Had he said “it was a tough year, first year with all the disruptions … but everyone had those disruptions and we didn’t handle it well. But it gave us an opportunity to see where we are at and what we are working with, what we need to go out and get. We are not happy with any of those losses and any player that is ok with them, they need to find another program. We are a long way from learning how to win, but we will toughen them up and we will get players in here that are used to winning”.

Something like that I’d have been ok with.

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