SDSU is leaving!

Not so sure about this. I believe the increase in recruiting caliber and national attention for UNLV football and both basketball teams may have turned some heads in the offices of the other conferences. What hasn't happened yet is the return of ESPN to profitability. CBS holds the cards right now along with Fox. ESPN overspending on Texas and SEC contracts will have long term negative effects on college sports.
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This is relatively easy math for SDSU and depends on the PAC 12 (will they allow a newcomer to wait a year before entering and how much will a new inductee receive?) With $ 17 mil for 1 year or more notice and $ 34 mil for less than 1 year notice SDSU should never pay the $ 34 million unless the PAC requires immediate entry and the PAC is paying enough to cover the $ 34 million and make money over and above the payout. If the PAC will allow them the time, SDSU should wait until they are offered by the PAC and give notice of more than 1 year for the $17 mil.

I can't imagine SDSU giving notice and paying the $ 17 mil without a lock-solid guarantee they will be offered as soon as the TV contract is negotiated. Even then, the AD and President are putting their standing in jeopardy if the "deal" falls through.
They've done this stupid stuff before so it wouldn't surprise me if they're expecting an invite that may or may not come...remember, these are the same clowns that left for the Big East only to come crawling back a month or do later
This is relatively easy math for SDSU and depends on the PAC 12 (will they allow a newcomer to wait a year before entering and how much will a new inductee receive?) With $ 17 mil for 1 year or more notice and $ 34 mil for less than 1 year notice SDSU should never pay the $ 34 million unless the PAC requires immediate entry and the PAC is paying enough to cover the $ 34 million and make money over and above the payout. If the PAC will allow them the time, SDSU should wait until they are offered by the PAC and give notice of more than 1 year for the $17 mil.

I can't imagine SDSU giving notice and paying the $ 17 mil without a lock-solid guarantee they will be offered as soon as the TV contract is negotiated. Even then, the AD and President are putting their standing in jeopardy if the "deal" falls through.
Exactly, if they leave without a rock solid contract in place they lose all leverage and have to take whatever deal they are given. Looks like they got their tits in a wringer.
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I hope this royally Fs them over. Screw those arrogant a**es and their "We're going to the Pac 12 because we're so much more better than everyone else..."
Are they that arrogant?

How would Rebel fans be talking right now if we had the same success as them, especially coming off a final four?

Hell half of our fan base think we are too good for a conference that we have won the regular season basketball title once, haven't finished in the top 3 in 10 years and hasn't sniffed the possibility of a MW title game in football.

I'm not mad at them, actually I am jealous. I feel a little bad for them since they have earned it and are getting screwed over right now, but not that bad lol.
Are they that arrogant?

How would Rebel fans be talking right now if we had the same success as them, especially coming off a final four?

Hell half of our fan base think we are too good for a conference that we have won the regular season basketball title once, haven't finished in the top 3 in 10 years and hasn't sniffed the possibility of a MW title game in football.

I'm not mad at them, actually I am jealous. I feel a little bad for them since they have earned it and are getting screwed over right now, but not that bad lol.
I don't blame them for wanting to leave but don't feel badly for them getting screwed over either the conference owes them nothing.
Are they that arrogant?

How would Rebel fans be talking right now if we had the same success as them, especially coming off a final four?

Hell half of our fan base think we are too good for a conference that we have won the regular season basketball title once, haven't finished in the top 3 in 10 years and hasn't sniffed the possibility of a MW title game in football.

I'm not mad at them, actually I am jealous. I feel a little bad for them since they have earned it and are getting screwed over right now, but not that bad lol.

Agree. In addition to what they’ve done in basketball they have made bowl games in I think 12 of the last 13 seasons.

UNLV can only hope their athletic department can achieve some of what SDSU has the past 15 or so seasons. SDSU has been the standard of excellence in the MWC and UNLV the standard of futility, a complete dumpster fire.
Yes, we would, but they were arrogant before they had this sustained success dating back to I don't care what they do, where they go, I hope they get absolutely screwed by Pac 12 on this and try and come crawling back to MW again.
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I hope this royally Fs them over. Screw those arrogant a**es and their "We're going to the Pac 12 because we're so much more better than everyone else..."
They kinda ARE better than everyone else though. (In this conference)

Not gonna lie, they have done EVERYTHING to better themselves and bolt for greener pastures.
I hope this royally Fs them over. Screw those arrogant a**es and their "We're going to the Pac 12 because we're so much more better than everyone else..."
Ehhhh what are we trying to do though???? They’ve proved that they are in deed better than everyone else when it comes to basketball. Football has the potential to be decent, I don’t blame them at all & really can’t be mad at them. They deserve it, their school committed to winning and beefing up athletics. They are in a good position now. Now with that being said I don’t think the MW should even think about extending their buyout, which I believe they’ve come out and said no to. Yes they are cocky, but so are most fan bases that have a leg to stand on. How do you think our fan base was back in the 80’s and early 90’s??? Utah state loathed is because they were getting the smack down put on them every meeting.
Technically, they're adrift... they notified the conference they were leaving, conference demanded cash that SDSU didn't have... they now sent notice that they'd like to stay, but MWC still had to vote to accept them back I believe, which I imagine will come with a stiffer buyout clause...
This makes them look really stupid again
Too broke to pay up but then again, so are we!! Lol

We’re destined to stay here.
I saw a tweet that stated the MWC could expel them, force them to pay the exit fee, then make them re-apply for membership. It wouldn't come to that but damn would that be funny!
They have to be voted back in by conference board. When they announced they were leaving, their resignation was accepted by the board effectively booting them out of the conference. They no longer have a board seat and haven't received league funds. In order to be re-admitted they would have to be voted back in by league, a move that would likely cost SDSU alot more money if they choose to leave in say next 5 years... it effectively shuts the door on SDSU bolting for a P5 without substantial financial hardship, since they don't have the 17 million they'd need to leave right now... the really F'd themselves, lol
For an athletic department that has been nothing but saavy, rational, and well-thought out the past 2 decades this has been a real shit show for them!
It'd make me laugh so hard if the Cali schools were the ones who pulled the rug out from under them...
This also might imply the media rights deal for the Pac 12 isn't great and the other big names are looking to jump ship
It'd make me laugh so hard if the Cali schools were the ones who pulled the rug out from under them...
This also might imply the media rights deal for the Pac 12 isn't great and the other big names are looking to jump ship
I think that’s what it is… I truly think PAC is gonna lose its remaining powers and essentially dissolve. I think SDSU was hoping BIG12 was going to come in and they would’ve paid, but that didn’t come through either. That being said… I don’t think that is a good thing for us
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I think that’s what it is… I truly think PAC is gonna lose its remaining powers and essentially dissolve. I think SDSU was hoping BIG12 was going to come in and they would’ve paid, but that didn’t come through either. That being said… I don’t think that is a good thing for us
Eh, we were not really long for the Pac 12 anyways... Harper has Big 12 connections, we've been talking to them since as far back as those 2011-2012 stadium design proposals/conversations... they influenced the stadium seating requirements and we do fit more with their "academic" profiles... I think having a travel partner or 2 in BYU/Utah/Co makes adding the Vegas market a more lucrative and travel friendly option for stretching their conference coast to coast
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This came out today. And I know we can have some great debates on this board when we are respectful... Again curious if anybody has seen this article and has feedback? Apparently SDSU overplayed their hand or was overzealous in some way in negotiations. And now litigation has begun. Here's the link to the article: 6 million for the final four maybe nullify for SDSU
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