RIP Ryan Keeler

LB Ryan Keeler passed away today. Rest in paradise. Heard he was turning heads in the strength and conditioning program.

Very sad news.
So sad to hear with somebody so damn young. Tragedies are tragedies no matter what, but it hits more when it’s youth. Parents aren’t supposed to bury their children.

Sincere thoughts and prayers to his family and loved ones.
Those on social media are already yelling about suing UNLV, putting out fake stories, etc.. Now because the coroner's office is looking into the case they think that means something was illegal or wrong, it really just means it is an unexplained death that they will look into and then determine the cause if possible like any other sudden unexpected death.
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I don’t know what’s going on or the circumstances.

Still just a kid in my eyes. Very sad news.
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Those on social media are already yelling about suing UNLV, putting out fake stories, etc.. Now because the coroner's office is looking into the case they think that means something was illegal or wrong, it really just means it is an unexplained depth that they will look into and then determine the cause if possible like any other sudden unexpected death.
Those on social media are already yelling about suing UNLV, putting out fake stories, etc.. Now because the coroner's office is looking into the case they think that means something was illegal or wrong, it really just means it is an unexplained depth that they will look into and then determine the cause if possible like any other sudden unexpected death.
I saw something where somebody(not sure if it was a friend/teammate/patent) got on some substack and started placing blame on school, administration, and training staff. Then they went off on firing Arroyo and the way the AD and President handled Arroyos departure. I take those things with grain of salt, but there's nothing unusual about a coroner's investigation for cause of death when the death is unexpected, so I'm also not discounting that something may be reported that matches that...
I saw something where somebody(not sure if it was a friend/teammate/patent) got on some substack and started placing blame on school, administration, and training staff. Then they went off on firing Arroyo and the way the AD and President handled Arroyos departure. I take those things with grain of salt, but there's nothing unusual about a coroner's investigation for cause of death when the death is unexpected, so I'm also not discounting that something may be reported that matches that...
What is a sub stack? Like gear?
I saw something where somebody(not sure if it was a friend/teammate/patent) got on some substack and started placing blame on school, administration, and training staff. Then they went off on firing Arroyo and the way the AD and President handled Arroyos departure. I take those things with grain of salt, but there's nothing unusual about a coroner's investigation for cause of death when the death is unexpected, so I'm also not discounting that something may be reported that matches that...
I read part of the same post by someone that had a twitter account with part of the name being pineapple. Just another idiot posting BS. Also read how the new coach was pushing the players way to hard and not worrying about their medical condition. They haven't even had practice yet beyond basic strength and conditioning in the gym under the new coach.
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I was told yesterday that the director of recruiting told players to delete any social media posts regarding the incident and that made a good amount of players suspicious and question what really happened...
I was told yesterday that the director of recruiting told players to delete any social media posts regarding the incident and that made a good amount of players suspicious and question what really happened...
Good ole UNLV. Same people that tells people they cannot bring signs to basketball games or disperses people from having a peaceful assembly at the T&M.
I was told yesterday that the director of recruiting told players to delete any social media posts regarding the incident and that made a good amount of players suspicious and question what really happened...
I saw what she sent ti the players and that isn’t true. Players were making posts right after it happened. She asked the players to not post until after the family was notified and more facts were known. That was the intent.
I was told yesterday that the director of recruiting told players to delete any social media posts regarding the incident and that made a good amount of players suspicious and question what really happened...
Told, or made up your own facts? I am sure you would fit in perfectly with some of those on twitter trying to make up their own facts to make it look like UNLV intentionally covered something up instead of waiting for the coroner's inquest.
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Considering its an unexpected death and a tragedy there is a great deal of speculation until information is made public. I would be highly suspicious of anything blaming anyone in particular without knowing exactly where that information is coming from first hand. Would seem incredibly destructive at a pivotal time for program either way.
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Told, or made up your own facts? I am sure you would fit in perfectly with some of those on twitter trying to make up their own facts to make it look like UNLV intentionally covered something up instead of waiting for the coroner's inquest.
I was told. Look at my post history and see how credible I am. In no way did I say that I believe what I was told nor am I trying to imply that UNLV is hiding anything.

But keep creating your own narrative and being butthurt. Ask anyone on this sub if I'm in the know or not.
I was told. Look at my post history and see how credible I am. In no way did I say that I believe what I was told nor am I trying to imply that UNLV is hiding anything.

But keep creating your own narrative and being butthurt. Ask anyone on this sub if I'm in the know or not.
Seems to me that you are the butthurt one that doesn't like being called out. As for creating my own narrative, you are the one that made comments without waiting for actual facts, while I am writing that we should wait for the inquest, so who is actually creating their own narrative? What narrative did I create by saying to wait, or do you understand what the meaning is for create your own narrative?
Seems to me that you are the butthurt one that doesn't like being called out. As for creating my own narrative, you are the one that made comments without waiting for actual facts, while I am writing that we should wait for the inquest, so who is actually creating their own narrative? What narrative did I create by saying to wait, or do you understand what the meaning is for create your own narrative?
I made comments based on what I was told. You tried to create the narrative that I was making stuff up like people did on Twitter. Theres a reason why no one liked your comment and thats because I hold weight and know what I'm talking about. I'm tied into the program which is why I post what I do on here and everything checks out.

Again, I simply said that I was told how players felt after they received the message. Multiple players told me how they felt. Why even question or try to dispute that? You have no ties to the program and you arent in the program.

Look at my post history and see what I said and how everything checks out. Enjoy being a super fan with no real intel!
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I made comments based on what I was told. You tried to create the narrative that I was making stuff up like people did on Twitter. Theres a reason why no one liked your comment and thats because I hold weight and know what I'm talking about. I'm tied into the program which is why I post what I do on here and everything checks out.

Again, I simply said that I was told how players felt after they received the message. Multiple players told me how they felt. Why even question or try to dispute that? You have no ties to the program and you arent in the program.

Again, look at my post history and see what I said and how everything checks out. Enjoy being a super fan with no real intel!
You are 100% correct that some players feel exactly what you said. All I was saying was the intent was not to tell the players they couldn’t post on social media.

I think since then the message has been communicated clearly and players understand the situation much better. However when you have 80-90 young men you are always going to have a few that aren’t on the same page

I think the most important thing is to remember Ryan. I see a lot of finger pointing and political statements being made and that’s not the time right now for it.

When all the facts are in there will be plenty of time to point fingers if it is needed.
Seems to me that you are the butthurt one that doesn't like being called out. As for creating my own narrative, you are the one that made comments without waiting for actual facts, while I am writing that we should wait for the inquest, so who is actually creating their own narrative? What narrative did I create by saying to wait, or do you understand what the meaning is for create your own narrative?

You did kinda insinuate that he was creating a narrative.

His posts/info have been accurate in the past.

Personally seemed to me he was passing on some 2nd hand info. As we all know that can sometimes create varying accounts..

I'd say it's a misunderstanding on the intent of a post resulting in unnecessary butthurtedness...

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Just reading this forum for awhile, that particular poster is the biggest butthurt snowflake I've ever seen over every possible subject. There is nothing he won't take offense to.
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Ah, there are a few that have him beat. Badly.
The Dantley Walker arguments were amazing!

WrigleyN8 got triggered so easily. My daily thrill was pointing out a miss or two by Rashad and insinuating that "Dantley could have done it better." Then that guy would RUN with the argument while I sat back and would laugh.
The Dantley Walker arguments were amazing!

WrigleyN8 got triggered so easily. My daily thrill was pointing out a miss or two by Rashad and insinuating that "Dantley could have done it better." Then that guy would RUN with the argument while I sat back and would laugh.
Forgot about that name. Eh, he was a good friend of Walker’s dad, apparently. But the lengths he went though to prove he was right when he was so off the wall wrong and everyone including himself knew it (reminds me of other things nowadays). Instead of acknowledging it, he chose to disappear in complete silence hoping it would fade away. Or he would.

Rashad was an NBA draft pick. Dantley didn’t even start at Chaminade.

Surprised you remembered his handle …
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Died of a heart condition..

Rest in heaven Ryan Keeler!!
🤦‍♂️ haha

Actually out of curiosity, where was that set up? Gotta imagine either near facility or elsewhere on campus?
I think it’s on campus..on the north end. Closest to the health science building and the elementary school.
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