Rancho Baseball


All American
Nov 19, 2008
Went and saw the game at CSN versus SV. Terrible body language, attitudes. These kids bought into the hype and got boat raced. They need to play with underdog mentality every game. Also, Holdren needs to take a back seat to Qualls, who should be the ace this season. He's clearly passed Holdren development wise.
I've been telling them all winter...Holdren's dad has been battling cancer,he's got way bigger issues than baseball...Not making excuses for the kid but he's been struggling...
Getting beat right now is probably a good thing. They need to be brought back down to earth...National rankings can do that to teams esp when you haven't been there before.....
That's terrible he's dealing with that. It showed he just didn't want to be out there. Zak pretty much carried them through the Sunrise division playoffs last year, I think he earned the top spot a while ago.

Tom's biggest fish to fry right now is getting their caps on straight. Wasn't cool seeing Gabe argue balls and strikes with the ump, but the capper for me was watching their first baseman spike his helmet after getting smoked for strike three. Who does he think he is? I believe Tom yanked him after that little tantrum.
I'm going to watch them monday...Tom can only do so much, they've been together a long time and someone needs to take leadership on that team...preferibly Brandon who is hands down their best player...I watched them last weekend and thought I was at a funeral...I'm about ready to give them a piece myself...I'd hate to see them pass up a chance of a lifetime...Great kids but they need to take the field wanting to kick someones arse...I haven't seen that in this team. It's a long season...
They think they're the defacto champs and they haven't won anything. They think teams are going to just roll over for them when the target is squarely on their backs now. They'll have to work even harder to make it back to the top. Last night wasn't a good start by any stretch.

I'd take the game away from them in practice and run their asses until they got the point; Rodger Fairless style..

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