Attention Eric Harper.. attention Kevin Kruger… attention whoever is in charge of our light show… WAKE UP…. Immediately CANCEL the “movie presentation “ for our whole team to just stand around and look up and watch how great they are. Pitiful.. Secondly, who’s bright idea is it to dim the lights BEFORE they introduce the opponent?? Giving THEM a light show too. Stupid.. Ever since we started having a highlight movie during the light show we have had a horrible home court record. Go back to what MADE the light show..
1) introduce the opponent with lights on.. zero fanfare
2) a pause. .. lights go off.. announcer says “and now”
The fight song immediately starts with a bang
No boring one minute stupid movie please. Cancel it.
1) introduce the opponent with lights on.. zero fanfare
2) a pause. .. lights go off.. announcer says “and now”
The fight song immediately starts with a bang
No boring one minute stupid movie please. Cancel it.