One more nail

The state of Nevada should follow suit! Then they could use the fact that UNLV and the team up North would also pay the players and allow them to earn from their likeness. If that happened couldn't we also use it as a recruiting tool?

Come to UNLV and get paid!

If you can't beat em, join em!
So you then raise taxes and charge students a higher tuition to pay for them?
We can’t afford salaries for decent coaches or AD’s.... but we are now going to be competitive with payment to 70 or so scholarship football players; plus 13 basketball players. Golf, which Knight could raise himself, but that’s another 5 or 6.... baseball currently gets 8 or 9 (?) to split among players, let’s make it entire team... Title IX, double the total number... so let’s find the cash to pay 200-300 student athletes. And let’s be competitive. Things HAVE to be equal and across the board, can’t have people screaming about discrimination. Let’s be competitive and make it 100k per. So that’s 200-3,000,0000 per year. Yeah; we got this.

I have no clue on the numbers, just threw garbage out there. But UNLV doesn’t have the cash. Go to state for the cash? They won’t have it and if they do, it would go to UNR first anyway.

But don’t be surprised. It may not happen this go round but it will change slowly... and with every little change it’s going to be a disadvantage to UNLV... and the gap will increase. Conference affiliation can be your only safety net.

So decades of stagnation, non-improvement, being happy with the status quo, poor athletic directors with zero vision, innovation or ability .... plenty of time was there to improve and fix and it was ignored.

It’s the former athlete that gains a little bit of weight, knows it’s a problem, knows it’s going to be a long term problem, they do nothing about it, keep gaining weight, here’s the type 2, keep eating at buffets starting at the dessert line, here comes the peripheral issues, the tingling; the start of kidney failure, early stages, medicine isn’t effective, things progress because the basics aren’t taken care of; time for a little bit of dialysis to buy time.... family (fans) can’t do a damn thing, they watch you slowly die and an earlier than necessary death. All preventable.... neglect of the known....
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We can’t afford salaries for decent coaches or AD’s.... but we are now going to be competitive with payment to 70 or so scholarship football players; plus 13 basketball players. Golf, which Knight could raise himself, but that’s another 5 or 6.... baseball currently gets 8 or 9 (?) to split among players, let’s make it entire team... Title IX, double the total number... so let’s find the cash to pay 200-300 student athletes. And let’s be competitive. Things HAVE to be equal and across the board, can’t have people screaming about discrimination. Let’s be competitive and make it 100k per. So that’s 200-3,000,0000 per year. Yeah; we got this.

I have no clue on the numbers, just threw garbage out there. But UNLV doesn’t have the cash. Go to state for the cash? They won’t have it and if they do, it would go to UNR first anyway.

But don’t be surprised. It may not happen this go round but it will change slowly... and with every little change it’s going to be a disadvantage to UNLV... and the gap will increase. Conference affiliation can be your only safety net.

So decades of stagnation, non-improvement, being happy with the status quo, poor athletic directors with zero vision, innovation or ability .... plenty of time was there to improve and fix and it was ignored.

It’s the former athlete that gains a little bit of weight, knows it’s a problem, knows it’s going to be a long term problem, they do nothing about it, keep gaining weight, here’s the type 2, keep eating at buffets starting at the dessert line, here comes the peripheral issues, the tingling; the start of kidney failure, early stages, medicine isn’t effective, things progress because the basics aren’t taken care of; time for a little bit of dialysis to buy time.... family (fans) can’t do a damn thing, they watch you slowly die and an earlier than necessary death. All preventable.... neglect of the known....
I feel like I just evaluated a patient with DM and neuropathy. Thanks for making me work on a Saturday.

You’re not wrong that UNLV digs their own grave. You’re also not wrong that if UNR did, UNLV would have to fully fund the project and build a shiny new funeral home on UNR’s campus.
I feel like I just evaluated a patient with DM and neuropathy. Thanks for making me work on a Saturday.

You’re not wrong that UNLV digs their own grave. You’re also not wrong that if UNR did, UNLV would have to fully fund the project and build a shiny new funeral home on UNR’s campus.
It’s kind of a textbook pathway. Obviously, DM, cardiac, and oncology patients make up the vast majority of inpatients... 2 of the 3 are preventable or are at least something you have some control over. Not making light of how difficult it is to wrestle dealing with it... but you at least can deal.
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This whole compensation issue has so many sides to it. Is it about the athletes being able to make $ off NIL? Sounds like a market-driven thing that will only benefit the stars. Or is it a 'pay everybody' thing, regardless of market? There's the argument - and it's not wrong - that the NCAA has become a multi-billion dollar giant, profiting off 'unpaid' labor, and that labor needs to be paid. I guess my primary question regarding this is, Why are the member institutions left to scramble for the funds for this, when the institution that is raking in the big bucks should be the one to pay them back out? At least, that way, each school could, theoretically, receive the same amount from the NCAA, to distribute as they wish. If the schools are left to figure it out on their own, then the rich get richer, the poor get the scraps, there will probably be another official division created with the G5, and many programs will just fold up their tents.
This whole compensation issue has so many sides to it. Is it about the athletes being able to make $ off NIL? Sounds like a market-driven thing that will only benefit the stars. Or is it a 'pay everybody' thing, regardless of market? There's the argument - and it's not wrong - that the NCAA has become a multi-billion dollar giant, profiting off 'unpaid' labor, and that labor needs to be paid. I guess my primary question regarding this is, Why are the member institutions left to scramble for the funds for this, when the institution that is raking in the big bucks should be the one to pay them back out? At least, that way, each school could, theoretically, receive the same amount from the NCAA, to distribute as they wish. If the schools are left to figure it out on their own, then the rich get richer, the poor get the scraps, there will probably be another official division created with the G5, and many programs will just fold up their tents.

I know the men's diving team and women's field hockey teams can't wait for this money to roll in...