HMW Rebel-net reviews: a preview of what to expect?


Retired Number
Sep 30, 2010
“Turns out HMW sucks - put in Friel” - Rod the Rebel

“Now we know why Sluka got the nod.” - Rosegreen1

“Turns out or was obvious because we brought in Sluka after signing him? He is to pocket shy,” - Masked Rebel

“Looks like he has no idea what’s going on” - Rod the Rebel

“Yeah he immediately looks to run as soon as first read isn't there. Feet just dance and then he's gone” - Masked Rebel

“Looks like HMW has been told not to pass.” - Warthhog Rebel

“Has been told or just isn't confident in passing... they clearly called several passing plays and he tucked and ran after a short look to his first read” - Masked rebel
Thanks. Might add context that these were arguments made while people were arguing Hajj should start over Sluka... had last night not happened, these comments are irrelevant, it's not like he won the job in the bye week...

PS- can you do this again in a few years when conference realignment hits again...lots of hot takes over there too
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“Turns out HMW sucks - put in Friel” - Rod the Rebel

“Now we know why Sluka got the nod.” - Rosegreen1

“Turns out or was obvious because we brought in Sluka after signing him? He is to pocket shy,” - Masked Rebel

“Looks like he has no idea what’s going on” - Rod the Rebel

“Yeah he immediately looks to run as soon as first read isn't there. Feet just dance and then he's gone” - Masked Rebel

“Looks like HMW has been told not to pass.” - Warthhog Rebel

“Has been told or just isn't confident in passing... they clearly called several passing plays and he tucked and ran after a short look to his first read” - Masked rebel

Why do this man.

We all have hot takes that turn freezing cold.
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