Dude, I want to go bowling


Rebel Legend
Sep 8, 2009
My dad got me a ticket for the Rose Bowl. No question. I dropped everything on 1/2/23 and changed my schedule for a chance to see two teams I don’t care about. I have a lot of friends in the athletic department at Utah and my last name is a legacy at that school, but it got me thinking.

If I’m this excited about watching two teams I don’t care about, and having to navigate HORRIBLE traffic to get there and back, what will it be like when UNLV is playing extra football. I don’t care what bowl it is. It will be great for the players, the staff, and the fans, and I will be there.

I was at the bowl games in 84, 94, and 00. Couldn’t make the loss to North Texas because I had just started my own practice. I have great memories from each game. I think I’m in the same boat with all UNLV football supporters. We WANT to support this team. We will support them when they win. I think the school has finally made a good football decision with this hire, and we will win. It just feels different this time. I haven’t genuinely felt this way in 20 years. I’ve gone along for the ride with these “outside the box” hires, but I’ve rarely felt like the school got it right. I’ve waited to see, and theyre has been WAY too much mediocrity - absolute poop football.

Is it August?
The only chance that UNLV would go bowling this year is if it was at a bowling alley! Losing 6 straight games is about as bad as UNLV has looked over the last decade!
The only chance that UNLV would go bowling this year is if it was at a bowling alley! Losing 6 straight games is about as bad as UNLV has looked over the last decade!
Doug aint really hurt was he? He took off for a reason. The season ended at that point.
My dad got me a ticket for the Rose Bowl. No question. I dropped everything on 1/2/23 and changed my schedule for a chance to see two teams I don’t care about. I have a lot of friends in the athletic department at Utah and my last name is a legacy at that school, but it got me thinking.

If I’m this excited about watching two teams I don’t care about, and having to navigate HORRIBLE traffic to get there and back, what will it be like when UNLV is playing extra football. I don’t care what bowl it is. It will be great for the players, the staff, and the fans, and I will be there.

I was at the bowl games in 84, 94, and 00. Couldn’t make the loss to North Texas because I had just started my own practice. I have great memories from each game. I think I’m in the same boat with all UNLV football supporters. We WANT to support this team. We will support them when they win. I think the school has finally made a good football decision with this hire, and we will win. It just feels different this time. I haven’t genuinely felt this way in 20 years. I’ve gone along for the ride with these “outside the box” hires, but I’ve rarely felt like the school got it right. I’ve waited to see, and theyre has been WAY too much mediocrity - absolute poop football.

Is it August?

I streamed the North Texas game on my Kindle. While on vacation. In Madrid.

I feel the pain and share the sentiment.

Members of my tailgate group and I are on year 14 of a man trip for a UNLV football game. We are 0-14. Have seen some amazing historic stadiums. Rose Bowl, Coliseum, Big House, The Horseshoe, West Virginia....

We've decided on skipping a return to the Big House in exchange for a trip to Fabulous El Paso. A successful trip will be a Rebs win and none of us get human trafficked. (Not a word I know).
I missed the Big House last time. My dad, sons, and I had a blast at Notre Dame this year. Dad’s 73 and I have to act now to make sure we get things in before his body and mind start to go.

Yeah my dad is 75. He's still kicking around pretty good. Hoping to go back to West Point when Rebs face Army in a few years. He's a West Point grad.

Take every trip, you can man. Experience everything you can with him. As many here know my wife passed away unexpectedly 2 years ago, perfectly healthy 47 years old. In the past I was always the 'nah it's expensive or there's always next year' guy.

Now when trips, concerts or sporting events come up and I think should I or shouldn't I? The answer is always should.
I streamed the North Texas game on my Kindle. While on vacation. In Madrid.

I feel the pain and share the sentiment.

Members of my tailgate group and I are on year 14 of a man trip for a UNLV football game. We are 0-14. Have seen some amazing historic stadiums. Rose Bowl, Coliseum, Big House, The Horseshoe, West Virginia....

We've decided on skipping a return to the Big House in exchange for a trip to Fabulous El Paso. A successful trip will be a Rebs win and none of us get human trafficked. (Not a word I know).
We WILL beat Michigan next year!

The jinx won't be there.

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