Damar Hamlin

I sat there stunned as I watched it. I'm not a very good Christian, and I rarely, if ever, pray. Last night. I prayed for Damar Hamlin and his family.
Similar for me. Whenever you see something like that … at work, whenever I have to call a critical result and the RN says the patient passed … a sigh, sign of the cross, document it and hang up. And I’m not religious, per se. It’s just a shitty feeling.
Similar for me. Whenever you see something like that … at work, whenever I have to call a critical result and the RN says the patient passed … a sigh, sign of the cross, document it and hang up. And I’m not religious, per se. It’s just a shitty feeling.
Not religious? Neither am i . Thats the problem. Having complete faith in what ever you believe in makes things easier IMO. The thought of nothingness is a bit more to take.
Not religious? Neither am i . Thats the problem. Having complete faith in what ever you believe in makes things easier IMO. The thought of nothingness is a bit more to take.
I went through my steps as a good Catholic, catechism and all, paused at confirmation because it felt hypocritical to me … I wanted to believe in all of it, but - as you can tell with the Covid stuff - I’m pretty hard wired on evidence as a guide. And I couldn’t find that, even if I tried to fool myself. So it just didn’t feel right. I guess I’ve identified as agnostic.

That said, I think at its core, religion is a good thing. Which religion doesn’t matter so much, not with the basics … the core values are essentially the same. And I see where religion/God can be a huge comfort to people in troubled times. So I don’t have a problem with it and going through the motions of Catholicism, I know it and I still teach it to my kids and when they are old enough they can decide for themselves, but I’m not going to limit their options or tell them they have to think what I think.

I absolutely agree that a strong faith makes things “easier” in many respects. I have trouble with faith … to me it’s synonymous with a strong hope.

But I do think you can be spiritual without being religious. Believing there is an order, a sensibility hidden inside the insensibility, I believe in a strong moral fiber, I believe in a balance …

And I reserve the right to change my mind, too. You never stop learning.
I grew up in a Lutheran Church, which is essentially Catholic "lite". I guess I got away from it as a young adult. I've always considered myself a pretty smart guy, and the thought of something all-knowing didn't make a lot of sense to me. But I know there is something. There is something that connects us all to the universe.

I think I have to believe in something because the opposite of that is nothing.

I know that when I walk into a place of worship, I feel something. But I don't go often. It's been over 10 years, not counting funerals.

But last night, I saw that young man collapse. And it had an effect on me that I can't explain. He is someone's son. He is someone's brother. He is someone's friend.

While sitting quietly in shock watching the events unfold, I prayed for that young man and his family. Somehow he's moved me one step closer to God.
Seeing the replay of the play I thought of two things. The one discussed quite a bit with young people and vax. But the other being commotio cordis which I ran into with having to get catcher's chest protectors that are rated to help young athletes handle taking a foul ball of the chest protector. If that's the case it seems that it would be a very simple add to shoulder pads to help protect these players, especially defensive backs and receivers who have these chest-high collisions on a pretty regular basis. Then again, it may be overkill given the millions of such collisions that have happened over the years and this maybe being the first instance in football. I don't know.

Along with many here, definitely praying up for that young man and his family.
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