Compton is back!

Appreciate it!
I do appreciate the confirmation on Compton. Also, this confirms earlier info you posted. But there is still an open scholarship for 2023 and I think you indicated earlier that the player would potentially graduate in July. Is it the 6'9" Big out of So Cal? Because JB sure fits the profile and he was supposed to graduate in the 2023 class but was enrolled at Donta or what ever the name of Ye's school was and it's my understanding the school went out of business. Of course, you don't have to answer .

I think your guess is right on. In fact I'm changing my guess now to Jacob Bannarbie. I would like this pick up. I know he is not the highest ranked center, but I like how in the video he can move and drive on the dribble. Also he looks like he can shoot from distance. I know its just a video, and in videos it's hard to tell how good he is, but at least not one of those vids where he is just dunking. He may be more of a power forward but I'm good wit that.
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Also maybe this is a clue it's Bannarbie. He seems to like Dedan on his Twitter account post: BANNARBIE posted this:
@lobbybuu if @TimothyC3 is right on his guess dont confirm that it is him and that will be our clue it's him 🤣 no news is good news! 😁
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I wasn’t me who first suggested JB. That was Art8. I just followed up on it and there is a connection and facts to support it. Specifically where Lobby commented that the prospect would graduate in July. JB was in the 2023 class until he enrolled in the Donta school which went out of business. I would anticipate he would want to finish with his class if possible.
One other observation on Barnnabie. It appears the assessment of JB‘s game all reach the same conclusion after watching him play. He is a high major prospect.

From 247:

“High-major schools looking for new names up front would do well to investigate Jacob Bannarbie, who went for 18 points and 7 rebounds on Saturday. Like Nwoko, Bannarbie is powerful with a wide-frame that is virtually immovable in the paint. What is most impressive though is how well he moves. Specifically, the athletic bursts he shows are uncommon for a player his size. In one possession it will be his ability to break out and run the floor. In another it will be his ability to get off his feet vertically. Combine that with good hands inside and he looks the part of a clear high-major target.”
Also maybe this is a clue it's Bannarbie. He seems to like Dedan on his Twitter account post: BANNARBIE posted this:
@lobbybuu if @TimothyC3 is right on his guess dont confirm that it is him and that will be our clue it's him 🤣 no news is good news! 😁
Comments like this are exactly why I'm ending this run. Its very manipulative to say if I don't confirm that it is him, then its the clue that it is him.

This is exactly why my job is hard, because of people like you that are so desperate to the point that you think a non-reply is a confirmation of someone coming here. You were totally off base about Jazz Gardner and you're back at it again with making an assumption and then running with something that fits your narrative.

You say what you say and run with it and people read it and think youre correct and they run with it and tell others and it spreads like wildfire. Grow up and go live life instead of creating narratives about recruits.

Edit: And lets keep it honest, you sent me a whole essay on Twitter apologizing for badgering me, annoying me, and for the countless messages even though I don't reply, but you come on here and go straight back to creating your own narratives. I replied to you at first because I thought we could have regular convos that were fun, but you've taken it way too far.
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Comments like this are exactly why I'm ending this run. Its very manipulative to say if I don't confirm that it is him, then its the clue that it is him.

This is exactly why my job is hard, because of people like you that are so desperate to the point that you think a non-reply is a confirmation of someone coming here. You were totally off base about Jazz Gardner and you're back at it again with making an assumption and then running with something that fits your narrative.

You say what you say and run with it and people read it and think youre correct and they run with it and tell others and it spreads like wildfire. Grow up and go live life instead of creating narratives about recruits.

Edit: And lets keep it honest, you sent me a whole essay on Twitter apologizing for badgering me, annoying me, and for the countless messages even though I don't reply, but you come on here and go straight back to creating your own narratives. I replied to you at first because I thought we could have regular convos that were fun, but you've taken it way too far.
Then don’t confirm it.
Comments like this are exactly why I'm ending this run. Its very manipulative to say if I don't confirm that it is him, then its the clue that it is him.

This is exactly why my job is hard, because of people like you that are so desperate to the point that you think a non-reply is a confirmation of someone coming here. You were totally off base about Jazz Gardner and you're back at it again with making an assumption and then running with something that fits your narrative.

You say what you say and run with it and people read it and think youre correct and they run with it and tell others and it spreads like wildfire. Grow up and go live life instead of creating narratives about recruits.

Edit: And lets keep it honest, you sent me a whole essay on Twitter apologizing for badgering me, annoying me, and for the countless messages even though I don't reply, but you come on here and go straight back to creating your own narratives. I replied to you at first because I thought we could have regular convos that were fun, but you've taken it way too far.
Obviously, you can do what you like, but I'm not sure why you don't just block the specific people that are bothering you (including me if you want), then go about your business. That goes for on here and on twitter. Things are much more enjoyable with the 'ignore' function, and with the block or mute feature on other sites.

Hoping we'll still get info either here, twitter, or wherever, as it's been a breath of fresh air getting more information on the Rebs.
Obviously, you can do what you like, but I'm not sure why you don't just block the specific people that are bothering you (including me if you want), then go about your business. That goes for on here and on twitter. Things are much more enjoyable with the 'ignore' function, and with the block or mute feature on other sites.

Hoping we'll still get info either here, twitter, or wherever, as it's been a breath of fresh air getting more information on the Rebs.
I have blocked him on Twitter. Not sure how to block people on here. But it doesnt really matter if I block someone or not, theyll still create narratives and someone will tell me that x y or z said I said this or that.
I have blocked him on Twitter. Not sure how to block people on here. But it doesnt really matter if I block someone or not, theyll still create narratives and someone will tell me that x y or z said I said this or that.
On here, it's similar to how you send a message. Click on the persons name on the left (on a computer), then hit the "ignore" button.

Unfortunately, I don't think it's uncommon on social media to have this stuff happen. Just have to stand by what you say, and let others speculate or throw crap at the wall and see what sticks. It's not up to you to validate others requests, speculations, etc. Just don't answer if you don't want to.
Comments like this are exactly why I'm ending this run. Its very manipulative to say if I don't confirm that it is him, then its the clue that it is him.

This is exactly why my job is hard, because of people like you that are so desperate to the point that you think a non-reply is a confirmation of someone coming here. You were totally off base about Jazz Gardner and you're back at it again with making an assumption and then running with something that fits your narrative.

You say what you say and run with it and people read it and think youre correct and they run with it and tell others and it spreads like wildfire. Grow up and go live life instead of creating narratives about recruits.

Edit: And lets keep it honest, you sent me a whole essay on Twitter apologizing for badgering me, annoying me, and for the countless messages even though I don't reply, but you come on here and go straight back to creating your own narratives. I replied to you at first because I thought we could have regular convos that were fun, but you've taken it way too far.
I obviously don’t know the back story between you and certain people, but you seem to have an issue with people doing what fans do. These people that message you on twitter, don’t respond. These people that you argue with on twitter, don’t. Unless you want to, but don’t bitch afterwards. I have appreciated what you have brought to this board, it hasn’t been this exciting in a very long time. But my god, get off your high horse.
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I obviously don’t know the back story between you and certain people, but you seem to have an issue with people doing what fans do. These people that message you on twitter, don’t respond. These people that you argue with on twitter, don’t. Unless you want to, but don’t bitch afterwards. I have appreciated what you have brought to this board, it hasn’t been this exciting in a very long time. But my god, get off your high horse.
I don't see it as a high horse, but maybe more of a nuisance which makes his efforts more difficult. That's why I'm suggesting the block/ignore feature. Pretty much how it is on every message board I've been on. You have to learn to deal with difficult people, opposing views, etc, or block them.
I don't see it as a high horse, but maybe more of a nuisance which makes his efforts more difficult. That's why I'm suggesting the block/ignore feature. Pretty much how it is on every message board I've been on. You have to learn to deal with difficult people, opposing views, etc, or block them.
Don’t engage, it’s that simple.
Not on my high horse at all actually. I usually dont respond to DMs and I think youre misunderstanding the issue so I'll break it down one last time. Oftentimes, NOT ENGAGING IS THE BIGGEST ISSUE.

When I don't respond, they think they're right. They'll phrase things like how Rebel Hustle did, "If you dont respond, then I'll know I'm right about my guess" or something like that. Obviously I don't respond to that so they think theyre right and they go on about their business and tell their friends that I "confirmed" their hunch by not responding. Then it spreads and then I get blowback by the those involved. I'm talking about the camp of the player and coaching staffs.

Rebel Hustle and I have an interesting back story. He has caused a lot of trouble with his assumptions and narratives. I'll leave it at that. Thats why I mentioned him by name and not anyone else. No one here is causing me issues to the point of coaching staffs reaching out to me and the camps of some recruits except him. Idk who he tells or how he tells it, but people have mentioned him by name on multiple occasions. He has already been blocked. Thank you all for your comments, I'm trying to learn how to navigate all of this still.

Thats the last I'll say about this.
Not on my high horse at all actually. I usually dont respond to DMs and I think youre misunderstanding the issue so I'll break it down one last time. Oftentimes, NOT ENGAGING IS THE BIGGEST ISSUE.

When I don't respond, they think they're right. They'll phrase things like how Rebel Hustle did, "If you dont respond, then I'll know I'm right about my guess" or something like that. Obviously I don't respond to that so they think theyre right and they go on about their business and tell their friends that I "confirmed" their hunch by not responding. Then it spreads and then I get blowback by the those involved. I'm talking about the camp of the player and coaching staffs.

Rebel Hustle and I have an interesting back story. He has caused a lot of trouble with his assumptions and narratives. I'll leave it at that. Thats why I mentioned him by name and not anyone else. No one here is causing me issues to the point of coaching staffs reaching out to me and the camps of some recruits except him. Idk who he tells or how he tells it, but people have mentioned him by name on multiple occasions. He has already been blocked. Thank you all for your comments, I'm trying to learn how to navigate all of this still.

Thats the last I'll say about this.
Understood. I am in support of your “run” ending if its causing you torment. Thank you for bringing what you brought to the table.
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I really don’t see what the big deal is. It’s the internet where speculation is the norm. I was just following up on art8’s take and having some fun with it. Especially, when little if anything happening in sports right now to talk about. Also, I feel JB would be a decent pickup that could pay dividends down the road.
I don't see a high horse but if players/coaches are concerned it's affecting relationships it needs to stop at that. We can't afford people to be turned off by a few over excited fans, much like we wouldn't want them to be turned off by the crazy take ones either...
Sluething and Speculation is one thing, but forcing someone into a lose/lose situation through word choice which affects their access and their commitments to keep information at a minimum is damaging. Making a major decision like a college for a top player is a big deal to them and shouldn't be scooped away by us as eager fans. If someone offers information here and says they won't name the player but it's coming, that's all I'd expect them to say on the subject till more information is available. I enjoy reading the information and speculating on players but I'm not going to ask the individual to break their confidentiality
I don't see a high horse but if players/coaches are concerned it's affecting relationships it needs to stop at that. We can't afford people to be turned off by a few over excited fans, much like we wouldn't want them to be turned off by the crazy take ones either...
Sluething and Speculation is one thing, but forcing someone into a lose/lose situation through word choice which affects their access and their commitments to keep information at a minimum is damaging. Making a major decision like a college for a top player is a big deal to them and shouldn't be scooped away by us as eager fans. If someone offers information here and says they won't name the player but it's coming, that's all I'd expect them to say on the subject till more information is available. I enjoy reading the information and speculating on players but I'm not going to ask the individual to break their confidentiality
People don't realize how fans taking information from here and making it known on the socials will truly affect our relationships with staffs, players, etc. It really does harm when you try to be the one who breaks a story that you know nothing about, and, worse, when you have no permission to break it.

Part of trusting a school, etc, is being able to tell them your intentions without ruining other relationships.
If any fan goes on social media and makes a declaration of a player's "silent commitment" then that player may change their mind and look elsewhere. Having loose lips really does hurt!
Comments like this are exactly why I'm ending this run. Its very manipulative to say if I don't confirm that it is him, then its the clue that it is him.

This is exactly why my job is hard, because of people like you that are so desperate to the point that you think a non-reply is a confirmation of someone coming here. You were totally off base about Jazz Gardner and you're back at it again with making an assumption and then running with something that fits your narrative.

You say what you say and run with it and people read it and think youre correct and they run with it and tell others and it spreads like wildfire. Grow up and go live life instead of creating narratives about recruits.

Edit: And lets keep it honest, you sent me a whole essay on Twitter apologizing for badgering me, annoying me, and for the countless messages even though I don't reply, but you come on here and go straight back to creating your own narratives. I replied to you at first because I thought we could have regular convos that were fun, but you've taken it way too far.
Sorry just having fun being a Rebel fan didn't mean too upset. Just thought I was being funny with the comment. I appreciate your insight and I'm just waiting to see who we sign
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People don't realize how fans taking information from here and making it known on the socials will truly affect our relationships with staffs, players, etc. It really does harm when you try to be the one who breaks a story that you know nothing about, and, worse, when you have no permission to break it.

Part of trusting a school, etc, is being able to tell them your intentions without ruining other relationships.
If any fan goes on social media and makes a declaration of a player's "silent commitment" then that player may change their mind and look elsewhere. Having loose lips really does hurt!
I understand what your saying. I don't post anything on media who has committed that has not been made public. I was just guessing and having fun with it on However I do understand that my kidding went to far and how people would take the post as actually truth. I appreciate this forum, people and specially @Lobbyluu Intel.
Comments like this are exactly why I'm ending this run. Its very manipulative to say if I don't confirm that it is him, then its the clue that it is him.

This is exactly why my job is hard, because of people like you that are so desperate to the point that you think a non-reply is a confirmation of someone coming here. You were totally off base about Jazz Gardner and you're back at it again with making an assumption and then running with something that fits your narrative.

You say what you say and run with it and people read it and think youre correct and they run with it and tell others and it spreads like wildfire. Grow up and go live life instead of creating narratives about recruits.

Edit: And lets keep it honest, you sent me a whole essay on Twitter apologizing for badgering me, annoying me, and for the countless messages even though I don't reply, but you come on here and go straight back to creating your own narratives. I replied to you at first because I thought we could have regular convos that were fun, but you've taken it way too far.
Certain posters have zero patience or attention span (essentially act like little kids and on road trip). Are we there yet? I get being a fan and being excited about the off season but it’s not right to run with speculation the way they do.
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This is like watching someone who hit a lottery melt down because the money ruined their life! LMAO

Certain posters have zero patience or attention span (essentially act like little kids and on road trip). Are we there yet? I get being a fan and being excited about the off season but it’s not right to run with speculation the way they do.
I just drove 4 hours and I'm glad I'm here, time for a beer (road Trip). I did keep telling myself when will I get there, And I was acting like a kid when the 91 champion Rebels came through airport when they went to the Carson Capital. Autograph basketball and all, been many years since we have been that good. Nothing is set in stone until the season starts. Nothing is wrong with hoping or speculating about a player and was just a playful joke. Every group site in college basketball does it. I do believe the joke was taken wrong and the story behind the whole thing was exaggerated.

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