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Who will be the next president of the United States and why?

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Lottery Pick
Dec 17, 2005
238 the door.

I’m not trying to introduce the always-volatile subject of politics onto this board. It only leads to bad feelings between those with opposing opinions. But I take serious issue with whoever uses the twitter handle “Make UNLV Great Again @rebelnetuser”.

This person is using our beloved Rebels to promote the candidacy of Donald Trump. I could use this space to refute the talking points spouted in the tweets, but I prefer to leave my politics for an appropriate forum. The Rebels are about basketball.

It is not my intent for this thread to be used to espouse anyone’s particular views on the Presidential race. I’m certain that there are opinions which run the gamut from left to right, and that is how it should be. I’m just asking whoever is posting these tweets to disassociate themselves from the Rebels. You do not speak for UNLV, The Rebels, or Rebel-Net

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I’m not trying to introduce the always-volatile subject of politics onto this board. It only leads to bad feelings between those with opposing opinions. But I take serious issue with whoever uses the twitter handle “Make UNLV Great Again @rebelnetuser”.

This person is using our beloved Rebels to promote the candidacy of Donald Trump. I could use this space to refute the talking points spouted in the tweets, but I prefer to leave my politics for an appropriate forum. The Rebels are about basketball.

It is not my intent for this thread to be used to espouse anyone’s particular views on the Presidential race. I’m certain that there are opinions which run the gamut from left to right, and that is how it should be. I’m just asking whoever is posting these tweets to disassociate themselves from the Rebels. You do not speak for UNLV, The Rebels, or Rebel-Net

You're getting upset over a couple of political tweets? Where has this guy said he represented UNLV, The Rebels, or Rebel-Net? Last time I checked we are entitled to free speech (which includes parody accounts).
So let me get this straight... Someone on twitter that happens to be a UNLV fan, makes a post about Trump, and leaves it on twitter...

Then you post a link, to the tweet, on Rebel-net without provocation...

You just brought the politics to the front door, let them in, and started a party. Well done.
That was a strange post, or motivation for a post anyways.

Now that the cat is out of the bag, I actually wish there was a spot people could list their candidate of choice.

That way I know who not to take seriously anymore.

If you think Trump is fit to be President... Wow
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As much as the Republican party hates her and has tried to keep her out of the Whitehouse, they are still defecting to Clinton in waves.

What does that tell you?

I hate Clinton, I am a Bernie Sanders guy.

Trying to say that they are a toss up is baffling.

The rest of the world is laughing at us. This will be looked at as some sort of mass delusion in a few decades.
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Screw the candidates. The ballot questions that will really have a significant impact on the state of Nevada are questions #1 and #2. Just sayin. I better throw in an IMO in there for political correctness...
Well, despite my plea, as the originator of this thread, to refrain from turning into a political debate, here we are. And thanks for the pointed rebukes. “Where has this guy said he represented UNLV, The Rebels, or Rebel-Net?”…Seriously? He titles himself “Make UNLV Great Again @rebelnetuser”…am I really the only one who finds that representative of this site?

And since we’re delving into Presidential politics, please mark me down as “being with her”. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but if your opinion is that Trump would make a wonderful Commander-in-Chief, then with all due respect, your head is clearly in the sand.

Say all you wish about Hillary, and frankly, most of the “she can’t be trusted” stuff is just the GOP making the claim over and over again until it becomes fact. In reality, she’s spent her entire adult life seeking to better the lives of Americans as First Lady, Senator, and Secretary-of-State. The whole email scandal is much ado about nothing. Were mistakes made? Sure. Was anything actually illegal done as a result? Not according to the FBI.

What else? Oh yeah, she collected huge speaking fees from Wall St. So what? Again, no one received any political favors. But again, Republicans love to make veiled accusations based on optics, not facts. Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi…again, despite committee after committee, nothing there.

And don’t even dare to contend that the Clinton Foundation is some seedy operation. It has collected billions of dollars which have all been used to battle disease in Third World countries. Not a single dollar has been collected by Bill, Hillary or Chelsea. Compare that to the despicable operation called the Trump Foundation. He’s used it as his personal ATM. Occasionally borrowing from Peter to pay Paul in the form of charitable contributions in his name, while never personally adding a single dollar out of his own pocket. But mostly, he uses it to pay off some of the endless legal orders to satisfy the contractors that he has stiffed.

Why do you suppose he refuses to release his taxes? Surely you’re not buying the “audit” B.S. At the very least it will show how “charitable” he is. He all but admitted during the debate that he’s paid no taxes for many years. He says it makes him “smart”. So those of us who contribute our fair share are all dopes? Very Presidential.

I can go on and on about his racism, sexism, xenophobia etc, but it’s really unnecessary. If everything you’ve seen and heard about this man hasn’t swayed your support, then obviously his camp is exactly where you belong. Let’s just hope, for the sake of the nation, that you’re not in the majority on Nov. 8th…
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Well, despite my plea, as the originator of this thread, to refrain from turning into a political debate, here we are. And thanks for the pointed rebukes. “Where has this guy said he represented UNLV, The Rebels, or Rebel-Net?”…Seriously? He titles himself “Make UNLV Great Again @rebelnetuser”…am I really the only one who finds that representative of this site?

And since we’re delving into Presidential politics, please mark me down as “being with her”. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but if your opinion is that Trump would make a wonderful Commander-in-Chief, then with all due respect, your head is clearly in the sand.

Say all you wish about Hillary, and frankly, most of the “she can’t be trusted” stuff is just the GOP making the claim over and over again until it becomes fact. In reality, she’s spent her entire adult life seeking to better the lives of Americans as First Lady, Senator, and Secretary-of-State. The whole email scandal is much ado about nothing. Were mistakes made? Sure. Was anything actually illegal done as a result? Not according to the FBI.

What else? Oh yeah, she collected huge speaking fees from Wall St. So what? Again, no one received any political favors. But again, Republicans love to make veiled accusations based on optics, not facts. Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi…again, despite committee after committee, nothing there.

And don’t even dare to contend that the Clinton Foundation is some seedy operation. It has collected billions of dollars which have all been used to battle disease in Third World countries. Not a single dollar has been collected by Bill, Hillary or Chelsea. Compare that to the despicable operation called the Trump Foundation. He’s used it as his personal ATM. Occasionally borrowing from Peter to pay Paul in the form of charitable contributions in his name, while never personally adding a single dollar out of his own pocket. But mostly, he uses it to pay off some of the endless legal orders to satisfy the contractors that he has stiffed.

Why do you suppose he refuses to release his taxes? Surely you’re not buying the “audit” B.S. At the very least it will show how “charitable” he is. He all but admitted during the debate that he’s paid no taxes for many years. He says it makes him “smart”. So those of us who contribute our fair share are all dopes? Very Presidential.

I can go on and on about his racism, sexism, xenophobia etc, but it’s really unnecessary. If everything you’ve seen and heard about this man hasn’t swayed your support, then obviously his camp is exactly where you belong. Let’s just hope, for the sake of the nation, that you’re not in the majority on Nov. 8th…

Very well said.

Some more stats that boggle the mind. Clinton is seen as untrustworthy, which she is, she is a politician. Trump supporters say that over and over again. Meanwhile, they are supporting the guy who has lied more than any nominee on record.

Depending on when the facts were checked, Trump lies at an astounding 50+%. That is on the low end. He has been tracked up at the 75% mark.

Clinton, she is usually around 15%. Lower than the average politician.

This is just an example of the brainwashing the GOP and faux news has led the public through for the last 8 years. It started when they knew they were going to have to contend with her in 2016.

Despite the fact that she is the most qualified person ever to run for president, she is more honest than your average politician, and she is respected by world leaders and diplomats around the world, some people will still vote for Trump. It is absolutely mind boggling.

They are actually pricing a Trump presidency into certain investments on wall street. They are so sure that this epic businessman can fix this countries financial problems they are preparing for a crash if he wins.
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Come on people...


Im out of the country but everywhere around the world, people actually are interested.

Im voting for Trump. He`s a freakin troll.he`s not stupid. He`zs gonna surround himself with way smarter savvier(sp) people than him. If George H. Bush can be president so can anybody else. I didnt even know you could grab a girl by the cooch. Next chick i see at the chicken Ranch. Gonna ask if i can pull them by the cooch.see if I can pick her up and twirl her like a pizza. Yup thats on my bucket list.

And im honest about the republicans. All they want to do is start wars. Not a big fan of that. Wouldnt want my nephews or anybody serving that I know that needs to be killed (needlessly). Ideologically growing up, i thought they stood for conservative values..well sh*t, I dont think ive ever acted conservative in public.

And these democrats. All their votes are on racial lines and entitlement. Vote for Hillary cause she`s a woman. Mexicans never liked whitey so they are voting out of spite. Dunno what the hell Trump did to them in their personal lives. And those morons you see at black lives matter movements, your vote goes right alongside these a holes.i get it. Cops kill people. Been doing so since roman times. Im in Rome right now. Can you imagine christians outside the coliseum back in the day with a “christian lives matter” sign starting riots and..

In the grand scheme of things, Hilary is going to win and the country will be back where we were at in the 90`s cause Bill will be running the show anyway.

The world is going to happy you live in a country thats gonna be safe when it happens. See yall in 2 days.

This is why I don't vote.

Don't tell me its not patroitic. I served my service, I bleed Red White and Blue. I have even worked in politics (both sides) I just rather not be involved. Its all the same thing. Its a giant dog and pony show thats designed to sell ratings as reality tv.
At least vote yes on 2 and leave the rest blank..

Im voting for Cortez Masto if anybody gives a flying F..
This is why I don't vote.

Don't tell me its not patroitic. I served my service, I bleed Red White and Blue. I have even worked in politics (both sides) I just rather not be involved. Its all the same thing. Its a giant dog and pony show thats designed to sell ratings as reality tv.

I have no right, nor would I ever accuse you of a lack of patriotism. And you have every right to abstain from voting.

What you sacrifice, in my opinion, is the right to complain over any results/consequences, immediate or in the future. If you choose to sit on the sidelines, then you should be required to remain a spectator for the next four years.
Anyone`s esteemed opinion on Danny Tark?
I`m Gonna vote for him. Always liked his opinion when he used to log in at Rebel Net.
Im probably gonna jinx it but Trump is winning so far
At least vote yes on 2 and leave the rest blank..

Im voting for Cortez Masto if anybody gives a flying F..

Too much negative campaigning. How many ads everytime I watch a YT vid.

Honestly I voted for her cause She`d get the turtle anyday of the week.
I voted for Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho. He had a 3-point plan to fix everything and make sure we all had burrito coverings.

Every media outlet had Trump ahead in every poll by at least 4 points.

What basketball game would u liken this race too?

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