8.5 BILLION for UNLV??

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Last time I gave money to Warner Bros was Matrix 4 Ressurectins 4..

The ultimate in bait and switch movie.

I still, Trinity is the one.
if we can build a film school also with their backing would only increase $ for UNLV.
There should be a lease payment to UNLV somewhere in the proposal. Have no idea what it is. Also, the article mentioned about a training facility and internships for UNLV. I think that with the $8.5 billion to be spent that creates 7,500 positions as well as the proposals for two other studios, the movie industry should get tax credits.
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There should be a lease payment to UNLV somewhere in the proposal. Have no idea what it is. Also, the article mentioned about a training facility and internships for UNLV. I think that with the $8.5 billion to be spent that creates 7,500 positions as well as the proposals for two other studios, the movie industry should get tax credits.
Why should they get tax breaks? How much are those tax breaks? What benefit does it bring to those of us who do pay taxes? How much of a financial impact will it be on the tax payers and citizens of this state for bringing in jobs? If they are getting tax breaks, who is paying for the impact of the traffic in the southwest area of town that already has major road infrastructure issues in the area around the UNLV research center? Tax breaks are typically provided to bring in a new industry to the area that may go somewhere else, but in this case they are coming in after the door was already opened by the Sony Movie studio.

The Sony Movie Studio is Summerlin, which includes backing by Mark Wahlberg and Sony, hasn't asked for a special tax break, and hasn't put a condition on coming to Las Vegas being based on getting a tax break. Why are things different for WB Studios? It is obvious that they are piggy backing off the work done by Mark Wahlberg and are using UNLV in an attempt to justify getting a tax break.
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$8.5 billion is more than I make in a YEAR
Scrooge Mcduck GIF
Couch change for Elon!
Only if there are enough idiots, fake votes, and illegals to put her back in office!
Unfortunately, Rebel1986, there are. There are so many people who absolutely hate Donald Trump that their mind is already made up without looking at the facts of the two candidates. They have no idea that she's actually a leftist, socialist.
Hearing Scamala change accents is so god damn cringe.
I understand not wanting to debate, not wanting to field questions, desiring a script. Her and Biden … they are really bad at speaking. Really bad.
It is really hard to be able to justify 3.5 years of policies, while telling everyone that isn't what I will do when in charge!
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I understand not wanting to debate, not wanting to field questions, desiring a script. Her and Biden … they are really bad at speaking. Really bad.
It's an insult actually to the electorate. I would really like to see election reform. That includes, how early a candidate can declare their intentions, no money from any groups like pacs, unions, a non-partisan committee that insures "truth in advertising", restrictions with mail-in voting and voter ID. I know that I'm dreaming.
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It's an insult actually to the electorate. I would really like to see election reform. That includes, how early a candidate can declare their intentions, no money from any groups like pacs, unions, a non-partisan committee that insures "truth in advertising", restrictions with mail-in voting and voter ID. I know that I'm dreaming.
It’s a horrible insult to intelligence on many fronts. That press won’t ask legitimate questions, won’t press. Play the victim if they are. That they won’t field questions, that they won’t release plans until after the election.
President election is not key or never will be, politics America sucks, both parties, need term limits on all these fools in office. Unless your multi millionaire neither party cares, that's facts. Working in DC for 30 yrs and total shit party pitching from both sides. The BS from both of them. F them with Reno.
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