What happen to the Plan?


Conference POY
Gold Member
Mar 9, 2008
Las Vegas!
What happen to the plan of this team playing full court D that created transition baskets? Season started out that way, but the Plan was junked way too early because it had growing pains. I think everyone expected that - but if that was where they were going they should have stuck with it through thick and thin. In the Fresno Stats game the Rebels had 5 fast break points!! The plan was developed because of the depth of the roster and had bad the Rebels half court sets were/are. Nothing has changed except now the Rebels once in awhile go full court D. Why???
I keep going back to this, but for me all problems begin with the player initiating the offense. Better PG decision making leads to better half court sets and more opportunity to press off made baskets. If we want to dictate tempo we have to make shots.

Opportunities to run against Fresno were so few and far between because the Rebels couldn't make a basket. Seagears wild drives and Ike's 40' jumpers just aren't productive. We need guards who won't force stupid sh** in our half court sets if we want to press and run consistently I think.

We all love aggressive, attacking defense that leads to offense. I just think we can't expect to see that style of play consistently as long as our opponents know we're a pathetic half court team who cant execute at all.
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If the opponent wants to run and play wide open this Rebel roster can compete with anyone.

If the opponent has any sense at all they'll suck the air out of the ball and force the Rebels to score in half court sets. Inevidible drought ensues... Turnover, bad 3, wild drive, contested 3, turnover... 8-0 run.

Pretty sure we know what MW opponents are going to do to us all year. Wonder if Rice will make any adjustments. I doubt the seniors change their approach much as the season goes on.
Rice has promised the press and run game every year. It's his inability to teach and coach it is why he abandons it. This in turn puts doubts in his players as well. He recruits on this style of play then, abandons it quickly every year because he panics. This type of play will result in some easy baskets for other team once in awhile of course but, as the game goes on the constant pressure and pressing should wear down the other team and create some easy baskets for the rebels. This type of play requires tons of dislipline, tons of team work, and top conditioning. Tarks practices consisted of more conditioning then anything else. Nothing replaces, energy and flat out 100% hustle at all times. Some of Tarks practices they never brought a basketball out. Kruger was simular. He had mandatory goals for his players to hit in the mile run and other conditioning drills. Loved how after a bad lost Kruger made the team take off all their Rebel gear because they did not earn the right to wear it and made them run for the entire practice.
Rice has promised the press and run game every year. It's his inability to teach and coach it is why he abandons it. This in turn puts doubts in his players as well. He recruits on this style of play then, abandons it quickly every year because he panics. This type of play will result in some easy baskets for other team once in awhile of course but, as the game goes on the constant pressure and pressing should wear down the other team and create some easy baskets for the rebels. This type of play requires tons of dislipline, tons of team work, and top conditioning. Tarks practices consisted of more conditioning then anything else. Nothing replaces, energy and flat out 100% hustle at all times. Some of Tarks practices they never brought a basketball out. Kruger was simular. He had mandatory goals for his players to hit in the mile run and other conditioning drills. Loved how after a bad lost Kruger made the team take off all their Rebel gear because they did not earn the right to wear it and made them run for the entire practice.
Never, ever saw a single Kruger practice without a basketball. There is a period of conditioning over the summer that every team is allowed, but basketballs aren't allowed by the NCAA. So it wasn't optional.

As for with Tark, basketball was far better back then. They had extra "voluntary" assistants, could spend plenty of time with individual player development - because there wasn't a limit on how much time coaches could work players. Today, there are strict guidelines and teams get about 1/4th the practice/conditioning/film/individual development time that they were allowed in the 80's and 90's.

It's made for a much worse game nationally. All over the country, conditioning isn't what it used to be and either is individual development. Nutrition and strength are better today. But you could count the number of drop steps or off hand moves in the post nowadays on two hands over the course of the season as compared to somebody like little used David Willard having those in his arsenal regularly.

It's really tough to compare today's game to 20 years ago. Rules are different, time and resource allocation is even more different.
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Rice has promised the press and run game every year. It's his inability to teach and coach it is why he abandons it. This in turn puts doubts in his players as well. He recruits on this style of play then, abandons it quickly every year because he panics. This type of play will result in some easy baskets for other team once in awhile of course but, as the game goes on the constant pressure and pressing should wear down the other team and create some easy baskets for the rebels. This type of play requires tons of dislipline, tons of team work, and top conditioning. Tarks practices consisted of more conditioning then anything else. Nothing replaces, energy and flat out 100% hustle at all times. Some of Tarks practices they never brought a basketball out. Kruger was simular. He had mandatory goals for his players to hit in the mile run and other conditioning drills. Loved how after a bad lost Kruger made the team take off all their Rebel gear because they did not earn the right to wear it and made them run for the entire practice.
Guys make shots you press, guys miss shots no press. The PG part is a huge issue as well. By saying that Rice does not know how to coach this style of play is also saying that his assistants also do not know how to coach this style of play and that would include a guy that may have been the best defender ever at UNLV.

Practice rules have changed since the Tark days.

AAU basketball was not nearly as big back then. AAU circuit has created a really bad brand of basketball overall. And unfortunately that has bled over into the college game.

Hustle and energy are important but that comes from within individual players. A coach should not have to scream at a kid to get him to play hard. Sorry give me the self motivated guy every time over the guy I have to 'remind' to play hard. An occasional kick in the shorts sure, but when you are seeing a team the constantly lacks focus or energy, that is more a testament to their character than any type of coaching flaw. That is a player that is more concerned about me instead of we..Great players are self motivated..What is the difference between Dwight Howard and Tim Duncan? Howard physically has more tools than Duncan, but Duncan comes to work everyday where as Howard does it when he feels like it. No amount of yelling or screaming is ever going to change a guy like that. So maybe instead of blaming Rice for not motivating his players enough we should blame him for recruiting players that need to be motivated..

As for Kruger, that guy sure is getting a lot of love around here lately considering 5 years ago the consensus was he needed to go...
As for Kruger, that guy sure is getting a lot of love around here lately considering 5 years ago the consensus was he needed to go...

Currently 11-0, ranked #3. Never got us that high, for sure, but his teams consistently played hard and valued the ball.

I read up on his current team and the thing that stands out to me is their top 6 scorers are senior, junior, senior, senior, sophomore, senior.
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Currently 11-0, ranked #3. Never got us that high, for sure, but his teams consistently played hard and valued the ball.

I read up on his current team and the thing that stands out to me is their top 6 scorers are senior, junior, senior, senior, sophomore, senior.

Veteran group of guys. Rice potentially has his PG coming next year, and would have a couple of solid upperclassmen, just not sure he will be here.
Or how many guys will stick around at the end of the year. Presidence under Rice is a high turn over year after year. I keep going things will change each season. ......

Hats off to Kruger.
Well we know that after a change of a coach there can be a great change in the players staying as well. This program has seen a large turnover in players every year so if there is a change of coaches maybe the change in players will be very little to no change at all.
Guys make shots you press, guys miss shots no press. The PG part is a huge issue as well. By saying that Rice does not know how to coach this style of play is also saying that his assistants also do not know how to coach this style of play and that would include a guy that may have been the best defender ever at UNLV.

Practice rules have changed since the Tark days.

AAU basketball was not nearly as big back then. AAU circuit has created a really bad brand of basketball overall. And unfortunately that has bled over into the college game.

Hustle and energy are important but that comes from within individual players. A coach should not have to scream at a kid to get him to play hard. Sorry give me the self motivated guy every time over the guy I have to 'remind' to play hard. An occasional kick in the shorts sure, but when you are seeing a team the constantly lacks focus or energy, that is more a testament to their character than any type of coaching flaw. That is a player that is more concerned about me instead of we..Great players are self motivated..What is the difference between Dwight Howard and Tim Duncan? Howard physically has more tools than Duncan, but Duncan comes to work everyday where as Howard does it when he feels like it. No amount of yelling or screaming is ever going to change a guy like that. So maybe instead of blaming Rice for not motivating his players enough we should blame him for recruiting players that need to be motivated..

As for Kruger, that guy sure is getting a lot of love around here lately considering 5 years ago the consensus was he needed to go...

Yes it is that simple: made basket press. We abandoned that quickly like every year after Rice preaches that's the style of play he is going to run and they have practiced? I can see getting a group that it may not work.for but, Rice has had several recruiting classes now, he has recruited for that STYLE of play yet each group of kids and each year, same results. Promise of press, swears and preaches that the style of play he is going for and by mid season it's gone.

Yes coaches get into players. Was watching Michigan state game, izzo all in a kids face, watching west virgina same thing, watch coach K same thing.

It is a rare human nature, especially a college kid to be self motivated at all times. That's what a coach is for. Set goals for players and hold them accountable when they don't reach them. When Rice pulls a player he gives them a high five and the player makes no eye contact and ignores him. Rice should follow the kid down the bench and demand eye contact and give the kid some kind of teachable moment.

Anyone can draw a play up or tell someone how to break a zone. I can get on you tube and figure that out in 5 minutes. Great coaches are the ones who can motivate, and get players to play above their abilities, and play as a team. Play after play, day after day. Give them.purpose and drive.

At this point anyone that can't see that Rice is the major problem: then your in major denial.

Do I hope he turns it around. Yes!

But all accountibility is out on him after 5 seasons of same results and different players.
If you don't agree with me you're in denial. If you support the coach you don't support the program. If you think this thing is the problem you're wrong, that thing is the problem.... Blah blah blah.

Nobody is in denial and nobody isn't holding people accountable. Stop it with that already.
If you don't agree with me you're in denial. If you support the coach you don't support the program. If you think this thing is the problem you're wrong, that thing is the problem.... Blah blah blah.

Nobody is in denial and nobody isn't holding people accountable. Stop it with that already.

Lol. Glad your not in denial.
You're like a teenager.
Thanks man. I try to work.out and stay young.

I'll I do is state my opinion. You seem to get very defensive about it. When frustrated by my opinion you counter with blah blah blah lol
Its cool.. I maybe totally wrong. Don't let it get to you. I type all this stuff while I'm running on treadmill at gym.or between lifts so I'm a little light headed. I'm a huge Rebel fan and want what's best for the team, have defended to the end Rice the past 4 and half years. Have posted from day one PG is huge issue and seagears should not be starting. Took crap for that to.

It's cool to see great rebel fans like you on here as passionate as I am.
Dang you made me go back and read what i wrote.

I totally understand defending Rice. If my relatives or friends call me and bash Rice, as they are fans of other teams, I ripped them apart and defend Rice to the end along with UNLV.

What I have stated is that Rice is the major issue with the programs decline. Didn't say he was the entire issue but, it falls on him. That's it. Are there other issues? Yep Do I truly hope Rice and tram turn it around? More than anything. I have saw glimpses of Rice coaching well and players following the system and playing hard this year so I know it's possible and just hope they figure out how to bring that night after night. So yes the potential is there, just shaking Rice sometimes and telling him go body bump a player or raise your hands to the fans or dance in the huddle. Lol. Ok yeah maybe I do act like a teenager..
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I said it after the last couple of seasons. When you have to replace your best players every year you won't win consistently. How many on here would like to have C Wood back? Every player that leaves Rebelnet considers it addition by subtraction.
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