Black Friday sales..I don’t have any UNLV Football gear.


Making UNLV relevent again for locals
May 29, 2001
Dang I wanna get a UNLV puffer jacket but it’s 109 dollars.

Should be lots of good stuff on sale.

Are u guys eyeing anything

Dammit it’s a girl size I don’t give a damn..

Dammit it’s a girl size I don’t give a damn..
If you buy that some girl will be deprived. Dont do it.
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Rob, I took my oldest son (15 y.o) fishing with me today. I nearly loss a fishing pole because a ginormous snake head fish bite my bait while we were cooking our eggs and sausages. Man, that fish is big and aggressive. 6lbs+. Then a 4 foot alligator crawl into shore in front of us and died. Looks like he is bleeding out after a fight with something. He died and my son went to grab him and he snarled at him. LOL. If you never seen a 15 years old dude who stood at 6'1 nearly 300lbs scared of something. I wish I can describe it. LOL. Anyway, that gator is going to be jerky meat.
Rob, I took my oldest son (15 y.o) fishing with me today. I nearly loss a fishing pole because a ginormous snake head fish bite my bait while we were cooking our eggs and sausages. Man, that fish is big and aggressive. 6lbs+. Then a 4 foot alligator crawl into shore in front of us and died. Looks like he is bleeding out after a fight with something. He died and my son went to grab him and he snarled at him. LOL. If you never seen a 15 years old dude who stood at 6'1 nearly 300lbs scared of something. I wish I can describe it. LOL. Anyway, that gator is going to be jerky meat.
My son threw that gator so hard on the ground, I think he broke its neck. No more hissing after that.
All I can say is that the opposing players better be grateful that my son is not playing football this year. Never lift weight yet but naturally strong and not fat but just big and extremely strong. I dont know who to compare to. Just big and strong and smart as f*ck. He asked me about Farraday's constant today while we heading to our fishing place.
My son threw that gator so hard on the ground, I think he broke its neck. No more hissing after that.
Anyhow, I better finish the story because it is on Youtube and it is going public soon. I have always told him to chew his food properly. After he threw that gator into the ground. He threw it so hard that not only kills that gator but it also make it poops out through its nose and butt. He saw that and starting a projectile vomits out his sausage and eggs that he just ate. That damn sausage was not chewed properly. I saw that, I start throwing up too ...violently. Two tourists saw us throwing up next to the gator start taking pictures. WTF! All kind of f*ck up and it is in YouTube somewhere.
Went to kohls and target in Henderson near galleria and no stuff
I really have not seen much UNLV stuff around town to purchase. My expectation is that it will be much easier to find if UNLV keeps winning though the MWC championship and bowl games. Usually by October football season is over, so this is something new for those in charge of purchasing at the various stores.
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Dammit I got 1 UNLV long sleeve shirt champion 25 bucks.
Anyhow, I better finish the story because it is on Youtube and it is going public soon. I have always told him to chew his food properly. After he threw that gator into the ground. He threw it so hard that not only kills that gator but it also make it poops out through its nose and butt. He saw that and starting a projectile vomits out his sausage and eggs that he just ate. That damn sausage was not chewed properly. I saw that, I start throwing up too ...violently. Two tourists saw us throwing up next to the gator start taking pictures. WTF! All kind of f*ck up and it is in YouTube somewhere.
Dude I saw a Komodo dragon vs a crocodile!!!

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